
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

End of the war

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"I see that you are back, Yuki-sama" Kayle spoke elegantly as he always does before he paused and kept staring at Yuki who approached him eerily

"Kayle…" Yuki called him with a serious look on his face which made the latter flinch slightly 'Is he going to do something now that he knows I've been hiding my true power?' thought Kayle warily, but Yuki then shifted his focus to Razen and simply said "Strip him naked, he's got quite the few good items on him…" before he turned around to leave…

Kayle was taken by surprise by this since this wasn't the response he was expecting and he couldn't help but ask "Aren't you going to ask about my identity?"

Yuki stopped in his tracks before he stared at Kayle like an idiot "Why should I care? Anyways follow me quickly, Sacha is worried about you"

Kayle stood there rooted in place before he suddenly smirked and said to Razen "I apologize if you end up catching a cold old man, but Yuki-sama simply can't bear to watch his enemies clothed…"

On the battlefield outside the village, Rimuru kept massacring soldiers one after the other and in just a few seconds, he killed almost 20000 soldiers and great sage eventually told him that he had collected enough souls and the evolution into a true demon lord was starting

"Eh, why is it starting directly… damn it great sage why didn't you tell me" Asked Rimuru, and great simply replied saying

[You didn't ask] which made Rimuru feel helpless, but he ignored his feelings and landed from the sky to complete Yuki's orders "Summon: demon!"

After Rimuru said this, an eerie aura engulfed the already eerie battlefield that was filled with scared soldiers that were barely holding themselves back from running away…

Then, darkness accumulated in front of Rimuru before it transformed into three demons… and one of them instantly asked "How can we be of use to you?"

Rimuru didn't know what to say and he was starting to get sleepy, but he noticed Yuki approaching them from the distance and quickly said while pointing at him "Follow his orders" before he turned into his slime form and fell asleep as his evolution started…

The leader of the three demons stared at the man Rimuru referred to and he couldn't help but smile widely and ask "Can we have these dead bodies?"

Yuki stared at the demon that would be named diablo in the future and said "Eat your fill"

Diablo and the other two demons smirked widely and the former said "Thank you" before they went to feast on the bodies which added to the horror that the rest of the army was feeling while Yuki calmly approached them and said "Drop your weapons and you will be spared"

The army trembled slightly as their gaze shifted between Yuki and the disappearing bodies of their comrades and a noble from the Doran kingdom that was leading the army tried to overcome his fears and yelled "You can't trick us, the demon that killed our comrades is already immobilized, there's nothing you can do to stop us anymore-"

However, just as he finished saying this, a rock smashed into his head and made it explode like a watermelon... It was of course thrown by Yuki who was covering his face with both his hands like a shy girl staring at a naked boy while leaving small cracks between her fingers...

"Sigh, these idiots" muttered Yuki while shaking his head before his eyes turned a little bit more serious and he activated his conqueror's Haki to its full power!

A formless shockwave went through the army of 30000 soldiers and just like dominos, they fell one after the other to the ground and Diablo couldn't help but stare at Yuki in shock 'What an incredible Haki… This man is strong'

Meanwhile, staring at the knocked-out soldiers and the few that were barely standing, Yuki yelled at Geld "Geld! Apprehend all of these humans right away!"

"Yes sir" responded Geld as he led the high orcs to capture the army…

Meanwhile, Yuki picked up Rimuru and took him back to the village 'These monsters he named will soon be affected as well by his evolution, I need to deal with this mess quickly…' Thought Yuki before he started to quickly give out orders…

"Yuki, how long do I need to keep this stupid barrier for" asked Milim suddenly as she appeared beside him and stared at Diablo curiously and feeling like he reminded her of Guy…

"You can remove it once Rimuru wakes up… it won't take too long" said Yuki while thinking 'Great sage evolving is required if we want to revive the dead but Rimuru doesn't have the unique skill degenerate anymore to sacrifice for that evolution since Shizue is still alive and he didn't absorb her… thankfully we've got plenty of otherworlders with all kinds of unique skills…'

After reaching this point in thought, Yuki stared at Rimuru's body in his arms and communicated with him through dimensional link 'Great sage can you hear me?'

