
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Tainting a pure soul

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"Umm, I don't know what Yuki-san stole from you but I'm sure we could solve it peacefully" Rimuru tried to reason with the army of knights and mages but their leader saw it as an insult to have the lowest kind of monsters, a slime, try to talk and reason with him so he immediately ordered his troops

"Kill this slime and every monster that steps in our way to find that criminal! Great honor and rewards await those who can find the stone and bring it back to our country!"

The moment he finished his words, a mage among them instantly started chanting and sent a fireball right at Rimuru and the goblins couldn't help but yell in worry

"Rimuru-sama, be careful!" However, the fireball landed on Rimuru and did him no damage, although it got on his nerves a little…

"It seems this can't be solved peacefully, I will catch all of you first… I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding…" However before Rimuru could make a move to capture the army, a huge shadow was cast upon the earth as Dariun made his appearance and allowed his strong pressure to fall on the convoy of the Doran kingdom and completely immobilize them except for their leader who kept yelling for them to attack

'What an idiot…' thought Yuki as he walked out of the village accompanied by Shizue. The leader of the knights saw only Yuki in his eyes and immediately yelled "Quick, order these monsters to help us fight this eagle or we will all end up dying"

Yuki couldn't help but yawn at him and said "Why should I? that's my cute pet you are fighting"

"Huh?" The army leader had a bewildered look on his face, but Yuki didn't give him too much time to think as he turned to Rimuru and said "Some things can not be solved peacefully, and you should understand, if you were another slime, you would be dead by now"

"I know but… They are humaaaaaaaaa—" Rimuru's sentence was cut short as Yuki picked him up and threw him at the leader of the knights and left him with a gaping hole where his heart should have been…

Rimuru stood there at the center of the gore and blood and watched as the knight leader fell to the ground before Yuki said "Eat him great sage, it will allow Rimuru to gain a human form which will be very usefull"

The shell shocked Rimuru didn't even compute what Yuki said despite him having heard him so great sage took action on its own

[Environment is full of enemies. The host is under emotional shock and can't take action temporarily. Suggestion by the individual Yuki Chibana is useful. Autopilot activated]

Then Rimuru's slime body moved on its own and he absorbed the army leader before retreating to Yuki's side where Shizue picked him up to comfort him...

Meanwhile, Yuki turned his attention to the rest of the army that was staring at him as if he was their worst nightmare before he said "Now then, what should I do with you mmm… Rigurd, arrest all of them for now, we will decide what to do with them later"

"Yes, Yuki-sama" Replied the giant Rigurd before he led a few goblins and tied all of the knights and mages with Rimuru's steel threads which they had plenty of, and Yuki made sure that they were stripped of all their equipment including their underwear...

With the situation of the army handled, Yuki decided to finish the quest that required him to change Rimuru once and for all since he won't be staying with him all the time so he approached him and the latter immediately yelled "Why did you do that?"

"Did what?" said Yuki and Rimuru instantly flew into a rage as he transformed into a human form instinctively and rushed to punch Yuki with all of his strength, and his punch easily connected with Yuki's jaw as the sound of impact echoed far outside the boundaries of the house…

Realizing what he did, Rimuru stared at Yuki apologetically and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to punch you"

Yuki smiled at him warmly and said " Don't worry, I don't hold grudges" Rimuru was about to have a sigh of relief and thank Yuki but a punch suddenly connected with his jaw and made his head explode like a watermelon and he could hear Yuki say through his magic sense as his body quickly recovered

"I don't hold grudges because I pay them back right away" Said Yuki while shaking off the bits and pieces of slime still stuck to his hand…

Shizue watched all of this silently and was barely holding herself back from interfering as Rimuru reshaped himself and stared at Yuki with a terrified expression "Are you crazy? I almost died there"

Rimuru couldn't help but see the shadow of death staring at him from behind Yuki's shoulder with its scythe pointed at his neck as Yuki said to him "This is how close death is to you and everyone you know in this world where the strong feed on the weak, and if you think I'm scary, Well guess what, there are plenty of much more scarier beings in this world… and guess what would happen to someone that lets a useless kingdom trample over his pride and even attempt to kill him?"

"But… they are humans…" said Rimuru who couldn't bring himself to hurt an ant, not to mention humans

"I understand how you feel, but strength comes first! If you let these people go freely, they would just invite more trouble into the settlement, can you be sure that you will never leave this place? If you do, who would protect the residents we so hardly created? The line between kindness and cowardness is very blurry my friend, oh and this is the last time I would interfere in the protection of the settlement, from now on you are on your own!"

