
My Life Journey With Him :)

The book titled "My Life Journey with Him" is a compelling autobiographical account that chronicles the author's personal odyssey through the ups and downs of life alongside a significant other. This heartfelt narrative delves into the joys and challenges of a shared existence, offering readers a glimpse into the intricacies of love, companionship, and the profound impact one person can have on another's life. The book explores themes of resilience, growth, and the transformative power of human connections. Through a rich tapestry of anecdotes, emotions, and introspection, "My Life Journey with Him" invites readers to reflect on their own life journeys and the relationships that shape them. It is a poignant testament to the enduring power of love and the shared experiences that define us as individuals.

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  I am glad for him because he finally finds the place he wants to and he been looking for this last couple of months since he ended the last one and I really glad and happy for him the place that he got its looks gorgeous and beautiful.

  But in the same time, I also feel so sad because its mean he going to be longer needed to be in there, well I don't know why I should be sad because of that I mean like literally he not going to be busy anymore (even I am not sure about that) for looking for places only just needed to wait for the settelement, but is not what is concern me the things is concern me is that I will need more time to see him again.

  I think that all is because I was really missed him so much and I really want him by myside right now and I needed his cuddle and I really need his warm body next to me right now, I know it sounds weird but I do really miss him and think about him all the time.

  I am so sorry for that I know it looks too much but that the way I am and I hope you will understand it Stevie, I really love you so much I was hoping we are living in the same continent and the same country so we didn't stay apart but I really love you so much no matter what happened I will fight this distance and the feeling of missing you all the time.

  Because all of that will be worth it when we meet again after a while and we can spend more quality time together when you are here with me and I just hoping to what we planned will be succeeded soon so I also can visit you there and specially I really want to see mom and talk to her also your other member of your family of course I want to get know them more close and better if it's alright with you Stevie.

"The Unknown is not your enemy. Its what makes each day such an adventure."

Ikbal Saputa

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