

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any other anime/novel/manga/fanfic that I may use.


Story Start:


(AN: It has been pointed out to me by a beta reader with a stick up his ass that some readers might take the prologue the wrong way. I used a comedy element to create a 'reason' for why the MC got Isekai'd. NO, that's not how the rest of the fic will flow; it's just a fun way to get the tradition out of the way. So read chap 1 before you quit if the prologue bothers you. It's just for lol's. I had fun writing it.)

Our story begins on the continent of Ishgar, specifically in the kingdom of Fiore, deep in the woods of an unknown forest, a boy lays sleeping upon the grass.

The boy looks to be around twelve years of age with an above-average amount of muscle for one so young. Nothing crazy but something that shows an active lifestyle where one trained from a young age.

He has shoulder-length light green hair, and if one were to see past his sleeping eyelids, they would be able to see his intense cold blue colored eyes.

If one were to see the boy now, they would only see just that, a healthy young man merely taking a nap, but it wasn't so simple, for that boy was anything but.

That boy was named Dante, and he was what one would call an Isekai'd individual in Japanese anime circles.

Dante was a twenty-eight-year-old retired US Recon Marine. After a five-year contract starting from eighteen, he took two years to travel the world with nothing but a bag on his back before returning home to begin working on starting to get a handle on his future.

After three years of that, Dante was tired. The military life was exciting, but he felt it was time to move on after his contract. Traveling likewise was an experience he will never forget. Working full time behind a desk, however, wasn't his cup of tea.

It was interesting in the beginning, but eventually, it began to suck the life out of him, and he began wishing for something 'more' to fill his life.

He began looking for things to do, activities, games, friends, sex, he even found a talent for cooking, but strangely, he could only really shine with soup and tea making while other dishes were mediocre at best.

Going back to some old hobbies, he began re-watching old anime he used to enjoy in his teens and reading fanfiction.

It was relaxing for him to imagine life in those worlds. It distracted him from the monotony of daily life and became his outlet.

He would always sigh and mentally say, 'If only I could end up in one of these fantasy worlds, with my skills, I could really live life to the fullest. To adventure, grow, and have fun.'

Little did he know, someone heard him. (AN: It was me! Dio!)

A bored god by the name of 'Truck-Sama' heard his wish. Truck-Sama is a god who hears the desperate wishes of many young men and women across the world, but he only chooses the worthy or those he just doesn't like the face of, to give his blessing to while inflicting physical bodily harm.

His blessing is unique, for he activates cosmic forces to appear in front of an individual, usually behind some kind of illusion to make pedestrians think it's normal for a truck to appear out of nowhere, and uses his full force to smash the recipient.

Physically, they die, very gruesomely and gory, but spiritually, Truck-Sama sends their soul to any world he wishes, be it fantasy or not, and gifts them with a random power that suits them. Or if he is feeling vindictive, he can give them an abysmal ability.

Why does this god do it? Well, he is bored, immortal, and this is how he chooses to spend his time. His choices. Or it could be her, or it I guess, but who really knows, it's a free world, kind of.

Back to the main topic. Truck-Sama heard Dante's sincere wish and, after confirming with his victim's memories that he had no family or close friends, chose to grant his wish.

So, Truck-Sama hit Dante with the full force of a 100 mph truck. It didn't matter that he was on the 14th floor of a building. Truck-Sama does what he wants.

Dante was physically squashed into paste while his unconscious soul was flung out of the world and toward his ideal anime world with a random blessing of power granted to him.

This is the story of how Dante spends his new life to the fullest.

(AN: See, the reason is now out of the way. On to the story!)