
part 1 of back story

hey i'm ally, and this is a true story and i know i have it better than a lot of people well at-lest thats what u think looking in from the outside but from my point of view not so much.

growing up i had it really good i was spoiled only child for a wile. witch i am the oldest fyi. but it was good really good for 5 years then i found out that i was going to have a sister. now don't het me wrong i was soooo happy honestly. i always wanted a sibling and i was really happy that i was going to have a sister but you know how your parents get when they have a new kid all their attention was on her and u kinda feel left out. but that also wasn't the only thing that happened to me when i was younger. some a lot worse than just feeling left out.


so my mom is a teacher and my dad has his own business. so when i was in pre-k i had this babysitter and they had a o year younger than me and a son a few years older than me well thats what i was told i honestly think he was older than me by at-least 5 years but i guess not. and so when me and him were alone he would do things to me and i guess u could guess what thought things were. ya i guess i was raped and tbh i denied it for so long it was hard and it still haunts me to this day now i am only 15 and u was like 3 when this happened so it obvious was bad enough that i remembered it. now i don't remember all of it but i do bits and pisses like he would force me to take my clothes of and if i said no he would threaten me. so i was scared in a way but at the sane time i didn't know what was happening to me and it was scary. it happened a lot i atlases remember multiple times. but i don't really talk about it much so. it was hard and honestly i for got about it till recently so.


but growing up we had a boat down in Kentucky and i live on a lake back home we would travel and my parents did a lot before i was born. so it was fun hearing all the stories growing up. and after my sister was born not even 2 years later i got a little brother. witch he took my room kinda upset about it. and their for me and my sister had to share a room still do. i hat it so much.

hey yall this story i am telling their r probably going to be a lot of triggers but i will do mu best to inform u before hand and give u a space to skip to if u don’t want to read it thank you

Allyson_Schwartz_9277creators' thoughts