

Reincarnated in Marvel, fortunately or unfortunately, he became a symbiote, with no choice he decided to enjoy his life with his partner. ============ NOTICE: I do not own Marvel or any of it's elements only the MC and my fanfic elements

PageSorcerer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Upon noticing the riot getting ready to attack, Lex immediately transformed into his full form.    

Riot gives off a fierce vibe, while Natasha  has a more refined and elegant demeanor.  

Riot let out a deep growl before charging forward, with its tendrils cutting through the air like dark whips.

Nat easily dodges to the side, displaying smooth and accurate movements.  

She counterattacks with a continuous barrage of pointed tendrils, aiming for the vulnerable areas of the riot with exceptional precision.  

while enduring her attack, his hands suddenly change shape , morghing into sharp , blade-like weapons that extended toward Nat , intending to cut her in half.

Natasha's eyes narrowed as she anticipated Riot's move . She skillfully dodged his dangerous attack with a graceful sidestep, moving like a deadly dancer.  With every step, she remained calm and focused.

Riot, fueled by primal fury, pressed on relentlessly. His tendrils thrashed wildly, leaving chaotic trails in the air.

Natasha however with a sudden burst of speed,  closed the distance between them, her hands moving in a blur as she delivered a series of rapid strikes to Riot's torso. Each blow landed with precision, causing him to let out painful groans.  

Riot's brute strength clashes against Nat's calculated tactics

The earth shakes beneath them as they release a fierce attack of strikes, each hit echoing like thunder.  

However, as the fight continues, it becomes evident that both Nat and Riot are evenly matched.   Each time Nat delivers a hit, Riot retaliates with the same intensity, and vice versa.  

Their unique physiology allows them to heal injuries quickly due to their regenerative properties.  

Seeing that she couldn't quickly gain any advantage, Nat said

"I think prolonging this battle is pointless; we should defeat him quickly."   

Lex agreed with her, saying, "You're right. By fighting against him, we have achieved what we wanted and now know our strengths better."

Listening to his approval, Nat seized the opportunity by pushing Riot into the center of the trap and distancing herself from him. 

Lex swiftly transformed and entered Nat's body, before Riot could even process what was happening

Nat took out  the  activator from her pocket and then pushed the button.  

Sound waves struck the Riot from four different directions all at once, causing him to let out a piercing scream as excruciating pain surged through his body.

Nat once again brought out a flamethrower, directing it towards him, to further accelerate the separation of the riot and his host .


the flame shot with intense heat, creating a barrier that threatened to consume everything

Nat's swift and calculated actions effectively controlled the situation, pushing him toward his demise.

 it didn't take long for him to come out screaming,

she quickly deactivated the devices and arrived in front of him before saying "Lex, it's all yours now "

Lex immediately engulfs him without delay, aiming to quickly consume and digest him.  

Nat, on the other hand, approaches the little girl to assess her condition.

she detected signs of life but she needs medical help, Feeling relieved, she urgently instructs Lex to heal her before her condition worsens.

 Despite having just consumed the Riot, Lex wastes no time and quickly extends a tentacle to the girl to begin repairing her damaged organs.  

After treating most of her injuries, he told Natasha that he had fixed the damaged organs. All she needs to do now is to rest and allow her body to recover. He suggested taking her to the hospital for further examination.

They quickly gathered all their equipment and cleaned up any evidence of the fight before heading towards the hospital, as she had agreed.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. Nat presented her FBI badge and informed the staff about the child's injury. She then requested them to contact the police to locate the parents.


After ensuring that everything had been taken care of, they made their way back home.


On the other side, Lex's clone, Drake, making sure everything was in their place, finished all the preparations for launching the rocket. With meticulous attention to detail, he double-checked every system, ensuring that each component was functioning perfectly. 

As he climbed aboard the rocket,  Strapping himself into the pilot's seat, Drake ran through the final pre-flight checks, his hands moving with practiced precision. 

The countdown echoed in his ears, a steady melody marking the passage of time. Ten…nine…eight… 

As the countdown reached zero, The rocket roared to life, its engines igniting with a deafening roar.

Outside, onlookers gazed in awe as the rocket pierced the sky, leaving behind a trail of fire and smoke .

As the rocket disappeared from view, enshrouded in the infinite expanse of space, Lex felt a sense of exhilaration unlike anything he had ever experienced before, despite possessing the body of an alien, he had never been to space before.



Useful information

Regenerative Healing Factor: the symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot such as cancer.