Rimuru remained silent in his human form, it was a young man with short blue hair, yellow eyes and a thin body… Hearing what Yuki said, and his recent experience with death, his hesitant eyes finally focused as he said "I can't be like you, Yuki-san. However, I will strive to be a good leader for those that decided to live in my settlement"

Hearing this, Yuki nodded with a smile since he received a notification confirming the end of his quest, while Shizue who was staring at the ceiling this whole time with a slightly red face finally ran out of the room without saying anything…

"What's wrong with Shizue-san?" asked Rimuru curiously finding her behavior weird before Yuki shot him a weird smirk and said "She ran from a certain pervert hiding in plain sight here in the room"

"Ehhh, where's he?" said Rimuru while observing the room with his eyes and magic sense but he stopped when he heard great sage sighing inside of his head while Yuki chuckled and said "I must say, you got a huge package down there"

Rimuru who finally realized that he was completely naked screamed like a bitch and rushed to cover his private parts, but then his hands didn't connect with anything which made him freeze slightly before he shot a look secretly at his old friend only to find out that he didn't make it through his reincarnation and he was hit by another wave of shock that was harder than when he found out he was the cause of the death of a human and he even ate him…

Yuki left after this to leave Rimuru to figure out whatever the hell his human form was and found Shizue practicing hard with her sword as Yuki approached her with a smirk and said "I caught you staring at him multiple times, I didn't know Shizue-san was into these kinds of things… and I was wondering why you decided to stay with us"

Shizue's hand froze and her sword almost fell from it as her face turned beet red and she got in Yuki's face and yelled "I didn't look! I just stayed there just in case you two act recklessly"

Yuki patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile "Don't worry I believe you"

"You do?" Asked Shizue doubtfully and Yuki simply got closer to her ear and said "Of course not, if you want to see the real thing, I—" But he suddenly found the scenery changing around him rapidly as Shizue kicked him away and ran back to the house…

"Tch, sorry about that Gobta, didn't want to intrude on your shower buddy" Said Yuki while standing from the rubble of Gobta's house and made his way back home as if nothing happened.

"HEYYYY, you better pay me for the repairs" Yelled Gobta, but it fell on deaf ears as Yuki's ears instantly filtered his words when the words 'pay' and 'me' were involved and heard him say something along the lines of have a nice day instead…


After sitting on his own, Yuki checked his recent system notifications and saw the following

[Quest: When opposites meet (completed)]

[Host has completed this quest in record time and transformed an easily trusting person into a person who doubts if his shadow might stab him in his sleep successfully. Additional rewards shall be granted]

[Accept reward: Yes / NO]

Yuki thought 'Yes' and right after he received his rewards.

[You received 3 skill points + Skill Aura of corruption]

[Aura of corruption (1/10): An active ability that once used consumes 30 of the host's mana per second while dealing 8+ 5% of his magic value in a radius of 5 meters. Cooldown: --]

'Not bad, gaining an AoE damaging ability is always good, although it doesn't differentiate between friends and foes so I need to be careful when I use it just like my conqueror's Haki… Hopefully, my control over them will get better when the level is higher' thought Yuki before he went back to his house and decided to watch and see how Rimuru was planning on handling the matter with the army.

And he didn't disappoint him, at least not too much as Rimuru's decision was to let two of them go and hold the others hostage, this way he could ask for a ransom from the kingdom of Doran and avoid the need to kill them which was hitting two birds with one stone but Yuki simply shook his head and thought 'Should have tortured them a little before you sent them back to at least show you can be cruel but this is fine, at least he gets the benefits part… Teaching an old slime new tricks is never easy' Although Yuki didn't realize that those soldiers were traumatized for life after he ordered the goblins to stip them make naked and I ended up losing both items and pride...

After this matter was solved, another new mess approached the settlement, and it was none other than the ogres… Yuki's target whom he had been waiting for to quickly advance his making friends task… At least the monster's part of it which was a huge hit to his socializing skills…

'After this is done, I should go back and see how those stinky demons are doing, I miss Emilia and Mashiro as well' thought Yuki, and it wasn't surprising that his first thought was to worry about his cheap items even after having become rich in this world…

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