

<p>I was left dying alone, my blood flooded the white room, a gash left in my heart. I was alone again like so many times. <br/>It hurt so much it was a pain that I had never felt before. Someone who I sacrificed myself for turned on me and left me to die. <br/>I watched as the monster approached me ready to eat me, I felt weak my will to fight was gone it would be better to just die I serve no purpose in this world. All I wish is for it to be as painless as possible. Fate doesn't change for anyone. <br/>Suddenly I was being healed by the monster. The monster that killed many of my classmates had begun healing me. The queen stated that Monsters feel no emotions for humans and would kill them on sight so why is the monster helping me. <br/>Why are you helping me? <br/>Why not? my intention was to never kill you in the beginning anyways. <br/>What,why? I'm a human and you're a monster. <br/>Just because I'm a monster doesn't mean we can't be friends. <br/>Then why kill the others. <br/>I could see those humans and I sensed their intentions with you lord agnus. <br/>Lord? I'm no lord, I'm just an ordinary person. <br/>Do you know why I was born? I was born to serve a god who would descend from the stars. When I first sensed you, I could see that you were the one I was supposed to serve. My God. <br/>What I don't want to be a lord. Plus, I'm not strong enough to be a lord. A lord is strong, vocal and has respect from others. <br/>Lord agnus I will help you be stronger I will help you be vocal and even though we may not have the army size we can build that over time. <br/>I-I-I don't know. Where would I even begin. <br/>That's what's great, you can do whatever you want. I'll even help you with whatever you need. If you can't do it, then I'll have to end myself. <br/>Hmm on one hand doing it sounds like a lot of work but on the other hand if I do it, I can build the life I truly want. <br/>Fine I'll do it but what I say goes. <br/>Yes, my lord. <br/>Well, we might as well make our way out of here. <br/>Yes. <br/>Brad, Sarah, Jeffrey, and the rest of you pieces of trash are dead. I'll be back and I'll be better than ever. Just wait. <br/>1 DAY LATER <br/>Welcome back general what happened where is the rest of the group? <br/>We have unfortunately lost 15 of them in the dungeon. We came across a secret area in the dungeon. A monster that is stronger than anything that we have ever seen. I think that it might be on the same level as Azlan, maybe even stronger. <br/>That's impossible Azlan is the strongest human in our history. <br/>If there are monsters strong enough to kill several heroes with ease, we need to improve our military strength and speed up the war with demons. <br/>Alright we need to do this as fast as possible. <br/>Yes, your majesty. <br/>5 YEARS LATER <br/>EVERYONE GIVE A WARM WELCOME BACK TO OUR HEROES WHO ARE RETURNING FROM THE WAR WITH THE DEMONS. <br/>WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK! <br/>Hey Sarah, we need to talk. <br/>Brad the white knight takes Sarah the psychotic mage to an isolated location. <br/>What do you need Brad? <br/>I need more. <br/>More. seriously I gave you a new batch of girls just a week ago. <br/>They broke so easily I need girls who can put up more of a fight. These girls have gotten much easier and that's no fun. <br/>Your disgusting for a man called the white knight. fine but don't ask for anything else. <br/>Fine whatever just bring me more women. <br/>WELCOME BACK HERO'S! <br/>SOMEWHERE IN THE FOREST <br/>The animals hid, the forest decayed the ground Shaked at the Mere presence of John his power was beyond anything in this world. <br/>He sat down on his throne that the monster he met 5 years ago made for him. The bones of an assortment of distinct species were what made the throne. <br/>He was there for years training and creating the perfect plan to kill brad and the rest of the scum that filled the Fistulas kingdom. <br/>While thinking to himself the monster who was a dracotaur came up to him to report his findings. <br/>Rampage reporting lord agnus. <br/>What do you have to report to me? <br/>I infiltrated the Fistulas kingdom and gathered valuable information. The Heroes of the Kingdom that I met years ago have all become corrupted by money and are living very comfortably in their palaces. Brad, the hero that betrayed you, has gotten into the drug business and has created a new drug called the bomb. He resides in the capital city guarded by 300 soldiers. <br/>Hmm what about the rest of the heroes? <br/>They are all involved in illegal business Sarah human trafficking. Jeffrey prostitution and Ms. Castillo weapons dealing. Many of the citizens have started to grow a strong dislike for the heroes and there are rumors that many plan to flee to live barbarian lives. <br/>If I plan on taking over the kingdom I'll need an army to take care of their millitary forces. Even our magic has it's limitations. <br/>Many of my brothers are currently stuck on the moon. I have contacted them and they said they are willing to serve you but couldn't get out without a prominent level of space magic to transport them to this planet and I cant use space magic. I can only use gravity magic. Only 1 in a million can use space magic. <br/>The moon huh. If there are many more creatures on the level of rampage on the moon then we'll need to get a space magic user and a high level one at that. <br/>Rampage. <br/>Yes lord agnus. <br/>The prison how many prisoners are currently there. <br/>20,000 are located in the underground prison my lord. <br/>For now we'll have to recruit them for now until we can find the space magic user. We'll need them for now. I plan on going to the capital city to gather some fighters. <br/>My lord that's to dangerous at least let me come with you. <br/>No you can't I'll need you to use your gravity magic to help build me a palace instead of this dirty shack if many come then we'll need a place to have them live. <br/>But- <br/>What are you questioning my words. <br/>I use my skill Gods authority to make Rampage bend his knee to me. I feel a little bad but I need these prisoners to help with my plans. <br/>N-no lord agnus <br/>Good I'll be back in a week. <br/>Yes lord. <br/>He's truly my God. I'll need to create his palace. But that shouldn't be a problem with my gravity magic. I'll need to work harder for him. <br/>I finally reach the outside of the underground prison where I can hopefully get strong soldiers. </p>