

Adekunle_Opeyemi · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: ME

My name is Jacqueline but my friends call me Lyra i was giving birth in Sweden but spent my life time In Norway I am the only child of my parents and I list my father when I was 2 yrs of age that one of the reason why we moved to Norway but that doesn't say we are poor but we still strive for something so in a short word we are middle class. my mum is a banker which make it hard for her to always be at home so after returning from school I don't get see her all the time only when she has a day off. I school at one of the privilege school in Norway so I have no problem with bullies and I make lot of friends I have two best friends and they are Aubrey and Rhett. Rhett doesn't attend the same school with me and Aubrey but we all live in the same area. All my life I wanted to psychologist and I am so good at reading people's mind probably because I am actually familiar with everyone everyone is my friend I have no enemy I do have problems with mathematics oh gosh that subject is so damn crazy especially that teacher he is so crazy but mum keep telling me to ask people to help me so I ask Tristan my classmate to help me and he does there is this problem I have and my friends have been trying to help me out. I actually hate love I don't believe in it ever since my crush choose another girl over me but anyways I live a normal life. WELCOME TO MY WORLD