
Chapter 3: Learning

Now being in the room with the skeletons which I decided to call this room "Base Camp". I started to notice small details about when the skeletons would come and go. What I believe to be a guard would rotate what felt like every two hours. After trying to count the minutes that go by I loss track of the time, and just took a shot in the dark and guessed that it was around two hours. They would left from a door way made from stone with a rusty metal door that made a creaking sound every time it moved.

Once a skeleton left they would come back after around two hours, then the next one would left for around the same amount of time. Soon would me and Z have to go on guard duty, that would mean I would be able to find out what is on the other side of the door. I had no way of knowing the start of the order had Z not long gone on pratol.

Soon after Beta left the camp and come back. Alpha left I wondered would we be next in line to go and patrol the area outside that rusty door.

As Alpha left the small and cramped "Base Camp" Z slowly placed me into a dirty worn out steel scabbard. That was covered in dirt and grime from top to bottom. Then Z gently placed me and the scabbard on the ground leaning against the wall next to the silver shield. I wondered the shield could have been from around the same place I was, is it possible that there are more just like me that lost there body's and are now weapons. I try to communicate to the shield which was the closest to me. I try once again to talk out loud but still no sounds will come out, next I try to just think of the words I want to say maybe they will get send across if the shield is like me. But yet again there is no reply to anything maybe I am the only weapon around here at least that has a mind of its own.

The time goes by as I have been testing my idea of there being other weapons, in this camp with minds like mine. But none of the other skeletons weapons respond to my words either. The next thing I know is the sound of the old metal door creaking, in walks Alpha he was covered it marks and there was even a set of small fangs hanging off from his spear, had something tried to take a bite out of the spear. I guess a pair of fangs charging at a skeleton would not be scary being dead and all, you would have to try pretty had to make skeletons run away from you.

As Alpha walked slowly further into the camp, he place his spear against the wall across from me. He then pulled out a wooden chair that was at the center of the room, from a wooden table that had become covered in moss. He then plopped down into his seat, reaching for a pouch on his waist Alpha then proceeded to pull out a set of clean leather gloves and chest plate from the pouch. The pouch was only big enough to fit the pair of gloves where did the chest plate come out from.

Maybe there were no other weapons with minds like me here. But there does seem to be other magical item, maybe that pouch Alpha has was another. It might have the power to storage more larger item than what would normally fit in a bag that size. It could be also be possible that the shield next to me was a magical item, besides being dusty the shield was undamaged. I mean it is all ways possible that it does not receive damage or repairs its self in exchange for items. In my current state I have no way of knowing.