
My life not as a villian

In a novel world, Xu Feng, a reincarnated villain-in-the-making, uses a public humiliation to break off his engagement, not for the girl, but to deviate from his scripted fate. By avoiding the protagonist's path, he carves his own destiny, leaving behind the villain role and embracing a future of unexpected freedom.

VEDAK_431 · Urban
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12 Chs

"He is not like that..." (PART 1)

Xiaolong, her crimson eyes bright with the anticipation of seeing Xiaomei, hurried through the rain-slicked streets. The storm had subsided, leaving behind puddles that mirrored the turmoil in her own heart. As she reached the road junction, the setting sun cast a warm glow, momentarily painting the puddles gold.

Without a second thought, Xiaolong stepped onto the crosswalk, eager to reach the kindergarten. The rain, though less intense, had transformed the road into a shallow river, the water swirling around her ankles. Lost in the thought of her sister's bright smile, she didn't notice the treacherous puddle hidden beneath the shimmering surface.

Suddenly, her foot slipped. A yelp escaped her lips as she lost her balance, her body tilting precariously towards the rushing water. Time seemed to slow down, the screech of approaching cars echoing in her ears.

But just as quickly as she fell, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back onto solid ground. Gasping for breath, Xiaolong looked up to meet the concerned gaze of her savior.

He was tall, almost impossibly so, with a physique that spoke of strength and agility. His face, framed by windswept dark hair, was both handsome and kind, his eyes a startling shade of deep brown that held a warmth that contrasted the chill of the rain.

"Are you alright?" his voice, deep and reassuring, washed over her like a calming wave

Xiaolong blinked, momentarily speechless. The adrenaline receded, leaving behind a tremor of fear and a lingering gratitude. "I... I think so," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Xiaolong's heart skipped a beat as she saw him clearly under the streetlamp. It couldn't be. Could it really be Xu Feng, the infamous "incompetent" who had doggedly pursued her boss, a stark contrast to the powerful, self-assured woman she herself aspired to be? Saved by him? She couldn't imagine anything worse.

His words, though kind, sent shivers down her spine. "Careful there," he said, his voice deep and surprisingly gentle. "These roads can be tricky after the rain."

She felt a blush creep up her cheeks, flustered by the sudden warmth of his gaze. "M-Mr. Xu, thank you for saving me," she stammered, her eyes darting towards the kindergarten.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Xia," he replied confidently, his gaze lingering on hers. "Anyone would have done the same." He knew her name. It was the first time they'd met, yet he remembered her. The realization sent a jolt through her.

"Are you headed there?" he asked, gesturing towards the building.

"Uh... how do you know about this?" Her words came out sharper than intended.

A horn blared from behind, urging them to move. They crossed the street together, the awkward silence broken only by the sound of raindrops.

"Perhaps I can walk you?" His offer, genuine or not, was tempting. She didn't want to be rude, but the thought of walking alongside her boss's former fiancé sent a wave of discomfort through her.

"This is so awkward," she thought, never imagining she'd be sharing the sidewalk with him. Why did he want to walk with her? Her mind raced with questions.

"Ms. Xia, how long have you been working with the Su family?" he asked, breaking the silence.

The question irritated her. "Why do you need to know?" she snapped, regretting it instantly.

"It's alright if you don't want to answer," he said, a chuckle escaping his lips. The sound made her feel like a child being patronized.

"Mr. Xu, why are you heading in the same direction as me?" she countered, trying to regain control of the conversation.

"Oh, my sister goes to the same kindergarten," he replied casually.

What? "Your sister?" she blurted out, surprised.

"Yes, why not?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's normal for children to go to regular schools like this, and on top of it, this place has a certain charm to it."

He continued, "My sister actually enjoys it much more than private institutes. She has a lot of friends here."

Xiaolong listened, her initial apprehension giving way to a cautious curiosity. This man, once dismissed as a nuisance, was showing her a side she hadn't expected. Was it all an act? Or was there more to him than she realized?

The rain had stopped, leaving the air crisp and cool. As Xiaolong and Xu Feng walked side-by-side towards the kindergarten, a comfortable silence settled between them. The awkwardness of their initial encounter had faded, replaced by a tentative ease.

Suddenly, Xiaolong, prompted by a spark of curiosity, decided to address something that had been lingering in her mind. "Mr. Xu," she began, her voice hesitant yet genuine, "earlier you mentioned your sister attending the same kindergarten. I must admit, it surprised me a little."

Xu Feng raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Surprised? How so?"

"Well," Xiaolong continued, searching for the right words, "given your family's background, I wouldn't have expected your sister to go to such a… normal school, compared to the options available, you know?"

She caught herself, worried her phrasing might come across as judgmental. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No offense taken, Ms. Xia," he said with a warm smile. "It's a valid observation. Honestly, even I was surprised when she insisted on this particular kindergarten."

Xiaolong leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Why was that?"

"My sister, despite having every opportunity to attend prestigious institutes, chose this place because of its community feel," Xu Feng explained. "I wanted o sent her to a place where she could be just another child, make friends freely, and experience a normal childhood, away from expectations and pressures."

His words resonated with Xiaolong. She saw a reflection of her own priorities in his sister's choice. "That makes perfect sense," she said, nodding in agreement. "It's not always about the extravagance or exclusivity, but about finding the right environment, a place where your child feels comfortable and thrives."

"Exactly!" Xu Feng exclaimed, a hint of relief washing over him. "It's wonderful to see you understand. Sometimes, people jump to conclusions based on appearances, overlooking the individual desires and preferences within a family."

They continued their conversation, delving deeper into their siblings' lives, their hopes, and their challenges. Xiaolong discovered a kindred spirit in Xu Feng, someone who, despite their contrasting backgrounds, shared similar values and priorities when it came to family.

As they reached the kindergarten, Xiaomei's excited squeal drew their attention. The little girl rushed into Xiaolong's arms, her infectious laughter filling the air.

Turning to Xu Feng, Xiaolong couldn't help but smile. "You know, Mr. Xu," she began, a newfound warmth in her voice, "perhaps we have more in common than we initially thought."

He returned her smile, his eyes twinkling with genuine warmth. "Indeed, Ms. Xia," he echoed. "And who knows, maybe this is just the beginning of discovering those similarities."