
My Life In A World Of Magic

Steve lived for twenty years but literally achieved nothing. He died saving a girl from rapist but he kind of got rewarded for it. He got reincarnated into a new world of magic and his family is what he defines as a perfect family. How will his life be for him, is he going to dominate the world or is he going to be laid back. ______________ Release schedule 2 chaps a day 12 am utc

Voidwalker_Supreme · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

After washing up with the help of his mother. Edward changed into a new cloth and went to the dinning to eat.

His mother stayed by his side and didn't allow him out of her sight even when Edward told her to wait for him outside, she refused.

Before Edward came out for dinner, Lord Reiss had already given Hughes and Marron a good talking to.

After dinner, Edward started telling them what happened. He started from when he disappeared in the forest and what he saw in the strange space.

He didn't tell them about the inheritance or about him being able to access the separate space freely.

He told them about his awakening and he told them that he has affinity to two elements, fire and magma.

He decided not to tell them about all his elements affinity because he did not want to shock them too much or make them worry.

After listening to what happened, his parents were relieved and happy. Finally after many years, the Reiss family has finally birthed a mage and not just any type of mage but a dual elements mage.

Their joy was boundless and they had smiles on their faces. His mother hugged him again and her eyes teared up but they knew that this was not tears of sadness but that of happiness.

When everything was settled, Edwards' mother followed him to his room and watched him until he fell asleep. She kissed his forehead and went to meet her husband.

"Honey, what do you make of what Edward told us." May asked her husband Lord Reiss.

"I don't think anything about it. He told us what he wanted to tell us and he put our mind at rest." He replied.

"You too said it , he just told us what he knew would out our mind at peace. Why can't he open to us more and trust us completely. What's going on in his life. We are his parents and we want the best for him." May said, almost tearing up again.

"Come on, don't think too much about it. Maybe why he didn't disclose those things is that he doesn't want the wrong people to hear about it. You also heard where the magic circle took him to.

A land filled with magical beasts from myth and legend. If the wrong people hear about this, our family will be in peril. So let's not push him too much.

Like always what I tell you…..no matter what happens or what he does, he will always be our son" Lord Reiss comforting her.

" I know that he went to a very dangerous place. I know that he got something that can even cause a bloodbath but why can't he tell his parents so that we can be there for him. Or are we not good enough. I always feel sad and incompetent whenever he hides things from me. Like I'm not good enough as a mother." She said, bawling out her eyes, unable to stop.

" Stop it, you're just complicating things. Edward is our son and he will always be. The reason why he hides things from us is to keep us safe." Lord Reiss said.

He spent the night comforting his wife before she could finally calm down.

Like they say "women instinct are very scary"

The next day, Edward woke up and saw his mom lying beside him and cuddling him. He smiled and didn't move because he didn't want to disturb her. He knew that he has put her through one hell of an experience.

They stayed like for a while before she woke up.

"Mmmm… have you been up long. Sorry I just wanted to hold you, you were gone for so long and mommy was very sad." She said when she saw Edward looking at her.

" No mom,it's fine. I'm sorry for making you and dad go through that even though it was not my intention." He replied.

" Mmmm….. Mommy understand.

Wash up and come and eat. Your magic teacher will soon be here.

Baby, do you plan to tell your teacher about your early awakening. " She asked him as she got out of the bed and went to prepare his bath instead of allowing the maids to do it.

She used his previous disappearance as an excuse to spoil him as much as possible.

"No mom. I can't tell him about it. It's not that I don't trust him but the fewer that knows about this, the better. We don't want people targeting us because of this." He said and got to into the bath.

" Okay. Whatever you say" she replied as she washes his back.

Edward is right. He can't just go around telling everyone that knows him and his family about his awakening. Greed can make people do detestable things even to their own relative.

When he was done taking his bath, he changed into a new cloth and went to eat. After that, he waited until his magic class teacher came. He was very happy when he saw Edward.Edward is one of the best students he has ever taught, his eagerness to learn about magic makes him fun to teach and when he heard that Edward went missing and couldn't be found. To be honest he was very sad, he felt like he lot a great treasure of his.

The class today was strange for him, unlike every other class where Edward always has a question to ask him every minute which also made him happy as he gets to impress the little boy with his knowledge about magic. Today there was no such thing. No question was asked and almost all the questions he asked, Edward gave him a correct or slightly correct answer.

As to why some answers were slightly correct? It was because Edward didn't want to waste his time, like he knows almost everything there is to know about magic so why bother to hide but he didn't want to shock the teacher too much.

Going from a student that has almost no knowledge about magic except those he learn in his magic classes to a magic extremely knowledgeable about magic. It will make him very suspicious.

While his magic class teacher left with a strange expression on his face, Edward skipped to his room.

He was planning to enter the separate space. He wants to meditate and boost his elements affinity and he knows that doing it there is nth times better than in the real world due to the pure and dense mana but before he went in, he told his maid not to allow anyone into his room before locking if from inside.

In the separate space, Edward found himself back at the garden that was his exit point.

He look around the garden filled with the purest and densest of mana "That means if I want to leave here, I will find myself back in my room and if I want to enter again my spawning point will be where I exited from. My theory was actually correct."

Edward walked around the garden looking for an exit. He remembered that he was brought here when he sat under the statue so he was looking for a clue about how to leave the garden. He wants to outside and see if there's a magic beast he can bring eith him to the outside world.

It will be fun to have a very powerful magic beast with him when he travels around, though he knows that he will be able to access the separate space anytime. He still wants to have one with him, he can't just enter the separate space anytime because some powerful mage will notice the space fluctuatiob in the surroundings and by then he will have a lot of explaining to do and he may even out his family in danger and that is something he definitely don't want to happen.

After looking for a while, he still couldn't find the exit point.

"Maybe the exit point is just like his I was able to enter here."

He thought about exiting the garden in the room with the statue.

In the statue room " My theory worked again. Haizzz… I just wasted my time looking for an exit point when I could have just done this."

In the statue room, Caraxes was sitting in a meditation pose. When he sense the space fluctuation, he opened his eyes.

" Little one, I see you have formed your mana core which means you inherited the legacy of the Supreme Archmage.

What type of mana core did you form?"

"Hi Caraxes, Mr Supreme said that my mana is the legendary perfect mana core."

" ...…. You mean that you formed the legendary perfect mana core that has only been read from ancient scrolls.

Hahaha...… Good Good Good.

I knew you were talented but I never knew you even had the talent to surpass my master.

You are a very good find. If there's anything you need, you can come to me and I will help you."

" Thank you sir. I will definitely come to you if I need anything."


Dear readers

Sorry for posting one chapter today.

Writing aside, I work everyday without rest. My body has been feeling weak lately.

I will see how this week goes, if it happens again. I will switch to one chap per day.

I still have to thank you and webnovel for the power stone voting feature

Please vote for me using the power stone.

Next month I will start an event

In the last week of April I will post the format of the event until then.

Let's help Eddy get stronger, even though he said he doesn't want world domination. Does he think we believe it?

Comments and reviews are needed for me to improve my writing.

Help me to give you my loyal readers quality contents.
