
My Life Sucks, No Kidding [An Anime-verse Story]

"What colour... do you want to be?" When I was asked such a question from an apathetic looking girl out of nowhere, I was more than a little surprised. I thought it to be some kind of rhetorical question, but somehow deep down, I knew it was more than that. The past few days have been really eventful for me. Starting from being called out by my Homeroom teacher on the third day of the beginning of my second year in High school, to being given a tempting offer of escaping a punishment by moving out of the regular dorms to the infamous Sakura dormitory. I thought I was done with all the events for the week. Guess I was wrong. "What colour... do you want to be?" The girl who looked like she came straight out of a painting, repeated her question and stared into my eyes. My answer to her question was simple enough. "... I don't know." *** Hello to everyone who is going to read this book. I want you guys to read this synopsis as it's going to be important. This story is going to be different. It is not going to be your usual story where a harem-seeking protagonist gets reincarnated into an anime verse and gets a system yada yada. The protagonist in this story is not a reincarnated person. He is just a regular guy born into a world where various slice of life animes co-exist together. The protagonist of this story will have an original story of his own where he experienced various things in his past; which made him the way he is. It's nothing tragic, just the usual protagonist backstory and shit. You guys will understand what I mean once you read the story. This story will revolve around the anime- Sakurasou no pet na Kanojo. Different characters from different slice-of-life anime will appear throughout the story. Every major character in this story, will be given importance. I don't know how to put it in words, so I will suggest you to just read this. I hope you guys like it! Peace. *** Anime that I plan to include in this story 1. Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo 2. Oregairu 3. Horimiya (Definitely) 4. Toradora (After re-watching the anime) 5. Golden Time (Maybe) 6. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (Definitely) 7. Why the hell are you here, Teacher?! (Definitely) 8. We Never Learn (I don't know about this one) 9. From me to you (If you guys want me to) 10. Haganai (Maybe) 11. Your Lie in April (Definitely) 12. Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions (Definitely) 13. Oreshura (Maybe) 14. Your Name/Kimi no nawa (Definitely) 15. Weathering with you/Tenki No Ko (Definitely) And many more to come. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys recommend some anime to include in this story.

ManofcultureQ_Q · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

What do you mean, Sensei?

[ •Sakura Dormitory• ]

Me and Shiina enter the dormitory together, as Mitaka-senpai held the gate open for us. I put Shiina's luggage down on the ground and stretched my arms. Her luggage wasn't that heavy, but it was still annoying holding it for 20 minutes straight. I think I have increased my STR stat by 1.

The sound of footsteps running down the stairs made me turn my head to the front, and the sight of light brown hair rushing at my direction made me shiver in fright. Am I going to get attacked?

Where is it? Where is that goddamn hammer?!

"~Welcome to Sakurasou~!"

Contrary to my thoughts, I was not welcomed by the sight of a hammer flying towards my nether regions, which is certainly a surprise, but a welcome one. Instead, a very ecstatic looking Kamiigusa-senpai welcomed us with a bright smile on her face like a decent human being. Not going to lie, this is much more scary!

"Misaki-senpai, I told you not to run on the stairs! Our neighbours will complain again!"

A very tired looking Kanda appeared from behind Kamiigusa-senpai. He was, once again, screaming at the top of his lungs while worrying about useless things. I'm sure the neighbours are more troubled with his shouting rather than alien-senpai running down the stairs.

"Don't worry about such small details, Kouhai-kun. If you keep doing that, you will never be able to enjoy the beauty of Youth~"

"I don't want to enjoy the beauty of Youth! I'm enjoying it enough as it is!"

That's... surprisingly a similar thought to mine.

"How come you say you are enjoying the beauty of Youth when you haven't tasted the forbidden fruit yet?~"

"—Huh? It has nothing to do with me enjoying my Youth! Not to mention, you haven't tasted it either!"

"Of course I haven't! I'm a maiden with both heart and body~"

"If you're going to call yourself a maiden, then stop sleeping in my room!"

