
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Side effect of wicked thoughts

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


After Yurei came back, Yuki noticed a horrifying grin on his face, one that he was familiar with as it was the same grin he would have whenever he left some people naked so he didn't want to ask the sick kid in front of him about whatever sins he committed, although he would still tax him for it… That was unavoidable.

"Good job Yurei" Said Yuki with a smile as he stared at the giant object Yurei brought with him before he cunningly smiled and said "I can't wait to see what else you brought for me"

Yurei's smile froze slightly as he thought 'At least he doesn't appear like he's going to take everything away from me...' before he nodded and left while Yuki went ahead and waved his hand over the giant storage device and a few notifications soon appeared in front of him one after the other

[Host has collected the required materials. 4/4 Dark matter]

[Path of evolution has activated automatically…]

Yuki suddenly felt his mind and senses expanding at a terrifying rate as a final notification appeared in front of him

[Congratulation host, your ability Basic Space Affinity has evolved into Medium Space Affinity]

Yuki immediately clicked on the description of this ability and he wasn't disappointed at all!

[Medium Space Affinity: Greatly increases the range of the perception of the host along with the performance of all of the space-related abilities. The current increase is 500%. The host can now sense space itself to a certain extent which will greatly enhance the speed of learning and mastering space-related abilities]

Yuki was hugely delighted by the improved version of the space affinity 'With this, my level 1 Quick step can be used in a range of 30 meters, not to mention that with my ability to sense space, I can also train it more efficiently in the future!'

As Yuki concluded his thoughts, he didn't hold back at all and immediately tried his new space sense, and it was a magical experience to say the least as what was presented in front of him was a complex world with multiple layers, lines, and configurations!

It was so complicated that his mind felt overwhelmed by all the information it needed to process, but Yuki's lucid mind and absolute focus instantly activated and lessened the pressure on his mind.

'Let's see what Quick step truly does in this complex mess ' thought Yuki before he activated his quick step with the intention to move from his bed and appear in front of his bedroom door, and right as he did, just for a split second, he saw the mess of lines and images that constructed his body moving and harmonizing with the others existing in his surrounding before he moved in a random direction that wasn't even that of the door while also reconstructing themselves as they originally were, yet before Yuki could begin to comprehend what was happening, he was already in front of the door as he intended.

Speechless and with his head beginning to ache from the information it was trying to process, Yuki remained frozen in front of his door for a long time until someone opened it and smashed it right on his face, yet Yuki didn't feel it at all thanks to his indestructible body

"C-Can I enter?" Wondered Suzuno who felt it weird that the door stopped mid-opening… 'Is That guy Yuki even in his room? I knocked for a long time yet he didn't open the door at all'

Meanwhile, as Suzuno was planning to enter the room to check what was blocking the door, Yuki on the other hand was lost in his thoughts 'This is too complex, what the hell did I just witness… How can anyone understand this mess, there must be a trick to it or maybe if my space affinity was higher, I could have understood it much easier'

Yuki was right in this regard, space was among the three toughest elements to master among all the elements, surpassed by only time and life, yet this didn't mean that it was impossible to learn it. However, what he didn't realize is that quick step worked in a different way compared to the other space-related skills he knew off

The easiest way to control space is to use magic, space magic to be exact, and with the power of magic that allows it to bend reality and make the impossible possible, it makes the process much easier to achieve.

However, being one of the systems skills, Quick step actually wasn't magic, and that was clear by it not requiring mana for its activation, so how was it able to achieve its effect? that's what Yuki will struggle to learn… a power far superior to magic, the power of Laws!

'What if I add the effect of my wicked thought to the mix? This should help out in increasing my intelligence!' Yuki immediately applied this idea, and he instantly started thinking about using quick step to spy on girls while they were taking a bath or stealing money, killing, evil, and chaos.

Yuki thought of every possible way to use this ability in an evil way, and it was reflected in the ominous light flickering on his eerie green eyes while his long white hair covered his face leaving his eyes shining like took deathly orbs…

At this moment, Suzuno had just put some force on her hand that was on the handle of the door to try and push it further so that she can make a big enough space for herself to enter yet a terrible aura suddenly hit her right on the face and made her freeze from the sheer level of terror she was feeling as goosebumps covered her body from top to bottom.

'What the hell is this? What kind of monster is hiding in this room? Did those demons do something to Yuki?'

