
My life in Harry Potter( Rewrite coming soon)

am a pessimistic paranoid person who has no clue how the moronic beta personality shit heads actually beat the main villain beyond the power of love, rainbows, and sprinkles. I have always liked the cultivation power system but I absolutely loathe the everything else. The stupidity, racism, arrogance, delusional, repetitive characters etc. as such my stories will be a little similiar to xiania and wuxia. Don’t worry the only thing similiar is the power system noting else. My characters may come off as power hungry and emotionless. I also average around 1k words per chapter and upload at minimum once a week.

VinixxVidixxVici · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Rewrite chapter 5

"It is rude to listen to people without express permission, young man."

"Well., isn't it technically their fault for talking about something without applying security charms. Also you can't expect me to not be curious."

"Hmm. Well I do agree but may I ask why your vocabulary's so developed? You are how old again?"

Shit, in my mount of panic I forgot to use baby words. I mean which todddler knows about "technically","security charms","expect" and so many advanced words.

"I just like to read. There are so many books around me and magic is really fun to learn about."

"Well I guess it is ok. Just don't make this a habit Harry. Do you understand?"

He didn't buy it. I can see it on his face but I have no other options than to move along. I need to make a mental note to be on max paranoia mode when it comes to dumbeldore, even if he isn't a bad guy, I still don't want him meddling with me.

"Yes sir. I understand."

"Ah headmaster Your here with little Harry. Lily was calling for you and Harry to join for lunch. She is making her special pie."

James voice came from the doorway and his eyes glinted when he talked about the special pie.

"James, you know that I am not your headmaster now, but let us not waste time and have some of that great pie. Come along little harry"

All three is us walked down the stairs and into the hallway and the moment we opened the kitchen door, a smell of great food hit our nostrils and James basically ran towards the pie on the table. Just as he was about to grab it, a hand hit his outstretched palm.

"James, we are eating with our guests, have some manners!"

Wait a second. My prankster senses are tingling! I see a great opportunity

"Fine fine."

I walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed a few small plates and forks and sat down on the dining table after setting down all the plates with perfect finesse and a posture that would make Walberga Black proud. James's Jaw dropped to the ground at my display and dumbeldore chuckled a bit before joining me at the table.

Lily looked at James before commenting in an almost disappointed tone.

"See, even your own son has more manners than you. Now come on, let's have some pie."

The pie was delicious and it was my first time eating a pie so I was really surprised by the great taste.

The rest of the lunch passed but dumbeldore has to leave early, thank god, but peter, who had slipped my mind because dumbeldore was a much higher priority, also left with dumbeldore. Leaving me with my parents.

James senses the atmosphere and tried to talk to me to break the atmosphere

"So Harry. What were you doing during our adult talks?"

"Well I read the first year herbology and potions book when dumbeldore came up to call me for pie."

"Harry, remember the toy broom you got?"


"Let's play with it."

And so we spent the rest of the day playing with each other until mom came in and told us to take a bath and go to sleep, which we proceeded to do and I climbed into my own bed as mom and dad blew out the candles and went to their own bedrooms

I waited for 30 minutes before waking up and starting to practice wingarduim leviosa on the nearby piece of wood and making it float up a meter for 10 seconds before setting it down.

I took a deep breath and sat down in a meditative trance and saw my core and circuits moving at a snails pace. I made a large push and sped up my the circulation, at the cost of my physical stamina.

I opened my eyes back again and the piece of wood began moving around the room, Doing flips for 10 seconds and coming back. That was what I spent my entire might doing. Just grinding away with different basic spells I knew.