
My Life That I barely remember

This Story, how ever long or short that it may be. Is the true story of my life as told through broken memories. There is no way for me to go back into to see these events of my life re-unfold through a third person. Nor can I go back in time to re-live those evens. This is the true story of a person named Codie Robinson told through his broken memories.

Free_Trial_1457 · Realistic
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My first memory

My name is Codie and this awesome woman named Lacey whom I call my wife . [We met in a yahoo chat room back when I was 10 or 11 years old. We both made stupid decisions and got married to other people at a young age.We have been together for over 10 years and have a awesome daughter. These are stories for different chapters.]

Lacey thinks my life could be made into a true story lifetime movie. If my life was to be make into a lifetime channel movie, by the time production was done and the movie was ready to air.. Well I'm sure Lacey will have succumbed to her illness and will have past on to the cycle of reincarnation. I, on the other hand, think I'm too boring for that to happen.

For now let's start at the being of this story. I was born in the USA, at 2:22am July in 1985.[I saw my birth certificate. lol] This next part comes from my own mother's mouth, She tells me that the doctor that delivered me was drunk at the time. I guess he was on-call as most doctors are. [Being on-call just meana that if you are needed by your work they will call you and have you come work. This typically happens when there is an emergency and hospitals needs people to come in quickly. The on-call is also rotated from one person to other so multiple people will be on-call and one person won't be overwhelmed by constantly on-call all the time.]

So my mom thinks he was at a bar or drinking because he smelled of alcohol. So this alcohol smelling doctor delivers me via c-section. I'm not sure of my exact method of my birth, but I do know that my mom. Well she felt the need to tell me that this drunk doctor. Some one she just met, he wasn't her normal doctor that she saw throughout her pregnancy wasn't present. Like I said I don't know the details so this next sentence is just a educated guess. The doctor that was supposed to deliver me was not available for what ever reason.

So now I am born and the alcohol smelling doctor is writing my info on the birth certificate. He is ask my mom, "What's the kids name?"

My mom tells him that she hasn't picked one out and this ALCOHOL SMELLING DOCTOR IFUCKING NAMES ME!?!?!?!?!?! Like nine months and she couldn't think of a name for me. So since I can't be nameless and something has to be put in for my name. Cody is the name he chose and later once I learned that I and E combined makes a Y sound. So I spell my name Codie for a reason. Reason 1 Cody spelled backwards is Ydoc and no one wants to ask their doctors why. The second reason is that I like the way Codie looks backwards. Eidoc <--- so pretty to me lol. Simply pronounced I doc, you know like aye aye captain. It's very eager sounding or something I don't know I just like it the why it looks and sounds.

After that, I remember wearing something called overalls. It's like a pair of pants with suspenders built into it. I think I was younger then 4, because we moved after the incident and shortly after that mom tried to place me into kindergarten. Here I was in this room playing and I remember having to pee , so I walked over to the shut bedroom door. I can't turn the door nob.

I start remember thinking that this was weird. "Why won't this door open." I remember saying. "MOM! MOM! I can't open the door!!! I got to pee!" I remember not wanted to pee myself. I also remember thinking about animals in cages and how I thought they peed in the corners of their enclosures. So, I went over to the corner and peed on the floor. I was thinking that I didn't want a rash because those hurt.

I remember spending lots of time in this locked room. So much so that I eventually lost track of how many days went by while I was in that damn room.

At one point in time wither it was before the peeing in the corner incident or after. I am hoping that it was before peeing in the corner but I feel it was afterwards. I had to go potty and it was a number 2. I, being a child not even in school yet, was locked in a room, pooped my pants. I remember thinking I didn't want that one the floor and I was crying making this decision.

I know that I wasn't always locked in that room. I don't remember bath time or bed time. Just that room and barely a single meal. I remember a kitchen that had a half wall like waist high on a 5ft 5in tall adult. [Not sure if that's mom's height or not. Truthfully I don't even know her birthday or age.]

There was a round kitchen table and I think fridge on the left side when you walk into the kitchen. Later on I find out that the house we lived. What I do know, was that at one point in time. I was still 4 and I was back in that damn room once agian. This time I remember sleeping in this room on the floor because there was no furniture in the room. No blankets just some toys, I don't remember books or anything like that. There might have been some book, but at such a young age, who could remember.

Day and night blurred as time passed me by. I was laying on my side holding myself. I was trying not to cry because I didn't want to dehydrate. I was thursty, hungry and in a lot of pain. My body was weak and I was hot, I think it was a fever. I do remember thinking that I didn't want a fever, I know that having a fever met sweating. Sweating means lose of water, and water was something my body desperately needed to keep.

At one point in time, I need what anyone would do when then don't have the strength to scream. I started to pay, I remember reading a verse in this Bible we had. The verse was something like, when it comes to prayer, pray in a dark places that people disdain. The verse also went on to say something about being able to hearing prayer better. I don't remember it word for word, I maybe remember 7 words from that verse.

("Please God, help me. I don't want to die! God! Angels! Demons! All being of light and dark that can hear my thoughts! I am just a kid, i want to live! I want out of this room please give me the ability to live this place!")

The rest could have been Delirious fever written thoughts running loose inside my own imagination. I could of swear I heard a faint sound of someone saying they would help me. I was happy tears of joy started to fall and I had to stop them once agian.

The voice said there wasn't any energy in this world he could use to help me and that he had to leave but he wished me luck. I begged him to take me with him but he said he didn't have the energy to take both of us.

I know that sounded made up, and it doesn't matter if you believe that part or this next part. It was real to me at the time and that's all that really matters. Once he left my mind, I was along agian.

"Fret not child, for I will help you." Something said to me in my mind. "We can make a deal."

Something about that didn't seem right to me. I was about to reply but I different sound stopped me. "Don't listen to him i will hel......" That voice was interrupted by a wave of extreme hate. "Back away from him, for his is mine." [it really said his is mine. not the child is mine or he is mine but his is mine.]

I could feel that gentle backing away, soon I could feel more things backing away.

" The choose is yours,choose me and I will help you. If not I will kill all those here and you will never leave alive. Your body will never be found."

Something was about to protest but then the feeling of loss flashed in my mind and then I couldn't sense that protesting entity anymore..

There was a sudden gravely laugh, "Feel that kid? haha! These beings here, are no match for me. Now let's stop this foolishness and let me help you.

So, want to be selfish and live, I chose it. It never told me it's name. I did feel stronger after that. I thought about trying the door nob but I wanted to escape that house too.

When you walk into the room there was a wall to the right. It was that wall that I went over to and started to rip off the wall paper and the paneling under that. Soon I reach the brick wall.

("That must be the outside wall.") I remember thinking as I laid on my back and started to kick the wall, I guess it could be called stomping the wall.

Either way I was making progress, I could see light through the cracks I made.

(" Freedom") I thought with a smile.

Suddenly the door opened and my mom walked in. "You were so quiet, I forgot you were here." She said rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What are you doing to make so much noise?" Then she sees the wall and screams "CODIE!" While raise her hand to punish me.

"Mom." I weakly said as my eyes close and I fall backwards, I blacked out.


I know the conversation with those entities sounds fake and made up. It could have just been a cooping mechanism to help me handle the trauma that was happening to me at the time. This is my life story I can only tell you about the thoughts and experiences that I remember.