
My life without you ( You are my world )

You have bewitched me, my body and my soul. Meeting you was the best thing which I have ever experienced because I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. You made me a better person, and I don't ever want to live my life without you by my side. As my life begins with you and my life ends with you. *********** P.S : This is an story which is written by me and it’s my first work. Am not a translator and am not translating it. If there is any grammatical error and spellings mistakes then please try to understand.... As English is not my first language!! As am not perfect and we learn through mistakes! ************ #youaremyworld Instagram- l.dnurse Twitter- ley_dolma Fb page link - https://m.facebook.com/leydolma/ ************* My other up coming novel -An Unfinished Story Of Past Life ************* The cover is not mine… Credit goes to the original owner and thank you for this beautiful cover!!

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31 Chs

Where is she?

At the forest

In a foggy windy night, One of the man said "hey! where is she?" All of the gang glanced at each other and looked on the ground in unison.... When they discovered, she wasn't there, They felt astonished and they heart were filled with feared. Second man replied "She was laying here unconsciously. Where did she went?" Third man replied "How's that possible no body realised she was gone? How we will reply to young master Yi long? He told us to bury her alive before he left." "If he found that his little sister has escaped, then he will surely kill us." Second man replied. "We don't have much time, before sunrise we have to search for her. Am sure she can't escape far because her right leg is wounded." Fourth man replied.

They all went to search for her in the forests in a different directions. 4am the moment when the upper limb of the sun appears on the horizon in the morning.

Second man said to his men "We have to inform to young master Yi long." Fifth man replied "No! We can't because he will kill us." First man replied "Second brother is right. We have to inform to him." They all nodded their head and went out from the forest.

In the castle

Brilliant orange patterns from morning sunrise light shining through window blinds and forming silhouettes on a bedroom wall, she slowing open her eyes and her eyes wander on vintage bedroom interior, innovative luxury design furnitures near the bedside of the guest room. Grey and gold curtain design hang on both side of the window. She seat on the bed while stretching her body.

"Knock knock knock" she looked at the door. "Yes! Come in." Aunt Lin walked in "Good morning Miss Sun! I have brought a breakfast and dresse for you." She said while looking at her cheerful face.

"Good morning Aunt Lin! Thank you and put it on the table. I want to get fresh up then will eat the breakfast."

Aunt Lin help her towards the washroom by supporting her right arm. She help her to clean her body with the wet towel and brought her back to her bed. She place the food tray near her which contained cereal, toast, yogurts, ham with egg, cream and orange juice.

She took the small bite of the toast. While chewing it and placing a glass of orange juice near her mouth. she asked "where is young master?"

"First young master went to mansion and he will return after two days."

"Oh! Ok! thank you and I will leave after a while and I thought to thank him." "You don't have to worry Miss Sun. First young master advised us to look after you until he returns back. And doctor Shen Zi will come here today to check on your wound."

She gaze at her with a hesitation on her face and said "Oh! Thank you Aunt Lin." "You are welcome Miss Sun. You can go to library to read books which is next to your room or you can watch a television if you feel bored. If you need anything you can called us." Aunt Lin said.

Her eyes were filled with tears but she tried hard to control her emotions. "Thank you so much." "You don't have to thank us in everything as it's our job to serve first young master and his guests." She replied and she excused herself with the tray on her hand.

Li Mansion,

A strong, tall, handsome man walked out from his black car Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Who was wearing a black suits from Van Heusen brand. Which consists of back pant and white shirt, and a formal black leather shoes from London Derby brand.

A middle age man butler Chen who has been serving in Li mansion for 20 years and Secretary Ming 31 years old. He was handsome and understanding man of Yun. Saw his boss who's still 2 years younger than him.

They walked towards him. They bowed and greeted "Hello First young master! Everyone is waiting inside. please this way."

They walk towards the door of the mansion. Mansion was designed same as castle but mansion was huge with triple size of the castle. It was a huge mansion with 5 floors and 30 rooms. Elder Li collected whole rooms of furnitures and antiques which was well organized. There were natural gardens which was huge. There were sort of the opposite of Longwood which is very cultured, these were more natural seeking to be harmonious with nature.

