
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs


After a few long minutes, I was finally able to control my Kakuja. Because before it was forming and I couldn't do anything, so moving my right hand to my sight, I noticed that it has sharp claws, apart from that. I also noticed that my height is several meters because my head was a few meters above the ground.

Other than that, I also felt on my back some tentacles, which I can control. I also have a tail which I noticed out of the corner of my eye, it also has sharp protrusions sticking out of it that run up my tail, so I imagine I will also have on my back and probably on my head.

Unfortunately, that's the most I can see, because I don't have an ability that allows me to observe myself in the third person. While I was lost in my thoughts, and observing the details of my Kakuja form, I noticed some people on the ground, so I lowered my head and got a good look at them, they were Eto, Rize, Akira, Akina, and Akiko who approached me.

"Congratulations, Frank, you got your Kakuja!" She exclaimed, Eto. As her watched my Kakuja carefully.

"Nn! Congratulations Frank," Said the three sisters who approached me with a slight look of concern that dissipated when I placed my huge hands on the ground, making them come up and placing them on my shoulders.

"Looks like you were doing some things without me," Rize said as she kept her gaze on my sight, more specifically my eyes.

I was trying to get the Kagune out of my head, which took a few minutes because I had it on a low level. I was finally able to speak. "What can I say, I guess it's my luck?" with a smile on my face, I lowered the three girls who were looking at everything from my shoulder to the ground. After that, I tried to put away all my Kakuja, which took several minutes.

[Your Kakuja skill has been raised to level 3]

Closing that tab from my view, as I had several I hadn't checked yet. I turned my gaze on the girls, "So what does my Kakuja look like?" I asked the girls, as I couldn't get a good look at my Kakuja.

"It's a Dragon, though you can change its form if you have experience," She said, Eto. As she put her hands behind her back with a smile on her face.

"What she said, he's a Dragon, I wonder why he would take that form?" asked Rize as she looked at me, to which I just let out a laugh as I ran my hand through my hair.

Turning my gaze upon the girls who were watching our conversation, I made a stone throne, which when I did so. I felt a sense of discomfort in my soul, so letting out a light laugh at that, I decided to calm my throne down after talking about this.

"Come, Akira, Akina, Akiko," I said as you called them towards me, to which after a few seconds the three girls were sitting next to me. Akina and Akiko were on my armrest, while Akira was on my lap.

"Alright, we have to teach them to talk," I said as I rested my gaze on, Rize and Eto, both of whom had a smile on their face. "So who wants to do it, I would do it. But I have to get stronger. Now that I have my Kakuja" To which they both nodded.

"Why don't we show hers both?" Eto said as Rize raised her eyebrow slightly in her direction.

"Oh, why do you want to do it like that, Eto?"

To which, smiling even more at my question, she replied. "That will make the girls more in confidence with us, which will also allow us to spend time with her. While also allowing us to get to know each other as well."

To which after thinking for a few seconds(or make that what I was thinking), I decided to accept her offer. "Then do that, I'll go to my dungeon I come in" Turning my gaze back to my phone I just pulled out, I noticed it was 9:05." 9:00 at night."

To which let out a fake pout, Rize asked." Why so late?" to which patting Akira who was on my lap, I turned my gaze towards her.

"It's time to take action, besides. It's been a day since I've been to the dungeon" To which after patting and kissing the girl's foreheads and kissing my girlfriends goodbye with a kiss on their lips. I headed towards the dungeon.

Once inside the dungeon, I looked at the notifications. But not before saying something to Ruby. "Next time don't do that Ruby, I don't want to be a budding megalomaniac" To which I heard her reply.

"It's okay, Frank. It was my mistake" Hearing her embarrassed tone, I nodded with a smile on my face.

"As long as you don't do it again, that's good enough for me" To which hearing an "Nn", I now did turn my gaze upon the notifications.



Description: Increases by 3% the [Strength] and [Constitution] when you use your Kakuja, also increases by 6% the manipulation, efficiency, defense, attack, and the response of your Kakuja.

Cost: 600 Sp per minute.


Reading the skill, I nodded with a smile on my face. So closing it, I moved on to the next notification.



Description: Increases by 100% the manipulation, efficiency, defense, attack, and the response of your Rinkaku.

Cost: 3200 Sp per minute


After finishing reading the notification, I moved on to the next one on the list.


[Rinkaku Regeneration has risen to level 89]


Nodding at this notification, I noticed that I no longer had any insight, so I jumped slightly in my place. I began my zombie killing spree, which lasted 6 hours. For I was interrupted when a Nemesis appeared in my sight.

"Shit!" Shouting at the sight of the mythical character from the RE saga, I quickly cast [Observe] on him. before he began his attack. Unfortunately when the notification tab appeared in my view, so did the nemesis' punch. So jumping with all my strength to the side, I jumped several meters in that direction.

