
My Life in Another World with My Harem

Alex , a highschool student died while bathing . When he woke up he met a ROB who became his wife and reincarnated him a world from her creation contain different characters from animes and mangas . Follow Alex in his adventure to pick his harem while enjoying his life . ---------------------------------------------- Author : well guys , first this fanfic is my wish fulfillment and something I enjoy writing to ease the pressure I'm suffering from . second this will not be multiverse as from the synopsis it's a world from the ROB creation that contains different characters from animes and mangas . third this will be mega harem as I love harem so much so if like it be my guest and if not we'll you are free to ignore it . lastly there will be OC and I will try to describe them as much detailed as I can . the anime / manga characters will be changed to fit my desire, you know what I mean . Note : I don't own the rights of any anime or mangas characters mentioned in this fanfic except the OC . - the cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just put a comment.

RedMoth · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Preparations for Journey 2

"What are you doing here? " The woman in the infirmary said with furrowed eyebrows.

"What a cold welcome from you Tsunade~"

"Don't call me by my name, I'm a teacher here."

"Haaaah, you know I saw you watching me and Hinata doing some wild act in her office, and at that time, you found that you have been found so you ran away, "

Hearing those words, she blushed and her face turned red from embarrassment.

"I could have caught you, but I didn't and let you run, and now you are here giving me a cold shoulder. I'm sad you know."

Alex faked a sad expression, making Tsunade think that he was really sad.

"It's not my fault, I'm so embarrassed as well, and who told you to have se- do something like that with her in the office."

Tsunade was wearing a lap coat over her clothes along with her long blonde hair that was tied into two loose pig tails hanging on her back, her skin was white like snow and her brown eyes that reflected her fiery spirit made her so attractive.

But the most noticable thing was her massive breasts that seemed to jumb out of her clothes, they were the dream of every man in the academy, even Richard.

"Well, enough of that, I came here to give you an offer."

"An offer? "

"Yeah, i'm going in a journey, a very long one to discover new things and train to increase my power."


"I want you to come with me."

"Give a reason so I can consider."

Alex took a breath, and thought of a reason along with some bullshit in the mix.

"I know that you lost your husband and son in the past and that made you so sad that you started gambling and drinking, till now you still have the same habit."

Her face turned serious and the aura around her became dangerous.

"You started to train your healing skills from young age, and after your loss you stopped training, although you have a very high talent in healing magic, but you wasted it like that and now at this age, well I won't talk about it."

"You bastard, you think it's easy to ignore their death and seek to increase my power, the power that failed to save them although they died in front of me! "

She shouted at him, making her aura raise to high levels that made the infirmary tremble, but likely Alex sealed it with a barrier so nothing could be noticed by outsiders.

"I couldn't save them, although I'm talented in healing but I couldn't, they are gone now and I don't find a reason to train anymore, I will just stay here like that as teacher in the academy."

Alex sighed inwardly as he found this woman was dumb actually, did she think that she could heal someone who was on verge of death with a simple healing spell, if that was possible then no one would die.

She didn't even learn any high level healing spell, so she didn't know at that time, which was natural, but as a healer she should know everything about the spells and the conditions for each spells as well and try to learn more and higher leveled spells, although she knows everything about the human body and all the pressure points of in it that she could paralyze anyone without them noticing, but not anything could be solved by realistic knowledge, magic needed magic to deal with it.

But because she was arrogant she thought that her high mana pool was enough.

"You are naive or rather idiot, "

"Wha- you bastard." Hearing her being called idiot made her so angry and tried to punch him in the face, but he caught her fist before it touch his face making an impact that made a strong wind impact, then he with swift movement, held her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

"Let me go, now! " she said with flushed face as she didn't expect him to hold her like that.

"Listen to me first and then make your decision. The reason I said that was because you thought you could save them with your huge mana pool and body knowledge and didn't think of a high level or special level spell that can resurrect the dead, which is near impossible, but there is a spell that can save someone on the verge of death although it's so high."

"You just didn't think of it, you didn't think of different possibilities and solutions, your high dependency on your huge mana pool lead you this state."

"So, you say they died because of me?! Because I was arrogant?! "

"No, in normal cases, your arrogance will be the cause, but think deeply, at that time the enemies who killed your husband and son used a special spell that caused their death, but that spell had a side effect, that it prevented any healing magic to affect their bodies."

Hearing his words, Tsunade remembered, at that time she tried to heal her son, but her magic didn't work or rather something prevented it from working, even the smallest wounds didn't heal, which made her depressed and couldn't save him, she thought that she was the cause and even people blamed her on their death that it became a nightmare for her.

But now, with what Alex said she was sure that it wasn't her who couldn't save them, but the side effect of the spell, which made her feel relieved.

'But wait a minute, how did he know all of that? It's like he was there.'

Alex somehow knew what she was thinking so flicked her forehead with his finger.

"Ahhh, why did you do that! "

"Because you were thinking too hard, I know that you are suspicious of me because I know what happened, but don't worry, I will tell you, but not know."

"Haaah, okay."

"Then, will you accept my offer or not? "

"I'm old you know."

"Huh, old? With a powerful punch like that? You gotta be kidding me, you still young."

Although it wasn't necessary to say the last line, but women felt happy when they called young, that's how it worked.

"I will leave you now and let you think carefully, but at the end of the day I want an answer."

He then let her go from his embrace much to her disappointment, then turned around to leave, but before he left.

"I will wait in my mansion, if you didn't come then I will consider it as a refusal and leave. My mansion is in the forest behind the academy by the way."

Then he left, leaving a tried Tsunade behind.

She was tried mentally btw.

"Haaaah, what a troublesome guy."


Author note: As you saw, I don't follow the story or the anime, rather I make a plot from my mind using the info available as I'm lazy to watch it to know her past.

And that will happen in the future world, I may forget some things in the cannot or ignore it, so I will depend on my imagination.