Inside the hall of Li mansion, Elders were waiting for their grand son. Li Xiao Mi who is still in her 67 with a elegant looked. Excited fill in her eyes to meet her grandson after 6 years. She did not feel, she could wait more to see her grandson. She rosed to her feet and said "I don't know how long it will take him to arrive here? It's been a long since we last saw him."

Yun left the Li mansion for 6 years. He promised to himself that he will never put his foot in Li mansion until his stepmother leaves the house. He never talk to anyone of his relatives. Between in those 6 years, he left the C Country and went to foreign country to pursue his MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. He has achieved many awards and fame. Recently he came back to C country to implement to build a healing garden.

Li Meng Meng who was 69 years old with a grey hair on his head. He was wearing a Chinese cut collar white shirt with pant. He walk towards her wife and put his hand on her shoulder and he said "It's okey sweetheart! Take it easy. It's not good for your heart."

"Pa, Ma! Yun has arrived" heard a sound from behind. Li Jin Yu and Yun walked in with butler Chen and secretary Ming.

They look at their son Li Jin Yu who is 50 years old, arrogant, opinionated and their grandson who doesn't lose to his father Jin Yi perhaps Yun who is ridiculously perfect in all aspects of life. He was more handsome and tall that every women will fall in love with. He was a genius and gems that no body wants to let him go.

Grandma Li Xiao Mi walk towards his grandson. She hugged him and said "Yun! My grandson! How have you been? I miss you Yun. Please come back to stay at mansion. You don't have to stay at your castle and villa."

Waiting for his reply 1second, 2second... 60second, 1 minute.... Hall was pin drop silence but the cries of his grandmother broke the silence of the hall! She hugged him tightly as if he will disappear into thin air.

A gramma who was waiting for him for ages like a military mother who waits for their son to return back from the war.

A tears rolled down from her eyes and tilted her hand "Yun! Please listen to me and talk to me. You don't have to punished yourself. It's been a long. See!" "Grandma! Am fine and doing good." He softly patted on her back but grandma hugged him even tighter and cried even harder.

Grandfather Li Xiao Mi came forward to hold her wife and said "it's okey sweetheart! Please don't cry. Our Yun is here in front of us. He has return to the C country."

He glanced at his son and grandson "Yun and Jin Yu! Take your seat."

Grandma said in a graceful voice "Come Yun! Sit here. I will serve you a tea." She pulled him towards the chair. She started to pour a tea on a cup and hand over it to Yun.

"Thank you grandma."

While drinking their tea. Grandpa stated

"After 6 months from now, we are going to hold an major surgery for a very important person. He has chosen our hospital. So, He want us to have a best team with best surgeons.

There will be a competitions between two team members. Who ever wins in the competitions. They will be performing a major surgery on that important person."

Li Jin Yu glance at his father and his son. He said "Pa! You want Yun to participate in that competition?"

Li Meng Meng answered without hesitation "Yes! I want Yun to take a part."

Yun was silent. He didn't even spoke a word. He leaned back on his chair, intertwined his fingers on table. Lin Jin Yu said "Pa! Yun is preparing for important project after returning from foreign. He will not have a time to prepare if he participate on that competitions."

Li Meng Meng frowned with deathly looked on his eyes and said "Jin Yu! You don't have to tell me. I know how important healing garden project is. This major surgery is also important. It will effect our reputation." "Pa! Who is that person to whom we have to perform our surgery?"

He was silent for a while.

The information is confidential I must not disclosed it to anyone until surgery. This is perfect opportunity to make Yun as a Chairman of the hospital. He thought.

Li Meng Meng ignored his son's question and said "Yun! You are the best cardiac surgeon in foreign. So, I want you to take a part and it's final decision. You can finished your project whenever you are free perhaps don't neglect your responsibility." Yun nodded and said "Yes grandpa! I will." Grandpa Li clapped his hand with a smile on his lip "Good... that's very good."

Yun rosed to his feet. "Grandpa and Grandma! I should take a leave now." When Grandma heard the sentence. She was disappointed.

What happened to Yun that he left his families?

Guys! Any idea?

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