
Day 298365 idk lol

Hmmm... it seems that the virus is probably getting bigger or smaller but it does not matter anymore after a month of being inside I feel.... well how can I say this?... Depressed? Emotionless? Is that to emo? Well idc I'm... sleepy all the time and at this point my mom or step dad are not waking me up for school but idc. But to be honest I kinda miss school... not THE DAMN ONLINE SCHOOL! Ahem anyways i think I'm getting more weak so I decided to work out more and get smarter tbh I think I'm smarter than my friends but it's whatever. But the kicker is that they don't know that I'm smart and sometimes when they have no clue what to do and they leave I kinda do the work for them and we'll they don't know that I'm writing this down I've never told them. Did I say that my brother yells a lot at games? Well he doing it again it's getting annoying when I'm trying to do my work.... by work i mean planning my life when I leave this place btw my step brothers are cool and all but I don't think I will see them when I leave here... I love my mom and step dad and all but they are... well..... alcoholic.... BUT DONT WORRY THEY DONT DO ANYTHING TO ME OR THE OTHERS they are actually pretty nice to us and when I get older I want to be like Stan lee and I think people think my dreams are dumb or sum I just want to be remembered and not be a no one I might want to be rich and give money to my moms side and dads side well that will be all for today bye guys