
My life changed.

Will I be able to change Zoddie?Somet things aren't what they seem to be and one mustn't judge a book by its cover.Zoddie could be alot better than some people who claim to be good.

Scholastica123 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Out with Zoddie.

Zoddie and I went out to have a good time at the school eatery.Zoddie never fails to take me there whenever I am hungry or even whenever I'm not happy .He just knows how to take good care of me and it's always so much fun with him.He never lacked anything though and he spends money on a high key.I could see that his parents were extremely rich and as he said , he was the only son of the parents therefore he gets everything he requests for and some people would kill to be in his position. He just enjoys life and he is always very lucky with things. It's weird but I'm thankful I got to be his friend nothwistanding everything that has happened between us.Its already in the past now.

We were eating and drinking when I looked back and saw my brother.He was sitting behind us and on looking at him I saw the hate in his eyes while he looked at Zoddie.It was clearly written in his face and one doesn't need a soothsayer to tell them that he hates Zoddie with passion.Up till this day I haven't figured out why he had so much hate for Zoddie.I don't think it's due to personal reasons or personal encounters with him because Jay himself told me he has only heard about Zoddie and all his deeds but he hasn't had a one on one encounter with him .So the sudden hate and resentment is unexplainable. It can only be explained by Jay himself if only he is willing to but even though he is,I wouldn't be the one to ask him about that.I've decided to let Jay be and not ask him anything again or try to settle our differences.Whenever we have a problem of which he is always the one at fault,he would always wait for my to come and ask for forgiveness or to come and sort things out .He would never admit that he was wrong and that was very bad and irritating.

Me on the other hand,I didn't care about that. I didn't care whether I'm at fault or he is at fault.I was always after peace and that made me always go to him to talk things out.I've realised that I could be trampling on my self respect and esteem if I continue doing that.I need to draw back a little and let him have his way.

Isn't that your brother over there?Zoddie asked me as he noticed I was looking back.That was when he saw Jason.Or didn't you see him ?He added.

Yeah I saw him,but I've got nothing to say to him.On hearing that Zoddie was suprised and confused at same time.I haven't told him I wasn't in good terms with Jay anymore because then he would ask me why and I will have to tell him that Jay despises him and for some reason,he hates it whenever I talk about him.I wasn't ready to explain that to Zoddie so I just kept everything to myself.Guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag since he's asking already.I wouldn't like to lie to him.It always feels awkward whenever I think about lying to him.

Well,Zoddie I didn't tell you but there is something going on.Its that I ain't friends with Jason anymore. We have quarrelled many times and the stunning thing is that you are always the reason why we fight.

Me?Zoddie asked in utmost surprise.

Yes you,I answered. Its actually weird,but whenever I speak about you in front of Jason he gets mad and furious.So that last time you came to see me,do you remember?

Yeah of course I do,he came in and saw me in your room.

Is that why you guys are at loggerheads now?

Yes Zoddie.Thats why and to be honest I don't know what to do about it .I don't like having problems with anyone much less my brother.

Oh my gosh, it's a pity,,I'm so sorry I didn't know you guys were having problems because of that.Don't worry I'll talk to Jason.

No no,Zoddie don't bother it's fine.

It's not fine young lady,don't worry everything will be fine okay?

I smiled and nodded in affirmation. Such a sweet guy,full of love,you only need to get closer before you find out what's on the inside.