
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 58: Exams Part 3

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 58: Exams Part 3

***Mild Sexual Content Ahead***


[Third Person POV]

While Kin was patiently and excitedly waiting for her new 'friend' she continued to worry about the ominous aura her teammates had been exuding after they all left the examination area. She knew they liked her, she was hot, and she was good at subtle techniques and manipulation. 

Next to her rival Tayuya who went missing several months ago, she was one of the better sound-based fighters in the Hidden Sound. She also filled up quite well after turning 15 and has continued to do so ever since, making her desirable to the perverts in the village.

Thankfully for her, Orochimaru, evil as he was, had standards and would not allow certain behaviors to take place or be left unpunished. He was a mad scientist, not a degenerate.

She felt a shiver run down her spine a little before getting to the meet-up spot but just thought it was the cold. She didn't tell her teammates anything about where she was going or that she was even leaving to begin with. So, there should be nobody getting in the way of her getting some action with that hot blonde that boldly molested her so thoughtfully this morning. 

She blushed at the memory, she had a kink.

The time came and the guy wasn't there yet, she knew this might be a cruel joke or setup, but she wasn't some weak girl who couldn't take care of herself. Obviously, Kin had forgotten that her first impression of Naruto was that he was dangerous after being so thoroughly molested in public. Rose-tinted glasses are a terrifying thing.

Naruto then walked over to her with a smile. He was wearing baggy white cargo pants, dark blue shinobi sandals, a burnt-orange t-shirt, and a white zip-up jacket that was left all the way open. He had an interesting-looking sword with a design that she'd never seen before, but thought was elegant and pragmatic. The sheathe was a brilliant marble white, with red, gold, and orange details all over and around. The hilt of the blade was long enough to allow for the use of two hands, but not long enough to require it.

He looked like a heavenly warrior sent down to deliver justice unto his enemies, he looked hot and she wanted him terribly. This guy was a catch-and-a-half and she'd be stupid to let it slip away. She got up from her seat and waved at him with an excited and expectant smile.

His smile back made her insides quiver and she knew she was losing her purity tonight. She just hoped that his current appearance of holiness and purity incarnate wasn't indicative of his performance in bed. She wanted to be ruined.

She began to walk forward but stopped when he put his hand on his sword, that was universal body language. She then noticed the change in his expression from welcoming to hostile and bloodthirsty, but also took note that the expression wasn't aimed at her, but behind her.

She took a leap of faith and walked forward, getting ready for a possible attack. She made it to him and he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her deeply, caressing her face. She was lost in the passionate kiss and lowered her guard. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the dashing young warrior who grabbed her ass with his whole hand before she felt a disorienting sensation.

Next thing she knew she was in a bedroom, at first she thought genjutsu, but the man let her go and put his sword against the nightstand next to the bed, before removing his jacket.

"It seems your teammates weren't too happy about you coming to play with me..." He smiled.

"Hmph, they can get as upset as they want. It's my business who I spend my free time with." She felt her heart race, bravado on for lack of any other way to behave.

"Hm... good girl, let me reward you..." He said, removing his shirt and pants, showing off his manhood in all its delicious glory.

She couldn't help but gulp at the sight, she was horny, and she wanted it. She wasted no time and attacked the delicious piece of meat in front of her, shoveling it inside her mouth without any regard for her health. 

Naruto was more than surprised at the desperate slut greedily taking him in with hunger and desperation in her eyes. He had planned to use this to interrogate her but she seemed to have other things on her mind at the moment.

He shrugged and turned her into his bitch for the night, marking her as his and deciding to keep her after this whole mess was over and done with. Also making sure to mark her with his Flying Thunder God Third Step to be able to defend her from surprise attacks or teleport her to him.

His third step was now more a fifth step with all of the changes he made to the jutsu formula, allowing him to do many things that would realistically be impossible with the regular technique.

Kin Tsuchi was over the moon with how roughly, savagely, and degenerately she was being treated by this handsome beast of a man fucking her in what looked to be his room. She could see female underwear lying around the ground and pictures of a woman she assumed to be his girlfriend. 

The thought of being used to cheat on someone as beautiful as the woman in the picture made her quiver with joy and satisfaction. She squeezed him tighter and tighter, wanting him to make her his. Morals slowly degenerating as she is ruined mercilessly by this leaf ninja.

Too bad his village was getting destroyed, she would've betrayed the sound in a heartbeat to stay with him.

She would later pass out from pleasure and Naruto would need to get Tayuya and Sakura to use genjutsu to extract any information they could while Ino and Hinata kept her sedated and unconscious.

Naruto would then need to explain himself and offer recompense to his girls after being such a philanderer. They were upset, but more so surprised that he actually caught another enemy ninja in the same manner as Tayuya. Tayuya was miffed, considering she knew who this chick was, but was happy she would get to rub it in her face that she got fucked first. They had a petty rivalry, it seemed.


The next morning, Kin left with Naruto and the other leaf genin toward the Forest of Death. She was shocked to see a pregnant Tayuya clinging to her ruiner but then realized that Tayuya had been sent to the Hidden Leaf before she disappeared.

Kin also felt the need to ask who all of these women were, and when they all answered 'I'm Naruto's girlfriend' right next to each other she realized that she may have bit more than she could chew. However, the thought of being with someone so desirable also made her happy and even more mournful of their ultimate fate in her eyes.

She tried to warn them but Naruto told her to not worry about it, they already knew about her master's plans and planned accordingly. They just needed to get rid of the pests during the second test before they could move forward. She agreed to become a part of Naruto's harem if he could kill her teammates and Kabuto. Naruto grinned at her and left it at that. She felt there was a chance that she could escape and be happy with him, so she clung to it desperately.

After arriving, her teammates questioned her and she told them to figure it out themselves, she didn't need to explain herself to them. Mad as they were, they were also in denial. The man who took her yesterday... he was not a normal genin.

They knew he had balls at the very least, staring Lord Orochimaru down like he was just some common bandit, but to knowingly walk into an ambush, dressed in white with nothing but a sword. Not even his kunai and shuriken pouches... they were terrified at the prospect of a confrontation. 

And as if that wasn't enough, the way he took her away, that flash of white... Kabuto ordered them to kill him during the exams regardless of the cost, if they had to kill Kin to do it, they would. She was already compromised and likely thinking of betraying them and Lord Orochimaru. Hot or not, that meant that she already forfeited her life.

Might as well try to have their way before they kill her, no sense in leaving that desire unfulfilled. Not like Orochimaru would find out. How wrong they were on all accounts.

Orochimaru was paying extra close attention to his next vessel's object of fascination, and that included his relationship with one of his subordinates. She was nothing but a pawn anyway, so losing her to her baser instincts would only mean he needed to pick more useful pawns for his next plans.

Regardless of that fact, he wanted to see why Sasuke held Naruto in such regard. Enough to tell him that if he attacked the village she would likely suffer massive losses, if not get outright killed. Sasuke didn't joke, so he wanted to see just how much was fact, and how much was just her looking through rose-tinted glasses.

Sasuke also refused to have anything to do with this other than sending spies and possible plants. But after losing Tayuya, one of his best pawns without a trace, he decided against sending more, regardless of Sasuke's suggestions.

It didn't matter, however, since Orochimaru would destroy this village and take it over, one way or another.