
My Life In An Anime

Our protagonist reincarnates in an anime world, but as a woman....or something like that. Different anime franchises came together for the adventure of our protagonist and the question here is ..... how is he going to carry out his life with this.

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


The two's gazes were connected, and time passed without them noticing, Machida realized this and raised an eyebrow.

*cough cough*.

He coughed to get her attention.

The girl, now known as Marin Kitagawa, came to her senses and returned to her fandom.

•E-etto, grandmaster, could you sign my book, please?

-Of course no problem.

Shouko in a more cheerful mood replied.

Marin handed him her book to sign.

-What's your name?.

•Marin, Marin kitagawa.—With a slightly shy and anxious tone, the girl answered.

-In agreement.

Shouko made the signature and then handed it back to Marin.

•Thank you very much, great teacher.—Bows in thanks.

-You're welcome, rather, could I ask you for a favor?

•Hears? , Would?.

-We can take a picture, you are too beautiful and I would like to save this moment.

Marin opened her eyes at the boy's words in front of her, she didn't think he would ask her for that, but she didn't care, so she would gladly allow it.

•Yes, of course.

Nodding, Shouko took the phone from her and walked sideways towards her to take the picture of her.

Marin smiled at the camera along with Shouko's smile, in the end the two of them took photos, either Shouko and Marin with their phones each.

In the end, Marín said goodbye, thanking him again and left.

Shouko watched as Marin got further and further away until she was out of sight.

Machida looked at all of this and felt like she swallowed dirt, at which point she cursed her youth and she cursed herself for being single at her age.

Machida took a deep breath and gave Shouko a small punch.

"Hey, come on, your love at first sight is gone and I'm hungry."

Machida's tone was a bit contemptuous and she had a mini pout, she felt that her boy was taken away from her, which was strange, because, shouko was not a man, she was a woman and another reason, it was because she was nothing. him and he was very small.

But the fact that at the beginning of seeing each other that day, she told him that she looked beautiful and after hearing Shouko's words to say to this girl, made her have mixed feelings.

-In agreement.

// Minutes later //

Already being in the restaurant.

"Shouko, let me tell you something, Bunko has decided to publish your second volume directly next month, it is conservatively estimated that it will print at least 100,000 copies in the first batch." Holding a glass of sake, Machida's face turned slightly red.

As Shouko drank her glass of water and listened to her editor's words, she also noticed how she was slowly getting drunk from the glass of sake she was drinking.

"Since more than half of the volumes printed in the first volume and second batch have been sold, the library has decided to print another 100,000 copies."

-So fast.

Learn about this topic by researching, it is estimated that general novelists have to wait for the library batches if they want to publish the sequel, for a newly arrived writer it takes about two or three months.

After drinking the sake on the bedspread, Machida Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course this is true, you should know that you are now our most valuable newbie in our library!"


[Speaking of which, she would have passed Kasumigaoka Shiyu].

[I'll see her blog later].

Leaving that thought, she began to analyze, the sales term, for the second volume of hers.

It would be good to do 2 volumes in one, that way it would attract more public attention, both the ones I have and the new ones that appear, it would create a stir and generate more profits.

The subject of writing the third volume does not bother him much, in fact he is about to finish it.

-Actually, editor Machida, actually I suggest that the second volume not be published first, I will finish the third volume soon, my suggestion is that volume 2 and 3 be published together.

Machida, hearing that, thought that if he finished the third volume it would be too short, but Shouko explained everything in detail about where he was in the story, making him understand that it wouldn't be short at all.

"That's right..." Machida sighed in relief.

"I will explain your words to the chief editor, there should be no problem, I wish you a great sale here!"

Machida raised her sake glass to make a token of toast, that made Shouko raise an eyebrow with an amused look, so she did the same but with her water glass.

It was 6 in the afternoon and she had to go to her house, but not before having to help Machida get into a taxi to take her to her house, because she was very dizzy and if something happened to her she would stay no publisher. .

Now Shouko was on the street, walking at night, she had already taken the train and still had to take the bus to get to her house.

But on the way she collides hard with a person, which makes her bluetooth headset fall off.

Shouko then heard an angry voice.

•Hey, realize where you're going, animal.

The guy was about 1.69 centimeters tall, with black hair and a contemptuous look, he was next to a short girl with brown hair, her hair was loose and in her hand she had a fashion magazine and nothing else to highlight.

-Sorry, I did not realize.

"Not realizing that because you're tall, you already think you're a big deal."

Shouko already apologized and was going to leave without further ado, she didn't even want to respond to someone like that, she just bent down to pick up her headphones that she dropped, but seeing that the guy stepped on them, destroying them.

So that next time you don't bump into anyone.

Shouko's mood instantly changed and she just wanted to hit the guy but he is in Japan and not Latin America.

So he just looked at the boy and the girl next to him, he could tell that the girl was very young, she was noticeable by her age and the boy looked very old and with a very bad appearance.

