
My life of Sadness

Daoist660027 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

I getting ready for school . While waiting for the bitch son , I am always late to school . However since my grades are always better than him, the techers do not scold me often but as for the son is a different story. Technically speaking , in school he is more a troublemaker than a good boy at home nd his grade are only so-so . This is how the bitch started to have hater towards me. Well is not my fault of being hardworking cause is a dream of mine being a lawyer so hardworking is a must of becoming one.

The funny thing is that the son of give headache for the bitch which is his mother. Whenever there is something he want , the mother will need to give him , if not ,he will whine. In fact if he whines , that's the time I ever felt like a angry brirds want to hit him and fly off.

Now by the we reach to school and when we get down from the car , his attitude change and run away. As for me I went to my classroom. As usual, I am always alone so I tend to have competitors in class. All of my friends is kind to me but when it comes to work or test paper we all are competitors. That's why people call us 'The competitors A Class 16'.

In school , not much drama and it is more like a normal school girl moment, like going to school chit-chat and play.In the afternoon two o'clock, the school dismiss and is our time to go back home. The bitch arrived ,however she glare at me and ordered me to open the door and wait till the son arrived then I will only be allow to go into the car. One more thing bout the bitch is that if I am later after her son , she will directly drive off and leave me alone and sometimes I need to walk back home.

Thirty minutes later , his son finally arrived and for god sake , his attitude really makes me wanna puke. Finally we are going back home. The time I arrived at home it was half past three and also is the last day of school for today. While the bitch put her car keys on the album table ,she look at me. "Shil , tomorrow my friends child will be comin and I hope you stay in your room if no , you know the outcome. "said the bitch checking her weight in the moment when talking.

"Yes mother."I said it with a sarcastic voice but thankfully she didn't hear it or else I might get into trouble with her. The next day, as she instructed I did not went down do anything and like I have starved. Time flies and I hve no appetite.

knock knock knock//bang bang//

someone knocking as well as banging the door. "who .. who it is"I stutter. "Dear , is me "dad said in a soft voice so that the bitch will not heard it. I allowed him into my room and he sat on my bed beside me. After he gently touch my face where he slap. "It is hurt? I'm sorry dear , I know is not you however ever since your step mom take over the house , I could not help you."he tear up as he said. Then I hug him. However he push me away and he take a paper out with a pen from his pocket.