
Chapter 6

Daniel stopped eating. Enzo looked at Daniel and asked, "Why aren't you eating?"

"I don't have any appetite. Can I go back to my room?" asked Daniel.

"There is actually something I need to tell you," said Enzo.

"Okay," said Daniel.

"Your marriage with Princess Emma fells through," said Enzo.

"??? Marriage?" asked Daniel.

"You must have forgotten that you were paired up with Princess Emma since you were born. I told you this a few years ago," said Enzo.

"Oh, I remember that. Now, everything make sense," said Daniel and he finally understood what the 50% completion of his life quest meant. It turned zero because they cancelled the marriage. He knew the reason even without Enzo telling him.

"I am the one who cancelled everything because I think you are not suitable for her," said Enzo.

"Okay. Can I go to my room now?" asked Daniel. He actually did not care much about that. He met Emma a few times before when they were small but he can't really remember her properly. Since they were the same age, he heard news about Emma awakened the light potential and her initial stats were high and that's it. They went to different middle school so they never met. Daniel might meet her during high school because there was only one high school in Waston City but the school was the biggest and best school in Amery Kingdom, so meeting her was still quite hard.

"You can go back to your room if you want," said Enzo. Daniel left his seat and went back to his room.

"Is he like that because of the marriage?" said Dean.

"Let's continue eating," said Enzo.

Daniel's Room.

"I need to become stronger fast! If something like this happen again, I won't be able to do anything," said Daniel with determined face. "I need a skill. Without a skill, I can't even protect myself," Daniel sat on his bed and started training his magic control. Enzo came to his room to see if he was okay but decided not disturb Daniel because he was training.

Two weeks later.

For the past two weeks, Daniel has been training his magic control most of the time after he finished his daily quest. He did not want to waste any time, so he decided not to try any new training. After training his magic control most of the time, in two weeks, he managed to flow his magic from his magic core to his whole body. For the past 2 days, he has been trying to bring his magic outside his body but the process proved to be harder than bringing the magic out of the magic core.

He searched online on the best way to emit his magic outside his body but all of them said the same thing. He asked his mom and she said the same thing as those on the internet. Train hard. No trick at all. Once someone succeed doing that, it will be easier after that.

Daniel tried his hardest on the third day. "Fuu~ Let's try again," he tried to bring out his magic. Magic flowed out from the magic core to his hand. He tried to bring out his magic from his palm. A white fume comes out of his palm. Daniel's face brightened.

"It's coming out… more, more," said Daniel. After 3 hours, he finally able to bring out his magic but it was still far from able to create a skill. After bringing out his magic, Daniel needed to learn to form the magic into any shape and then test if what he made was functional and then it was possible to create a skill.

Another two weeks passed.

"I did it," after two weeks of training his magic, Daniel finally able to create a stable ball of magic energy. The energy ball was floating on his palm. It was colorless as it indicates that it was from null element. Daniel release the energy ball and it disappear. The reason it disappears because it was not a skill thus it can't be used to attack or defend and when it disconnects from the one who create it, it will disappear.

'Ting~ New quest create' the system notified Daniel. It has been a month since he got a new quest. Daniel checked the new quest.

'Create your first skill. Reward: Gain random stat'

"Random stat? Ah, stat point. It's not easy to create a skill but the reward is seriously lacking," said Daniel disappointed with the reward. "I need to rest a bit," said Daniel and he sat on the floor. Ginger saw Daniel was resting and he came to Daniel.

"Meow~" Ginger meowing towards Daniel.

"What is it? Do you need some-" Daniel stopped and remembered something. "Sorry, Ginger, I totally forgot that I don't give you any food yet today," said Daniel. He immediately got up and went to the kitchen to get Ginger his food.

"Here you go," Daniel pour the cat food into Ginger's bowl and Ginger started eating.

'Ting~ New quest created'

"Huh? Another new quest?" Daniel checked the new quest.

'Maxed Ginger's happiness, trust and loyalty stat. Reward: @#$%'

"Did this quest created because I maxed Ginger's happiness and loyalty? The reward is unknown the same as The Core quest. It must be a good reward. Ginger's loyalty now at 55%. I will need around a month and half to max his loyalty," said Daniel.

Daniel petted Ginger's head, "Will we get magic item like your collar?" said Daniel while smiling. After Ginger finished eating, Daniel started to make his first skill.

The skill that he wanted to create from beginning was magic bullet. Magic bullet was a skill from the null element. It was one of the most basic skill. The base effect of magic bullet were 10 attack and max speed 100 km/h. If users potential related to magic bullet, for example shooting, null element and magic potential, they will be able to strengthen the skill by leveling it up. They can level it up by using it a lot of times or during main level up. Whenever someone level up their main level, they can level up the skill of their choice too.

"Fuu~ Let's start," Daniel put his palm in front and brought out his magic energy. Colorless energy coming out of his palm. The energy moves and started forming a small ball the size of a marble however, the marble seems unstable as the energy kept coming out of the ball. Making this marble was harder than the ball he made earlier as the size was much smaller and the magic inside the marble was more than the magic inside the ball. Daniel tried to maintain its shape but after 10 seconds, the marble broke and blew up. Daniel was thrown backwards and fall on the floor.

"First try. Fail. Next," Daniel stood again and created a new marble.

Five hours later, Daniel failed for the 105th times. Besides him were 10 empty bottles of magic potions. He used the magic potions to recover his magic. Daniel try again and again and another 1 hour passed.

"Yes!" shouted Daniel as he finally succeeds in making a stable marble compact with magic energy.

"Now, next step is to propel this marble forward," Daniel released the marble slowly but the marble blew up. "It's hard to release the energy at only one small point of the marble," Daniel tried again and kept failing and it was night. He stopped his training and went to sleep.

The next day, he woke up early and started completing his daily quest. After that he start making his magic bullet again and the day ended with him failing again. A day later, he still unable to create his magic bullet but he can already propel the marble forward but it disappears midway because it releases too much magic energy to propel forward.

"In two days, school will start again. I need to get this right today," Daniel took a deep breath and start creating his marble. In 10 seconds, he managed to create the stable marble. This time he carefully released the marble's energy and the marble flew forward and hit the target.

'Ting~ Skill: Magic Bullet created. Level 1. Max quantity: 1. Attack 10. Max speed: 130 km/h' the system notified Daniel.

"Yes!!!" Daniel screamed and made a triumphant pose. He had work for few days to create the magic bullet and he finally succeed. "I can finally fight. I will now be able to protect myself and people around me."

'Ting~ Quest complete. Random stat gains' the system notified Daniel.

"I wonder what stat increase? Is it my attack or magic? I made an offensive magic so maybe the system increases my attack or magic.

'Ting~ New daily quest added'

"?? New daily quest?" Daniel wondered. He immediately opened the quest menu and saw the new daily quest.

"Defense training for 30 minutes? I don't have defense stat…" Daniel immediately checked his stats and he was really shocked with what he saw.

Attack – (G-) 93%

Defense – (G-) 0%

Speed – (G-) 62%

Accuracy – (G-) 62%

Magic – (G-) 62%

Intelligent – (G-) 62%

Luck – (G-) 62%

"I have seven stats?"

thank you for reading :)

MuZikrcreators' thoughts