
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

World's gifts

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Faced with Smoker's attack, Luffy tried to punch his hand only to find it dissipating into smoke while Yuki chose the better option and dodged.

However, this was just a distraction by Smoker and Luffy fell for it as he appeared above him and restrained him with his sheer physical strength alone showing just what kind of monster he was even without his devil fruit, and he prepared to use his weapon, a Jitte (Weapon similar to a batton) coated in sea stones that has the ability to nullify the magical effect of devils' fruits.

And at this instant, Yuki finally showed his true colors as his eyes spilled some greed from them and he instantly disappeared from Smoker's vision and appeared behind him… As for his weapon, it was already in Yuki's hand and he smirked slightly at Smoker who dropped his cigar from the immense shock he was feeling when his hand couldn't find his weapon even after searching all over his back…

"You…" Before he could say anything, Yuki tapped him lightly with the Jitte and Smoker instantly felt all of his power and energy seeping out of his body and he couldn't transform into smoke anymore and Yuki used this opportunity to kick him with all of his power which sent him flying quite the distance.

Then, he shamelessly put the Jitte on his back and said to Luffy "Let's go"

"Eh, where is that Smoky guy?" Asked Luffy in wonder and Yuki grinned at him and said "I sent him flying"

"Ohh, you're amazing" Luffy's eyes started sparkling but he didn't move so Yuki simply grabbed him and started running while shooting a discrete look in a certain direction where he saw a certain man standing on top of a building and observing them and Yuki calmly nodded at him to the surprise of that man

'This kid isn't simple' thought Dragon as he recalled the speed with which Yuki appeared behind Smoker…

"The new era has started!" he muttered with a wide grin on his face before disappearing while a huge wind suddenly manifested and sent Yuki and Luffy flying even faster toward the ship along with his other crewmates…


After everyone got into the ship, they immediately set sail under Nami's leadership, who used the sudden wind to their advantage to run away even faster, and it was only then did they turn their attention toward Yuki who was getting harassed by Luffy the whole time…

"Ehhh, why can't you join my crew right now?" asked Luffy in annoyance, and Nami couldn't help but wonder 'What's this idiot doing now after almost getting himself killed?'

"Sorry Luffy, but I plan to visit a certain place first before I set sail to the sea… hmmm, maybe I will come to find you in a month or so"

"Promise?" asked Luffy completely trusting in what Yuki said which left the rest of the crew to stare at him helplessly and Yuki simply nodded with a smile on his face.

Nami and the others couldn't help but shake their heads 'With how wide the sea is and with us not knowing where this adventure will lead us, the possibility of meeting again is almost 0… and that's if we all could survive the grand line in the first place which is unlikely with this stupid captain'

Everyone understood this logic, except for Luffy who was laughing like an idiot and said "shishishi that's great"

'Who's truly the idiot?' wondered Yuki as he stared at the captain of this ship calmly and decided to not explain himself to the crew who were clearly looking down on him for tricking their captain but were simply refraining from saying it out loud.

"Luffy, we are friends starting from today" Said Yuki with a smile and Luffy nodded repeatedly before he suddenly froze as his vision shifted from Yuki's dimensional link!

He saw a similar scene to what Ryushi saw, but he didn't give it too much attention as what was important to him was the connection he felt toward Yuki.

"With this, we can stay in touch" Said Yuki with a smile after regaining his calm from what he saw and Luffy's smile became even bigger as he started clapping and dancing in a cartoonish way, which was the final straw that broke the camel's back as Usopp finally couldn't hold himself back and yelled

"Luffy stop acting like an idiot, this guy is clearly lying and trying to trick you"

'A liar calling people liars?' thought Yuki in amusement...

"Ehh? He's not I just-" Luffy tried to speak but Nami pinched his cheeks and stretched them before she said "Do you know where we are going?"

"No" replied Luffy so Nami sighed and said "so how do you expect him to find us?"

Luffy shot Yuki a look and noticed that he was observing him, but his mind was simple so he simply turned to Yuki and said "Can you find us?"