There was a bit of silence but eventually, a voice responded to Yuki [Notice: Yes]

'If we want to revive the dead, you will need to evolve right?' asked Yuki and great sage quickly responded this time

[Affirmative, evolving will raise the chances of success from 3% to 98%]

'Then take control of Rimuru's body, I will collect the dead otherworlders for you to absorb' said Yuki, and right after, he could feel Rimuru's body moving slightly as great sage responded

[Request accepted]

Then Yuki collected all the otherworlders as well as the high-level enemies that attacked them and dumped them all on top of Rimuru's body which started shining with a multicolored light…

Then, after everything was over, he suddenly transformed back into a human form and right after. All the monsters he previously named began falling to the ground one after the other unconscious…

"What's going on?" Asked Shion while struggling not to lose her consciousness and so was Benimaru but Yuki's calm voice soon put their worried hearts to ease as he said "Don't worry, when you wake up, everything will be fine… Including Shuna and Hakurou"

Shion stared at Yuki tearfully before she stopped resisting the dizziness…

Meanwhile, Raphael which was taking control of Rimuru's body suddenly spoke "Commencing the reviving ritual… Beelzebub devours every single magicules and soul fragment inside this barrier and leave nothing behind"

Milim watched in surprise as her barrier got dissolved easily by Rimuru that almost appeared like a completely different person…

"Notice: insufficient magicules to revive everyone" Spoke Raphael while staring at Yuki implying that it needed his help…

At this moment Diablo appeared along with the other two black demons and said "You can use these two demons if you want, they will be glad to serve you…"

The two black demons bowed slightly in agreement and Raphael was about to agree to their offer but Yuki shook his head and said "No need for that, here use my magicules" before he started unleashing a tsunami of magicules which Raphael absorbed greedily…

These magicules or mana weren't the ones stored inside his magic core… They were the ones filling up his body just like the rest of the people of this world, and he had a terrifying amount of them that even made Diablo's eyes widen in surprise…

After Raphael absorbed enough magicules to power up his spell, he finally initiated the reviving process and it went smoothly…

"Amazing, who would have thought someone could use such miraculous magic" Spoked Kayle who appeared behind Yuki silently, and Diablo couldn't help but shoot him a look as he thought 'This guy is dangerous…'

Kayle too noticed Diablo's presence and he couldn't help but smirk and ask Yuki "What's a black Demon doing here? Do you want me to get rid of him?"

Diablo smiled back coldly and said to Yuki "What's a black mage doing here? Do you want me to kill him?"

Yuki could see sparks flying between Kayle and Diablo but he simply shrugged and said "Stop causing trouble, both of you"

Right after he said this, Raphael turned to Yuki and said "Revival successful" Before he jumped at him while transforming back into his slime form… Rimuru was still asleep after all and Raphael simply believed that staying with Yuki was the safest spot…

'Tch, this little bastard thinks I'm Rimuru's babysitter or what?' thought Yuki in annoyance before he turned his attention to the slowly waking monster, some literally from the dead…

"Woah, this slime is truly amazing, I have never seen such beautiful spirit magic " Spoke Milim with her eyes shining like stars and Yuki agreed with her, and not long after, cheers started echoing throughout the town…

While Yuki was dealing with the aftermath of this attack which was mainly dealing with a high number of prisoners and the few strong ones like Hinata and Razen.

Suddenly a bunch of Pegasus riders fell from the sky led by Gazel Dwargo himself who was surprised by the result of the fight and directly went to meet Yuki and said "I apologize for coming this late, something came up which delayed my arrival."

Yuki stared at this man that was planning to enter a losing fight because he was their ally fearlessly and shook his head "Don't worry about it, you being here speaks volumes of your attitude. However, I'm curious, were you delayed because of that bitch Elmesia?"

Gazel almost choked on his saliva hearing Yuki directly call Elmesia like that before he nodded and said "It took me a while to convince Elmesia to retreat from this fight…"

"I see" Yuki smiled warmly, but everyone in the commanding room could feel a chill running down their spines and they instinctively knew that the elf empress wasn't going to have a good ending…

"King Gazel, after this war, our country might end up as the target of hate of the human countries… are you sure you want to stick with us until the end? If you want to forsake our alliance, we won't hold any grudge against you"

The Kijin and the other officers were surprised by Yuki's statement, but they understood why he said that after today and what kind of burden they had to deal with so they didn't want to involve a good-natured person like Gazel with them… Gazel too understood where Yuki was coming from and he didn't appreciate it at all as he slammed the table in anger and said "What do you take me for? We agreed to form an alliance in both good and bad times, and I never go back on my promises no matter what!"

The Kijin felt inspired by the king's words and they couldn't help but nod at him gratefully… But only Diablo and Kayle noticed the slight smile on Yuki's face and they instantly understood something 'was he trying to test the king? or did he already expect this response and simply wanted to raise their morale further?'

"That's good to hear" replied Yuki with a smile but Raphael's voice suddenly wiped it away as it delivered him some terrible news [Notice: Shizue Izawa only has 30 more minutes to live]

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