this story will revolve around harem
As I walk towards the gate of academy I happened to bump into a muscular man.
He has innocent look with warm appearance.
He smiled at me and apologize after that he said goodbye.
But this is still me stunned at his ordinary but unique appearance.
Its the first time that a human greet me without fear because my hair always covering my face.
But abruptly I forget about it and walk towards my classroom.
Everyone look at my direction like I was a disgusting species except for two girls who looks cold and the other one was naughty personality.
"Hi I am Nichole"said the cold one.
The other girl then grab my hand and shake it like we were too close.
"I am Sandra Nice to meet you girl!"
She smiled.
"Can you try to smile a little bit more come on dont be shy"she said without having no choice I smiled forcefully.
This afternoon they always talk about one guy as I listen I became someone they talk about their problems always.
But I am not irritated since they were hired by my mom in order to have someone by myside.
"So Sorah what type of guy do you like?"
Nichole asked curiously.
"A tall man"my simple answer made them point the guy who was infront of my table right now.
"Oh really?"he ask in playful voice.
I knit my eyebrows and said.
"Did mom ask you to be my bodyguard again?"
He nodded then he sit next to me.
But for some reason the tension was getting cold when I look the way where it was belong to.
It belongs to Sandra her face change again without anyone noticing except me.
"Are you serious Jan?you accept the offer to be someone slaves?"she ask with hidden coldness.
But I ignore it."whats wrong with Jan being my bodyguard Sandra since its his choice right?"
Sandra want to talk back but she was stop by Nichole.
"Right Jan"I said as I grab his shoulders and hug it.
Making Sandra furious and walk out in the classroom.
Nichole look at me and said "You shouldnt try to provoke her"
"How dare she"I said
But Jan look furious at me"stop acting clingy"
Making my hearts hurt.
This is why I dont want to make friends.
"Fine you're always right Jan"I said as my tears fell out and walk away from him.
He look guiltily at me but I ignore it.
As my way to the garden I cried hardly.
Then there was a girl hand me out a handkerchief.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
I shook my head and said."Can you leave me alone just for a minutes?"
She nodded and before she left she said.
"Today is just a time it will soon pass and continue to tommorrow so dont worry about today worry about tommorrow"
That made my worries to be gone.
coming soon