
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 48: Training with Kakashi 2

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 48: Training with Kakashi 2


"Sensei!" I popped in through his window.

"There is such a thing as a door, Naruto. Also, what would you do if I had a beautiful lady entertaining me here?" He chided then asked.

"Sit down and watch. Then use whatever I learn here with my girls." I replied without shame.

"You make me proud..." He wiped a fake tear.

"So? What do you need?" He asked, getting back to his book.

"You owe me a jutsu, and I know exactly which one I want." I grinned.

He sighed. "You already have a signature technique, Naruto."

"Yeah, but I gave you the idea. Now gimme." I extended my hands.

"Fine, fine. I did teach Sasuke my Chidori, my as well teach you my Purple Lightning." He grumbled.

"Aw, don't be sad sensei. You still have all of your other variations. Not to mention that super special eye technique you refuse to show me." I pouted.

He gave me an eye smile and patted me on the head. "Let's get going, shall we?" 

"Hmph, I'll let it slide this time, sensei." I grabbed his shoulder and teleported to a clearing outside of the village since I didn't want to garner any attention.

"I still can't get used to that." Kakashi shook his head.

"Same. I always feel a little dizzy afterwards." I concurred.


"Well, that's that. Now you just need to master it." Kakashi said after I got the basic gist of the technique.

"Cool. Hey, sensei, wanna spar?" I asked hoping he'd say yes.

"Hmm... sure. I could use a stretch."

"Yes!" I celebrated.

"Alright let's go!" I shouted and began my attack.

Kakashi had his Sharingan at the ready and our taijutsu battle took the center stage. He showed me why he was the strongest shinobi in the village by giving me a run for my money. Even with my speed and power being well above where it used to be, he was running laps and punching holes through my defenses. I started to take damage and switched to ninjutsu, baiting Kakashi into a clone and using a technique I borrowed from Lee.

"Severe Leaf Hurricane!" I called out.

Kakashi managed to avoid getting hit by the combination, but was unable to defend from my Fire Style: Great Flame Flower before suffering damage.

Kakashi sent a water dragon my way and I used my newly created Wind Dragon Jutsu. I was surprised that the technique didn't actually exist in-universe before I created it.

The techniques canceled and Kakashi rushed me with his lightning blade. I rushed him with my weakest Rasengan and switched with an exploding clone at the moment of impact, sending him flying.

He recovered and used his purple electricity from a distance and I countered with a Wind Style: Devastation to render the technique useless.

Kakashi then showed off his Kamui by using his new Kamui Shuriken technique. I layered a water wall and a Lightning Formation Barrier, another new technique, and flooded the area with normal clones to confuse Kakashi's Sharingan and slip though his attacks unnoticed.


The battle went on like this for a good while and after the fact I was pooped. That was a workout and a half.

"Man, sensei... phew... that was a workout... I missed this..." I gave him my best smile.

"Thanks for helping me train, sensei." 

"No problem... Naruto. You've grown strong, much... more than you were previously... I guess that whole ordeal did have its upsides." Kakashi said through exhausted gasps.

"Yeah... hey, sensei... " 


"Who are all of these people hiding in the forest?"

"Hm... looks like we may need to put some fools to rest... " Kakashi said, popping a food pill.

I groaned and popped one myself.

"Alright, kiddies. Let's dance," I rushed at the contingent of enemy shinobi spying on us. I went easy on them first, to see what they were about. But it turned to be just fodder ninja. I was disappointed. I had Kakashi play a support role here, he was much more tired than I was it seemed.

I was curious why there were a lot of nameless ninja here, most without headbands or discernable allegiances that I could pinpoint. I wondered who they were, but then got hit by sound based ninjutsu.

I grinned, two could play that game.

I sent Kakashi away to the village via Flying thunder God to avoid hitting him with my technique. I took out my flute for my music ninjutsu: Wind Style: Melody of the Heart. A simple technique that used chakra infused within the vibrations of the instrument being played to affect the individuals listening with several different effects.

Depending on the pitch and melody being played I could put someone to sleep or make them go berserk and start attacking others. This time I chose the latter and had the remaining enemy shinobi kill themselves while I played soft, beautiful music. Images of death, destruction, and despair flooding their minds as they butchered each other.

Tsunade made this a forbidden jutsu after coming with Kakashi to the battlefield after getting a report of unknown enemy shinobi roaming around the village. Sakura looked intrigued when I showed her the images and asked me to teach her. I told her she needed a musical instrument and tried to sing.

I convinced her to only use those beautiful lips for kissing and sucking, as god intended, without hurting her feelings. I also got her to blow me while she was at it, she was wearing her nurse uniform and I couldn't resist.

Hinata had a much more pleasant singing voice. Haku as well, but they only sang when they pampered me. Not something I'll complain about, but I wanted to hear their voices more often.

I got Sakura to learn the sho instead, and while it would take a few weeks, her haunting melodies were going to be great when paired along with the technique. I also took up the sho for myself and began to learn the shamisen. I needed a new instrument to make new music with anyways.