
My life in Harry Potter( Rewrite coming soon)

am a pessimistic paranoid person who has no clue how the moronic beta personality shit heads actually beat the main villain beyond the power of love, rainbows, and sprinkles. I have always liked the cultivation power system but I absolutely loathe the everything else. The stupidity, racism, arrogance, delusional, repetitive characters etc. as such my stories will be a little similiar to xiania and wuxia. Don’t worry the only thing similiar is the power system noting else. My characters may come off as power hungry and emotionless. I also average around 1k words per chapter and upload at minimum once a week.

VinixxVidixxVici · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


First of all. I will confide in you guys that this was the first time I, ever wrote fan fiction. I reread my entire story because I wanted to continue writing this but I forget where exactly I left.

Second of all. I will be honest. This was a dumpster fire. Buying amazon stocks in 1990s, harems with brainless girls, a thumb twiddling dumbeldore, predictable and dumb voldyshorts shorts, one dimensional characters and a lot of other things(many reviews rightfully pointed that out).

Third of all. I still love the concept and the story itself isn't that bad. The grammar and pacing are the main perpetrators but still, I wanted to write this so I am officially declaring that I will be rewriting this entire fanfiction

I really wanted to continue this story but it was too chaotic as a whole and also the story won't a be shot to shot remake but a similar to storyline with more character arcs and a much better pace. Thanks for the support