"—It's fine! I haven't even kissed. I'm a new product from head to toe–"


Mitaka-senpai coughed loudly, which sounded fake. He looked at both Kanda and Kamiigusa-senpai with amusement evident in his eyes. After seeing that he had their attention, he smiled. Kamiigusa-senpai's face lit up after seeing Mitaka-senpai.

"We're back."

"Welcome back Jin!~"

They stared at each other's eyes for a while, before Mitaka-senpai promptly broke the eye contact. What kind of weird atmosphere is this? Am I missing something here?

"I'm assuming Chihiro-sensei already told you of Shiina's arrival."

Kamiigusa-senpai grinned toothily, and a jovial expression appeared on her face.

"Yes! Sensei said that her cousin will be living with us from now on~ I finally have a neighbour! Will she stay over at my place, or invite me to stay over at her place? Will she discuss her love troubles with me? Wah~ I'm excited!"

Alien-senpai put both of her hands on her cheeks and blushed, imagining that scenario. Mitaka-senpai giggled at her reaction. I, on the other hand, was feeling a bit cheated.

I can still remember that day as if it was yesterday, which is to say something, considering it REALLY was yesterday! It was the day I first stepped into the Sakura hall. Just a little reminder to those who forgot, that it was also the day I almost lost my family jewels to a big-ass hammer!

That was how I was welcomed in this dormitory. If I compare that welcome to what Shiina is receiving right now, I can already tell that my fellow dorm-mates are biased. Is this nepotism? Just because she is Sensei's cousin she is getting VIP treatment? Ha! You're all corrupt!

I looked at Shiina with an envious expression on my face. She looked at me and tilted her head, her face full of ignorance. I quickly turned my gaze away from her, feeling slightly embarassed by that sight.

Damnit, she is cute!

"Well then, it's one thing taken care of. I don't think there's any need for me to tell you why she is here then. Let's all introduce ourselves. Me and Matsumura-kun have already done so and introduced ourselves to Shiina-san. Kanda-kun and Misaki should do the same."

Despite my thoughts, I was still able to focus on Senpai's words. Man, he really is charismatic. He is even able to make the hyperactive alien listen to him.

"Me! Me! I wanna go first!"

As expected, The mentioned hyperactive alien jumped at the opportunity to introduce herself to her new neighbour, quite literally in fact. She was jumping at her toes while circling Shiina as if she was looking at her prey, ready to devour her. Shiina on the other hand, looked sleepy. I feel you girl, I'm sleepy too.

"Hello Mashiro-chan! I'm Kamiigusa Misaki! I've heard a lot about you from Sensei. She told me that you're going to be attending Sobu High and you're in your second year. I'm a third year in Sobu-high, which means I'm older than you! You can call me Onee-san if you like~" Senpai winked.

She surely doesn't shy away from calling people by their first name. Not to mention her telling Shiina to call her 'Onee-san', she is way too frank! Her social stats are off the charts!


Shiina's voice was small, but clear. Her face was devoid of any emotion, which made me wonder what she really felt about this.

"...You don't need to do that if you don't want to."

Everyone stared at me as those words left my mouth. I didn't take my gaze away from Shiina and shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean, you guys are not that close yet. I think it'd be best if you started off as friends or something. Using the first name is good and all, but calling her 'onee-san' is a bit much. Just saying."

It turned silent after that. My words turned the happy atmosphere into one of an awkward silence. Mitaka-senpai didn't speak, Kanda didn't speak and Shiina, as expected, didn't speak.

I looked at Kamiigusa-senpai to notice she was avoiding my gaze.

I ruined the mood, didn't I?

This is really annoying. Whenever I see someone move the conversation as they please without the consent of others, I start speaking as if it's my own business. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and here goes me, ruining it for everyone.

I should apologise for speaking out of turn.

"I'm sorr-"

"That's right. You're a genius Yoshimon!"

Kamiigusa-senpai exclaimed. Her eyes wide as if a realisation hit her. She grabbed my shoulders and shook me vigourously, a cheerful smile on her face.

"I was moving too fast! There's no fun in too fast! I need to win Mashiro-chan's heart before she calls me Onee-san by her own terms. I need to earn that title. That's what Youth is all about!~"

What the heck is she talking about?

I didn't mean any word you're spouting. I just said that because I thought you were annoying, which you really are! Stop shaking me damnit!

