

"GEON-AH, what are you thinking?" Semi asked quietly. "You suddenly fell silent."

After Chang-ho and all the Civilians working in the mansion were safely evacuated in the basement built for emergencies like that, Semi went back to the main mansion with Geon.

Well, they didn't get inside.

They just stood in the garden.

Semi put a barrier around the main mansion so the other buildings would not get affected by the explosion that Hwang Yejun warned them about.

[I hope my barrier is strong enough to withstand it.]

"Noona, how old is Seon Eunseok again?"

"He just turned eighteen this year."

"Is that his international age?"

"No, that's his Korean age," Semi said, knitting her eyebrows. "Why are you asking about my son's age, Geon-ah?"

"Noona, there wasn't a single teenager who awakened as a Guide before."