With her assassin instincts activated, Suzuno instantly activated her magic causing the red flower clip she uses to hold her hair to enlarge and transform into her famous weapon, a giant mallet which she brutally uses to execute her enemies.

'The enemy should be right beyond this door…' She thought, before her eyes were covered by the coldness of an assassin and she directly swung her weapon at the source of that evil…

The door of the room instantly broke apart, offering no resistance to her terrifying blow as splinters of wood flew all over the place while the mallet came in contact with what she assumed to be some sort of demon or devil for those scary eyes couldn't be something a human can possess!


The voice of the impact reverberated throughout the house alerting its other inhabitants, and it being the evening, everyone could hear it and they immediately made their way to Yuki's room while the man in question simply stared at Suzuno with his eerie lantern-like eyes and a lewd smirk came to his face while she realized that her attack did no damage!

'Impossible, I used a fair amount of magic and even landed a direct hit on his head yet it caused no damage? What kind of monster is this?' She wondered as she jumped backward to create some distance.

Yet the moment her feet touched the floor, she realized that the distance between her and those eerie eyes didn't change at all which made her face turn pale instantly as she fully swung at that head once more, but she only found herself stumbling forward thanks to the force of her blow as Yuki disappeared like a ghost from her view so she hastily turned around to see if he was behind her.

But he wasn't there, so she put her mallet over her shoulder in preparation to strike at any moment, but suddenly, a few strands of white hair fell on the nape of her neck and caressed her face creepily and as she hastily turned her head to see who they belonged to, she found Yuki squatting on her mallet and staring at her coldly

"AAAAA" Suzuno screamed in horror as she let go of her mallet in her panic and swung at Yuki with her fist instead, yet he simply disappeared once more and appeared behind her with his hand slowly stretching toward her neck and she barely turned around in time to watch in horror and gritted teeth as that hand was only a few millimeters away from her neck…

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly whispered so closely into Yuki's ears in a devilish voice asking "What are you doing, Yuki?"

Yuki froze slightly before he turned to the source of the voice and his eerie eyes stared at a pair of two bloody eyes while his outstretched hand kept moving forward until he patted the scared Suzuno and said with a bright smile as the weird atmosphere surrounding him completely disappeared "I'm just teaching our new maid a lesson not to smash people's heads randomly with her cute mallet, I could have died you know?"

Maou's face also turned back to normal and he calmly stared at Yuki's broken door before he asked Suzuno "Is that true?"

Suzuno started to regain her calm, but she still felt scared as she stared at the normal Yuki and stuttered her answer "Y-y-yes" At this point, she didn't even realize that her identity was already exposed…

"Ehh, I guess Yuki wasn't in the wrong then, but you went a bit too far as you always do" Spoke Maou while shooting Yuki a weird look as if wondering what would have happened if he didn't appear.

Meanwhile, Yuki simply shrugged and said "I don't want to hear that from you after what you did to poor Hanzo, working at a construction site in the heat of summer, that's cruelty at its peak"

"Hey, he brought it upon himself, plus the pay is also good so it's a win-win situation for all of us" Retorted Maou while Suzuno simply stared at them as Emilia approached her and she couldn't help but remember her words

'Do not provoke Yuki, you will definitely regret it more than offending the demons…' And she finally understood the significance of those words 'This guy's speed is frightening…'

After this incident, Yuki went back to his room but not before asking Suzuno to replace his bedroom door, of course he deducted the expenses from her pay and she reluctantly agreed to it, and after throwing himself on his bed, he finally started to think about what happened.

'Wicked thoughts is truly magical, just this small exchange allowed me to gain a lot of insight in regard to the way Quick step works, yet I also almost lost control, I truly felt like killing Suzuno at that instant if Maou didn't stop me, and I'm sure he realized that as well…

This brings me to another weird thing that happened, the skill he used to arrive in front of me was probably the spell blink, I could clearly see how his magic affected space allowing him to teleport from one point to another by creating a portal that quickly covered his body, but quick step doesn't work like that at all…'

Suddenly, Yuki's eyes started shining and he finally realized something 'I've been thinking about this from a wrong starting point, Quick Step isn't magic, It's probably similar to having a psychic power that allows people to teleport so I guess the first step to mastering it is by learning how to manipulate space just through my senses without relying on anything!'

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