Shouko noticing this, just asked.

- Excuse me miss, everything is fine.

The girl noticed that they were talking to her, she just answered.

•E-Er, yes...

The girl seemed nervous about this situation, she just went to buy a fashion magazine to change her lifestyle, then an older man talked to me and treated me very well, I never thought he would treat me like this, then he invited me to a karaoke continue reading the magazine together, but now with this scene, the older boy acted abruptly, which made her feel a little insecure.

Hey, what do you mean by that question?

[Break your face].

Shouko obviously thought about it, she didn't say it.

-Do you know this person?

The girl could only shake her head, but the boy began to speak.

Mind your own business, these things are none of your business.

-I don't think it's right, that a teenager walks at this time with an older man she doesn't know.

Shouko reached out to try to take the girl away, but Shouko punched her in the arm.

Our protagonist smiled when receiving the first blow, since now it is self-defense for him.

So he hit him hard in the chest making it hurt as he fell to the ground, he himself was in pain and had trouble breathing.

The girl who witnessed all this trembled, she never thought to be in such a situation.

-Hey, wake up, you can't walk with a stranger at this time of night.

I couldn't finish my words, because he was shot in the leg.

This made Shouko feel great pain, but from the pain came adrenaline, the bullet had literally pierced Shouko's leg and it wasn't just a graze, Shouko turned to look at the guy and was breathing extremely hard, making it hard for him to breathe. and he couldn't stand up, all he did was pull the gun out of him.

Shouko knew that even though he was the strongest person in the world, he was no match for a bullet.

The shot was heard, it quickly drew attention, some called the police and others the ambulance, as they walked away from the scene.

[He should have hit him harder].

Shouko didn't use the same force as with the big man who wanted to desecrate Najimi, for good reason, Najimi's boy was a big, muscular man and you could tell he had fighting experience, but this guy was short and skinny, that even a hit with all his might can kill him.

The guy slowly got up to approach Shouko and pointed the gun at Shouko's head.

The girl who saw all this was terrified she didn't know what to do, she trembled nonstop, while she slowly took steps back.

Shouko didn't feel the pain of the adrenaline rush, but he knew that if he waited any longer, the blood loss would affect him too much.

That happens to you, for messing with the wrong guy, hey pretty boy, better tell me your last words.

Inadvertently, he took a brutal hit to the parts of him, but he also fired a shot, this bullet hit Shouko's shoulder, but it only acted harder, and then it hit the guy in the head.

The boy fell freshly knocked out.

Shouko quickly took off her shirt without thinking and wrapped it around the wound on his leg, so as not to lose any more blood.

[Wow, I feel like I'm dying....hehe].

Shouko's state was angry and happy, it's as if he was drunk, effect of blood loss and adrenaline.

The girl who trembled and did not move from her place, noticed that the cute boy that he had in sight of her was a girl, but by noticing her like that, he was able to realize who she was.


Shouko could hear the police and ambulance arriving, so he just looked at the girl and said.

-Hey you! You better talk and get on with this.

The girl did not answer, because she did not understand her words.

// Time after //

[Who would have thought that he would come to such a place for the second time, but this time injured].

We were at the police station in the paramedic section.

My leg and shoulder had already been bandaged with the necessary care.

The case came to that, we were threatened by the guy and we wanted to be abused, along with not wanting to let go of the guy and get shot for it.

Shouko invented a whole funny story, taking advantage of the minority that she was and well the other girl who now knows her name and is Saki Yoshida, she followed Shouko's current with fear because of the scene she saw and more was her terror, see the archive of the guy who thought he was good.

//Saki Yoshida : Metamorphosis //

It was a long list, it was enough to find it and today it was achieved.

The case was like this, a call was made with the respective parents of each one and the concern was not necessary.

Shouko found out that Saki was a student at her school, that surprised him a bit because of the coincidence, but ok.

Saki thanked him and apologized a lot, constantly with Shouko, her tears of guilt and her idiocy led to all of this.

Shouko didn't care about all her apologies, she had only felt comfortable smashing the boy's face for breaking her headphones.

But she never thought that it would be in exchange for a bullet in her leg, she next time she has to think more and not trust herself too much just to have more strength.

So, he said that he was not interested in her apology and that everything was fine, now he just wanted to be at her house resting, while she wrote her story on her cell phone.

It was something she always did, but now only with gunshot wounds… A big change.


Guys, they deleted my wattpad, I'm sad.

But hey, I'm here to make a promo of my wattpad since I'm uploading advanced chapters, I'm on cap 30 and also on my youtube, which is uploaded in audio, only for Spanish-speaking people:'3.

Chicos , me eliminaron mi wattpad , estoy sad.

Pero bueno vengo hacer promo de mi wattpad ya que hay estoy subiendo capitulos adelantados , estoy por el cap 30 y tambien en mi youtube , que esta subido en audio , solo a gente de habla hispana :'3.