Yuki smiled and said "Yup, although your crew doesn't seem to trust my words"

"Why would we trust a liar?" spoke Sanji calmly while struggling to light a cigarette thank to the pouring rain… meanwhile, Zoro didn't say anything and simply eyed Yuki silently

"Oy Sanji, don't call Yuki a liar, he saved my life" yelled Luffy, and he was clearly angry and ready to teach Sanji and Usopp a lesson but Yuki held him back and said "Don't worry about it, anyways it's time for me to leave, see you soon"

Then Yuki simply jumped off the ship and disappeared into the sea without saying anything more…

"What's wrong with you guys?" Yelled Luffy who didn't know how to explain the magical experience he went through and the others remained silent at their captain who sometimes acted stupid, and Zoro eventually spoke "Luffy, that guy might have saved your life, but we don't know his true intentions and whether he's telling the truth or not, but the future will make everything clear"

"Hmph, indeed" Said Luffy while fuming before he took a seat on his favorite spot while Zoro shook his head as even he didn't believe Yuki was telling the truth, especially after seeing that he didn't even have a devil fruit since he can swim… 'What a weird guy' he thought before dozing off to sleep

Meanwhile, Yuki made his way back to Loguetown where Smoker was confronting Dragon for helping the straw hats as he watched their ship sailing away without being able to do anything to stop them.

Not long after, Yuki came out of the water and threw away his wet clothes and took out a new pair from his space ring…

"Ah, nothing feels better than wearing one's own clothes" Muttered Yuki as he made his way toward where Dragon was shitting riddles on Smoker's ears..

"Oh, you are back, I thought you left with them" Spoke Dragon with intrigue in his eyes while Smoker instantly rushed at Yuki while yelling

"Oy, give me back my Jitte you bastard" However, Yuki simply ignored him and said to Dragon " I want to accompany you, to that Dojo"

Dragon's eyes flickered slightly as he responded "It seems like I underestimated you" Before a huge wind blew and sent Smoker and anyone nearby away from them as he asked "How do you know about us?"

"That green-haired guy Zoro's from there, he told me about his teacher dealing with you guys…"

A huge part of Dragon's suspicion vanished after hearing this answer and he eventually asked Yuki "What do you want to do in that Dojo?"

Yuki remained silent for a while before he responded "I want to learn the path of the sword there, I also want to learn Haki from you if possible, and I don't mind helping the revolutionaries in the future as compensation"

Dragon contemplated silently with a stoic look that didn't let any traces of his emotions show before he nodded at Yuki and said "I hope you can become a valuable asset for the good of this world"

'Nah, I probably won't' thought Yuki... he was also skillful in hiding his thoughts and emotions and didn't show them as he simply nodded at Dragon and allowed him to pick him up with his winds and they started flying toward Shimotsuki village, Zoro's home town!

At first, Yuki didn't find it as a bad idea to join Luffy since joining the protagonist was always a good way to gain plenty of quests, however, he knew the difficulty of this world, especially when dealing with logia devil fruit users such as smoker and not being prepared is a death wish for most people, and he was a person that liked to milk his opportunities!

Not to mention that the notifications he received after arriving to this world played a huge role in making up his mind and he couldn't help but re-read them again in wonder…

[Congratulations on arriving to the world of One Piece]

[You received the Buff Body of a dreamer]

[Body of a dreamer: Every single person in this world has x 10 efficiencies in all forms of training and x 10 in health and stamina recovery]

[Congratulation to host on unlocking a new attribute: Will]

[You have met the requirements in terms of Will, Body, and Perception and in return unlocked Armament Haki as well as Observation Haki]

[Due to the special laws of this world, the effect of soul powers has been greatly weakened but the effect of Will has been strengthened]


Yuki had to spend some time digesting all this information and the things that he gained, and he was beyond excited to say the least, especially with the buff that he gained that greatly enhanced the speed of his training, especially when coupled with his minotaur talent that would further increase his training speed by 300% making a single day of him training equivalent to 40 days of an ordinary person training! Not to mention that it affect the other forms of training so he can train his skills much faster!

But in reality, it's even more than that thanks to the increased regeneration which will allow him to further push his limits every time and recover instantly!

However, this wasn't all this world had to offer for him as the notification that truly excited him was related to his path of evolution triggering on its own…

[The uniqueness of this world made its citizens have potential that is tens of times higher than normal humans and that's because as long as they train hard enough, they can surpass their limits many times.

Thanks to the host's unique connection with the world, the path of evolution can collect enough energy to transform the host's body into a similar genetic structure to that of the people of this world. Additional benefits include the ability to use the Will attributes more freely. Would you like to accept it? Yes/No]

'How could I refuse such a seductive offer?' Yuki couldn't help but lick his lips as an eerie aura erupted from his body creeping the hell out of Dragon who simply thought 'I need to investigate this man…'

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