
My life as Sasuke

Just read if you like no need for comments, review or power stones. Trashy grammar, No Harem. Even if I asked about making Harem Karin will be the only girl. --------------------- Waking up as Sasuke Uchiha was not something I thought. But after the two souls became one I couldn't help myself but to think what to do in the future. In path on becoming the strongest or just to survive I will not forget who am I and what I was without the help I got from those I call my new family. But to protect my happiness and those I cherish I will be the devil's the entire Elemental nation will fear. And if any bastard even think or harming my family his fate will be worst than death.

NahinS77 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

I woke up early as usual in the morning. While doing my morning exercises my thoughts drifted towards the talk with the Team. It was not something unexpected though.....

Flashback ( previous day)

It had been three days since the mission ended and today is the day all the Teams will go back to it's previous formation.

I started to walk towards Team 7 usual meeting place. When I arrived I saw Naruto and Sakura there. I started to walk towards them when I noticed their changes. Sakura was keeping her hair in a high ponytail useing senbons. She was reading a poison book but now I can see the difference. She was ready for anything and more vigilant than I expected from her. Just then I saw her looking towards me with star in her eyes.

'..... Guess she changed a little.....' Ignoring her like I have done before I look at Naruto who was busy reading high ranking A and B rank wind jutsu scrolls. Looking at him again I checked that if I was in a genjutsu. Seeing it was real and Naruto is reading high ranking A and B rank jutsu scrolls like they are in sale I mentally sigh....

'.... So Hiruzen bribed him to keep him happy with these jutsu scrolls...' I looked at him carefully and noticed two Knuckle knifes.' I am 100% sure that is not something even Asuma can give... So not one but two fully chakra conductive weapon.... Even I am feeling jealous...' His happily reading in his orange jumpsuit behaviour made me think.

' So he forgave him.... Well I wasn't expecting that to be this fast.. Guess I underestimated Hiruzen's brainwashing power. And Jiraya has the power too. But Naruto will have it in it's strongest from. After all he made pain commit suicide by just talking for...how many episodes was that again?' My thoughts were cut short when I senseing Kakashi sensei coming towards us.

' I have to make sure I don't get brainwashed by Naruto.' Another thought made me smile. ' Well the strongest jutsu Talk no jutsu is beyond me...' I thought to myself how Naruto starts to talk and all the cold hearted killer agree with him.

' But one thing for sure Naruto is going to launch ninjutsu's like candies with so much chakra and shadow clones. Guess I have to take Naruto serious in any sparing after all if he puts to much chakra he might just make a S rank jutsu.' I was thinking how Madara had done the same. And for me it is not possible for now.

" It's seems you all been doing well." Kakashi sensei said coming Infront of us. He looked at all of us and nodded. " All three of you have gotten stronger.. That is to be expected.."

He stood there while thinking. " Okay I wanted to tell you all just before it but this is Hokage sama's order to tell you all. So listen, From one month from this day there will be chunin exam and you all have been chosen to take it."

He gave all of us the form. Looking at the opportunity Naruto started happily jumping while Sakura started to ask about the exam from sensei. ' At least Sakura is taking the shinobi life more seriously while not thinking about me. I was expecting this from Naruto. After all Hiruzen brainwashed Naruto from he was just a kid and always telling him to forgive. Later Jiraya will do the same and after running away from all of his responsibility he will brainwash Naruto enough to make Naruto think that peace is possible with the shinobi system present. '

I looked at the paper in my hand thinking the fact that this exam is something that will make the future unknown to a lot of point. ' And because Naruto didn't saw any death he will not hate Hiruzen or Jiraya..... though I don't know how much will he still trust them. Besides that it seems no matter what happens Naruto will still be Naruto.'

I signed it and gave it to Kakashi sensei while not thinking about Naruto and Sakura. My own plan will have to succeed and I am not their nanny to always try to help them.

