
My life changed.

Will I be able to change Zoddie?Somet things aren't what they seem to be and one mustn't judge a book by its cover.Zoddie could be alot better than some people who claim to be good.

Scholastica123 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Zoddie is blamed.

Mariana has actually told me everything that happened since Jason always tell her everything. I was actually the one that asked her to help me find out what everything that actually happened between the both of them since Zoddie has refused to open up.

But I was disappointed when I heard everything Mariana had to say.According to what she said ,and of course what Jason told her.It only means that the one at fault was Zoddie.From the story,She said that Zoddie came with his friends to harass Jason at the place where he normally had lectures.That was what actually led to the fight since Jason was defending himself.On hearing that I became very furious and I wanted to let it all out on Zoddie.

So did Jason sustain any injuries?I asked Mariana hoping to get a No.

No he didn't she answered ,I didn't see any thing that looked like an injury though I didn't ask him.This one you're asking ,is Zoddie hurt?

Yeah he is,he has a bandage on his arm and it doesn't look good at all.I'm actually very sad and disappointed to hear he was the one that started the fight.I actually thought he went there to make peace,I didn't know he had an ulterior motive.No wonder he didn't want to tell me anything about what transpired between them.I'm so confused right now,I thought I knew who Zoddie was and I thought there was actually a good thing about him but I guess I was wrong. He has been deceiving me all these while and he just pretends to be good before me.How could I not find out about this.I'm so stupid,I can't believe I'm a fool again.I have to go and see Jason at least,if not for anything to see how he is doing. But first I have to put Zoddie in his place I said and rose up in anger.

I opened the door with speed and I collided with Zoddie. You had the nerve to come to my place?

I asked looking at him with so much anger ans irritation.I was covered with so much bitterness and disappointment and I was ready to say everything I felt at that time.

I don't understand Betty,what do you mean,why are you talking to me in this manner?

Stop acting all innocent and childlike before me ,I'm no longer stupid to fall for it.You are a different person altogether.You pretend to be good before me but you act otherwise when I'm not there,what kind of a friend are you?I actually believed in you Zoddie why on earth did you disappoint me?I said and a drop of tear came down from my eyes.I didn't see that coming and I was trying so hard to control it.I quickly wiped it out with my palms and Zoddie was just there staring at me.He looked like he was speechless about everything I've said.

Since you're silent ,I guess you don't even want to defend yourself because everything I've heard is true.

I'm sorry what should I defend myself from?I really don't know what you are talking about or where all this is coming from that's why I'm still quiet and that's why I'm still waiting.For you to complete what you started.What did I do?

You are seriously asking me what you did?What am I even doing here with you.I want you to leave this place this instant and never return.The most painful part of this all is that you lied to me.What a shame.I said and slammed the door behind him.I lay down on my bed and tears filled my pillow.

Stop crying Betty,he isn't worth your tears okay,Mariana who watched the whole episode that went down tried to console me.

Everything will be alright,just try and forget Zoddie and forget everything that has happened.Maybe it's time for your eyes to finally open and for you to see who cares about you in real sense and who pretends to care.I'm so sorry you have to go through all this.You don't even deserve anything like this at all.I want you to be strong and remember no one has the right to make you sad or unhappy.You're responsible for how you feel and how you react to things.

Should I call Jason?She asked and I quickly said no.I don't want to hear anything concerning this issue anymore .At least for now,I don't think I can handle any of that Mary.