After a while of torturing me, Alien-senpai finally let go of my shoulders and looked at Shiina with a determined expression on her face.

"Just you wait, Mashiro-chan. I will make sure you call me Onee-san by the end of this month!~"

"I'll be in your care."

Shiina, not knowing what else to do, simply bowed her head. She looks confused, well, so am I. I guess it all turned out okay in the end, so it's fine.

"Kouhai-kun, it's your turn to introduce yourself~"

We all turned towards Kanda, to notice him staring at Shiina with wide eyes. He looked awe-stricken by the mere sight of the girl, and surprisingly, I found myself unable to mock him for that.

After all, after seeing her for the first time, I also went into a trance.



"Oi, she is speaking to you."

I tapped Kanda on his shoulders lightly, bringing him back to the human world. He blinked his eyes, then his face flushed as he realised he stared for too long. He coughed into his hand to hide his nervousness, but anyone could tell it didn't work. I take everything back, he is even worse than me.

"H-hi! I'm Sorata Kanda!"


"... huh?"

Kamiigusa-senpai looked at Sorata, disappointment written all over her face. She shook her head before pointing a finger at his face.

"That was lame, Kouhai-kun! That's not how you introduce yourself to a pretty girl like Mashiro-chan! You need to be more interesting, otherwise, any girl you talk to will be disappointed in you. See? Even Mashiro-chan looks bored."

Sure enough, Shiina was staring at both Kamiigusa-senpai and Sorata with an uninterested look on her face. But I doubt that's legit though. Her expression didn't change since I met her. Even though I knew that, Kanda didn't, and he looked really dejected after seeing that.

I didn't laugh, I swear. That snort that escaped my mouth was just me sneezing, nothing else.

"Alright, that's enough."

Mitaka-senpai chopped both Kanda and Kamiigusa-senpai on their head lightly to calm them down, just like how he did yesterday. It worked like a charm and they both shut up instantly. Wow. I need to learn how to do that.

"Now that everyone has been introduced, I'd like you guys to show Shiina to her room. I need to buy some ingredients for today's dinner, so I can't accompany you for this. I leave her in your care now. Oh, and, Matsumura-kun...?"


"Please be present for today's dinner. Chihiro Sensei's order."

"Yeah, I know. She already told me that."

"I know. I was just giving you a reminder."

—And with that, Senpai left.

"Alrighty! Don't just stand there Yoshimon, hurry and take her to her room."

"... I wonder why I didn't think of that."

I rolled my eyes, before gesturing for Shiina to come inside. I picked up her luggage from the ground as she followed Misaki-senpai up to the second floor, which if my memory serves me right, is the girl's dormitory. Sorata walked beside me and offered to carry the luggage, to which I declined by saying it's not that heavy. He eventually relented and let me do it myself.

"How did you like the street? The 'Red Brick Strip Mall', I mean?"

Kanda asked, trying to start a small-talk. I smiled slightly as I remembered the kind hearted people I met there.

"It's unreal, in a good way."


He smiled, as if he felt proud by my comment. I remember he said he grew up there, so I think he feels emotionally attached to that place and its people.

"There was a kind lady who gave me a croquette for free."

"Wait, you too?! I thought she only gives it to me!"

He whisper-yelled as if he felt betrayed, but that soon turned into a fond smile as he muttered to himself, a proud look on his face.

"Well, I guess they are kind to everyone."

I hummed at that, and our conversation ended. After a few seconds, we reached the second floor, just in front of a room with a doorplate of '202'. It was labelled with 'Mashiro's room' and drawn with enigmatic cartoons. The drawing of the cartoons were amazing, and I knew Kamiigusa-senpai is the one who drew them. She is a professional animator after all.

"~I made this last night~"

Senpai pointed at the cartoons and smirked. She looked at both Kanda and me as if telling us that she has one up us in something, smug written all over her face.

"Wait, last night?! But we were playing video games last night!"

Senpai ignored Kanda, and opened the door of the room without the owner's consent.


The room looked just like mine. There was a bed, a dressing table, a desk and a computer connected to a large monitor. There was a carpet on the floor, and to my horror, it was pink. God, no, not that colour!

