
My Life with you, now and forever

Grandelious is a world created by God where Humans and Demons could live in harmony, but when Daemons, humans, and demons who were greedy, and tainted with darkness, showed up, the world changed. Extinction of races was possible quite, fortunately, they were stopped by a powerful demon, Marcelino, a Phoenix demon, yet, this victory is shortlived as they realized that he and his child were the last of their kind before they disappeared from the face of the world. 300 years later, enter Lucianna, a human and adopted mother of two children, who would do anything to protect her family against Sinister, the darkest version of Daemons, however, can she protect them when her body is failing her? When did she feel something is missing and it was affecting her life? What’s more… it seems that the Sinister is after her for some reason no one knows…… except for a Strange man that entered her bar and for some reason is more than willing to help her, even went as far as risking his life or killing someone. Can she accept this person in her tiny family? And what exactly is this man hiding, especially with the kid behind him?

Kanra_Nakura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Sinisters

Luckily, a group of people was able to counter the black magic that the Daemons had found and had been working on fixing their connection to God using their own magic, however, as time passed, more and more clusters of Daemons are formed, making it difficult for everyone, especially when they began to kidnap, or kill the demons once more, only this time, they're including humans.

At first one knew why Daemons took humans, but then quite accidentally, a group of Fae Knights had found a base that the Daemons were hiding, and they found out the reason why. Experimentation. Daemons were capturing humans and demons for an experiment that only they knew, and this cruel treatment had led to the deaths of their test subjects, some survive but they live in pain or were mentally unstable. They also found out that the Daemons are actually playing with the people their captured, beating them up, betting them and letting them fight, controlling them, etc.

It was also revealed that Daemons had turned some of the humans and demons into slaves, selling them to slave traders and auctioning them. With how the Daemons are acting, everyone is beginning to think that there's a mastermind behind all of their actions, and no matter how many times they capture, bless, or kill, the Daemons seem to multiply, and people are starting to fear once more.

Mages, the people who found the white magic, are posted on every island, create a barrier, and are required to take in disciples to help them protect the people, and ensure that people are safe, but the Daemons found a loophole, they kidnapped those who traveled, or used enchantment and make the enchanted people go to them. They also target small villages that they knew doesn't have any mages or knights to protect them and by the time those villages called for help it was already too late.

Those who are aware of the situation are fearing that the war that happen 300 years ago will happen again, and they called these terrible Daemons, who are a lot worse than centuries ago, Sinister. A few recons of demons had also tried to check if something was happening to the Cataclysm Island, however, there weren't any changes. Now they could only hope and pray for the safety of themselves and their family, for no one knows when is the next attack of this Sinister.

"...Will you be okay tomorrow?" Lucianna asked. "The boys are excited for your bonding time but…"

"I'll make sure the boys and I will stay close to the barrier tomorrow," Laxus reassured. "It'll be just by the beach, just across the tavern."

"Yeah… but that beach is also covered by a sea wall," Luci muttered and her father laughed.

"It is, but that wouldn't stop you from searching for your children."

"Papa…" Laxus raised his hand and then pats the hair as if to ask her to calm down and admit defeat.

"Alright, alright, if it helps you feel better, I'll ask Ronux to help look out for the kids as well." At that response, the midnight-haired girl raised an eyebrow. "At a distant where the boys won't see him."

"..." Lucianna snorted before giggling. "Good luck with that, if the boys found out that you have Ronux helping you watch them again, you're in big trouble." The red-haired man sighed at that.

"Honestly, what do they have against him?" He muttered. "I know you and the boys had an amazing sense of judging people, you more so, but Ronux is not that bad."

"I think the reason the boys are against him is that he tried to court me once," Luci stated, a pointing finger tapping her chin as she looked up in thought.

"....What?" Laxus growled, a dark aura surrounding him, sensing that his adopted daughter sighed. "He dared court you without asking me first?!"

"...It's not like you will allow it."

"Of course, I wouldn't! That brat!" The Dragon slammed a fist on the table, shaking the plates but Lucianna merely sighed in slight amusement.

"Papa… I'm already 22 years old."

"And I'm a 245-year-old Dragon, your still a hatchling to me, Luci." He smirked.

"Whatever you say, old man." She teased back and watched as her father's jaw dropped at her cheekiness. She then stood up and took the tray with her, then heads to the kitchen.

"You brat! Where is this cheekiness coming from?"

"I don't know… where do you think?" The young lady giggled as she heard her father sigh in defeat.

"Alright, I'm going to bed now." Laxus stood up and then head towards the stairs, but not before heading back to the door and seemingly casting a magic spell. "You better sleep early."

"I will, good night Papa!" Lucianna shouted and when she didn't receive a response she could only assume that he merely wave at her, which is something he would do, especially when he's lazy or tired. As she washed her father's plates, she couldn't help but think about the conversation they had earlier. If the Sinisters are now kidnapping 10 years old children, then who knows how long until it will lower down further, and the thought that her twins would be taken and experience those horrible things brought a shiver down her spine.

'I wonder…' She thought pausing from drying the plates, before shaking her head and deciding to vanish the thought for tonight and asked her father about it tomorrow. Soon enough, Lucianna had finished cleaning and drying the plates as well as the sink, she then went and head back up to the second floor where their rooms is, pulling a lever once she reached the top of the stairs and watched as the stairs slowly went up and turned itself into a floor.

After making sure that every window are locked and her father's magic activated, she went back to Asher and Ashis's room, checking their bed and making sure they are sleeping peacefully. She then doubled check their window and made sure that the curtains are closed before turning around once more and heading back to her room to get some sleep. Praying for peace, despite knowing the chances of it being none.