
The Scholar's Tale

The other members in the team all shook their heads in unison.

They'd seen Marco's antics, and they weren't so dumb as to trust him.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a "see, it's not only me" look.

Marco sighed and said, "Well, in case you change your mind, just whistle when you need my help."

He seemed so sincere that I doubted my judgment for a second.

Maybe he was wronged?

Was Uncle Jiu behind what was happening?

I turned and looked at Uncle Jiu; he was still in his lotus position, meditating.

Green Fa was packing up and preparing for the journey ahead.

She saw me and showed no expression.

I would expect that; after all, they were working for the Four Happiness sect and the Six Iron Doors.

The three of us—Amy Lee, Bobby, and I—were working for the Heaven and Earth sect.

When it came down to the final showdown, we'd better be determined enough to finish them off.