I quickly put the luggage down on the ground, and stepped away from the carpet. Senpai looked around the room, before wiping the imaginary sweat from her forehead.

"Whew! That was a lot of work. That luggage sure was heavy~"

"You didn't lift it. I did. You did nothing."

"Nuh-uh, I didn't do nothing. I saw you lifting it Yoshimon."

"What a hard worker you are."

I move towards Kanda, passing by Shiina who just entered the room. She looked at me calmly, making me feel a little curious as to what she is thinking.

"You're a hard worker."

She said, her expression insipid. I raised an eyebrow at that and decided to respond to her words.

"Uh... Thanks?"

She nodded, before walking towards Senpai. Kanda watched our interaction with a confused expression on his face and gave me a look. I shrugged my shoulders at that before deciding to take my leave.

Just as I was about to walk away from the room, a familiar voice reached my ears.

"What a surprise, you actually did get her."

Turning my head towards the direction of the voice, I noticed Chihiro sensei approaching us like a zombie. Gosh, someone had a bad day.

"...What happened to you?"

"Tch, don't ask."

She glared at me, her eyes promising a lot of pain. I decided to adhere to her warning and kept my mouth shut. As expected, she started telling what happened to everyone after a few seconds by herself.

"Those damn liars, they were no doctors! All of them lied about their experiences!"

"Huh? The heck are you talking about?"

"Damnit, I didn't tell you? I went to a mixer."

"Wait, so that was what you were busy doing while I was—"

"How dare they lie to me!"

She is not listening to me. Tch, the gal of this woman.

"Well, you can't blame them. Not everyone gets a chance to marry a 'forever Twenty-seven' woman."

"... Are you looking down on me?"

"Kind of."

I replied, my face expressionless. Kanda looked on at our interaction and nodded at my words, as if agreeing with me. Shiina stared at us calmly, while Senpai giggled.

Heh, take that, Chihiro-sensei. You can't hit me in front of so many people. Not to mention this isn't our school, so you are currently not my teacher. I have the higher ground here!

"~Don't worry Chihiro-sensei, give it your all. If you can't find a husband, Kouhai-kun and Yoshimon have agreed to marry you~"

""I did not!/I have never said that!""

"You're right. It would be possible after five years."

""Dream on!/ Never!""

Senpai and Sensei ignored both me and Kanda, and continued on their conversation. After a few seconds, she looked at Shiina and struck a thinking pose.

"I've never thought you'd really come."


Shiina replied in an extremely small voice. I can't get a read on this girl.

"Wait, I have a question regarding that. Can I ask it, sensei?"

Sorata spoke up, turning everyone's attention on him. Chihiro-sensei looked at him, slightly irritated and frowned.

"All I want now is to beat someone up, so it better be short."

"Then I'll keep it to one question."

"Go ahead."

"You told us yesterday night that Shiina-san was learning art overseas, right?"

"Yes. Now then-"

"W-wait-, that was not the question!"


Seriously Kanda. You're stupid. Stupidly hilarious. Still, I guess I got something out of this conversation. Chihiro-sensei told everyone about Shiina yesterday, but due to my absence at dinner, I was not informed about any of this. Man, now I wish I had eaten with them yesterday. I feel like the odd one here.

"I-uh, my question was not that."

"Tch, ask it fast then!"

"Right. Why did Shiina move to Sakurasou? There should be vacant rooms in regular dormitories."

Hm? Isn't it because Chihiro-sensei is her cousin? Maybe her parents wanted her to stay with a relative instead of a regular dorm?

My thoughts were put to a halt as Chihiro Sensei's expression turned serious as she looked at Kanda.

"That is because this is the most suitable place for Mashiro."

"... What do you mean?"

I asked, feeling curious about all of this. Shiina after hearing me speak, stared at me with a curious look in her eyes, her expression remaining same. Chihiro-sensei looked at Shiina, making Shiina turn her gaze away from me to look at Chihiro-sensei instead.

"You will know after a while." Sensei looked away from Shiina, her eyes meeting mine, "Especially you."

What is that supposed to mean?

Give me your power stones!

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