" You should practice what you all have learned and make plans for the exam in this month." Kakashi sensei said to us. " If you have something you want my help on you can ask."

" I want a lot of spars to test my capabilities." I said while thinking all the knowledge I have on the genjutsu and trap making but lack of experience in real combat.

" I want you to help me learn all these ninjutsu." Naruto said showing about 10 ninjutsu scrolls.

' He is learning them but not trying to master them?.. Well it will definitely Increase his fire power but he is only genin level in taijutsu and no genjutsu what so ever. Also knowing him he didn't even tried fuinjutsu.' I thought to myself looking at Naruto and thinking about the fact how easily he from a special Jonin level went to Sage of the Six Path level with little effort and Talk no jutsu.

" I want help on learning basic medical jutsu and knowledge." Sakura said.

' At least Anko made sure which path will be best for her.' I thought while how slow Sakura was even while having Tsunade's strength jutsu.

" Well that is okay but we have to complete 10 D rank mission as fast as possible so get ready for some fun." He said.

Flashback End

Well we did 10 D rank mission that day with our shadow clones as usual.

After breakfast and packing necessary things I started to walk towards the Uchiha training ground to keep my skills secret from all the spies in the village trying to sell information on the chunin exam candidates. And mostly so Kabuto will not have current information on me.

When I entered the training ground there I saw Kakashi sensei practicing his kenjutsu. I have to say one thing even with all the knowledge and help he is a true monster if I am called a true genius. He upgraded Chidori to purple lightning so he wouldn't have to always rely on the sharingan and Chidori stream for defence. All these in the last month and now he is definitely in the S rank.

I took out my Chokuto and started practicing daily katars. And thinking about what to do other than mastering my techniques. Then a thought came to my mind. After some time I took a break and sat under a tree and started to try and make chakra strings. It was real easy. But thinking about the fact that I have already mastered rasengan and my shape manipulation is on extreme level.

I started to make them as long as possible and strong. I tried to use my chokuto useing it and by using both hands ten chakra strings with 10-12 meters was my limit for now. But next moment I tried to put fire nature chakra through one of them which was trying to break a tree. But the next moment the entire string started glowing red and the tree was cut and burned in half.

I grinned like a kid who got a new toy and was ready to play all day long.


Hearing that I looked at Kakashi sensei and going back to my blank face because I am still not good enough to try and look innocent. I go back to brooding while thinking so I still have long way.

" You are not going around destroying things. You have already destroyed half of the tree's in the training ground. And even if your control over your new technique was excellent you are going to practice your genjutsu as I said I will help." He said as a matter of fact.

Even while grumbling under my breath I started to put him under genjutsu one after another with my sharingan, sound and fingers. And he opened his Sharingan and started to dispel them at the same time. It has been proven that my genjutsu was much superior than normal Uchiha and the only thing is stopping me from becoming the best is experience. So much that without sharingan Kakashi sensei wouldn't be able to keep up with me because when he dispels one genjutsu I have already put him in 10.

Lastly my genjutsu talent in the same level as Shisui or higher so I started to put real effort on it. Because Itachi learned from Shisui and Shisui's Sharingan was ment for genjutsu while only one of my eye power is related to genjutsu. And I definitely don't want to waste it besides that doesn't have a unlimited chakra fox in my gut so too many ninjutsu is out of the question for now.

I looked at the sun right above my head for a moment and thought that I have less than a month to master all the things I have learned so far and take them to a level so I will be able to trick Orochimaru who will definitely underestimate me.

{ Few things. First I will start the chunin exam form the next chapter.

Second some has doubt on the fact that Karin will be able to reach SS class. Just think about Minato SS class and Minato without Fuinjutsu. Also Kushina who just after giving birth and getting Kyubi getting ripped out of her stopped the Kyubi so Minato was able to seal it.}

[ Sorry for short chapter but I wanted to start chunin exam from the next chapter.

And thanks for reading.]