Rising from the rubble, I took a look at my dirty and destroyed clothes, so I ran to hide, while using [Ki Detection] to keep Nemesis in my sights. Letting out a sigh of relief, I focused on the eyelash in front of me.



[Race: Zombie]

[Level: 890]

[Hp:178,000](3560 every second)

[Sp:178,000](3560 every second)

[Strength: 890.0] [Attack: 8900]

[Constitution: 890.0] [Defense: 8900]

[Dexterity: 10.0] [Speed:180 m/s].

[Intelligence: 1.0] [Weight:445,000 Kg] [Intelligence: 1.0] [Weight:445,000 Kg]

[Wisdom: 1.0]

[Charisma: 0.3]

[Luck: 0.5]


Letting out a sigh at those stats, along with his high Hp and Regeneration, I noticed that it was time to finally get serious in a confrontation, so I set my sights on experience.

[You have gained 122,450 experience]

[You've gone up a few levels]

Feeling my mana reserves increase as well as my strength, I said the word to check my status.



[Frank Evans]

[Level: 182]

[Race:Perfect One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (82/100) [Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (82/100)[

[Hp:85,212](7456 per second)

[Sp:85,212](3945 per second)

[Mp:5037](133.4 per second)

[Fuerza: 384.5(461.4)][Ataque:3845(5537)]

[Constitución: 394.5][Defensa:5917]

[Dexterity: 0.5] [Speed:9 m/s]

[Intelligence: 33.3][Weight:192,250(346,050) Kg]

[Wisdom: 33.3]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


Shaking my head slightly, I got up from where I was sitting. But not before pulling Ignis out. "Are you ready, Ignis?" I asked as I approached Nemesis.

"I'm always ready, Frank!" Nodding at her affirmative answer, I launched the first attack which was [Pillar of Fire], to which the instant I activated it I saw a 5-meter wide pillar appear at Nemesis' place extending upwards infinitely or so it seemed.

Holding that for several seconds, though to no avail. For Nemesis walked out of the place with his skin scorched along with the top half of his clothes. Watching curiously as his scorched flesh returned to its original state in a few seconds as did his Hp.

"This is going to be tough."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you have me you can defeat all your enemies, so go all out Frank!"

Hearing Ignis' words, a smile appeared on my face. So before the nemesis could start using its full speed, I threw a [Great Fireball] at it. Which hit it squarely, causing 5000 points of magic damage.

So while I was trying to move away from the area so that Nemesis was out of my reach, I got a surprise when he appeared in front of me with his fist going through my abdomen receiving 5966 critical damage.

Vomiting a large amount of blood, watching as Nemesis raised his other fist to pierce my head I did the first thing that came to my mind, which was to throw [Pillar of Fire] on top of me, hurting only Nemesis. But with his high regeneration, I didn't hurt him at all, but it was a good distraction as I ended up hurting his arm which gave me a few seconds to use [Fireball] on his head.

To which I did 11081 damage plus Ignis' 100%, increased the base damage to 22162 plus x3 missing damage to his head. I did a total of 66486 damage in an instant, which made him back off, thus finally removing his fist from my abdomen, getting up with all the strength I could muster to continue attacking Nemesis, as he was recovering every second. I approached him and activating in my right hand [Fireball] while in my left hand [Great Fireball] I threw them again over his head causing an explosion in the place that sent me flying several meters.

[You have caused 100707 magic damage].

Pushing the debris off of me, I got up again with my legs weakened by the explosion that did a good amount of damage, but without receiving the death of Nemesis. I approached him with slow steps, once I was close to him I noticed that he only had a lower body part left, which was regenerating every second.

"He's still alive, what the fuck kind of regeneration is that!" letting out my frustration with a shout at his absurd regeneration, I could already notice what the regeneration was done in seconds. So approaching him with heavy steps I cast [Fireball] one last time at his regenerating legs.

[You have killed the Boss on Hard difficulty, now you can upgrade to Expert difficulty].

Hearing Ruby's voice says that I let out a sigh of relief as I plopped down on the floor, checking the notification that appeared in front of me.

[You have gained 80,000 experience]

[You've gone up a few levels]

[Fireball has risen to level 65].

[Great Ball of Fire has risen to level 32].


[Great Fireball-Active(32/100)]

Description: Improved version of Fireball, deals (Int*Sab*5+Attack) damage towards your enemy.

Cost:240 Mp


[Pillar of Fire has risen to level 22].


[Pillar of Fire-Active(22/100)]

Description: You summon a pillar of fire in your view range, dealing (Wis*Int*3) damage per second.

Cost: 80 Mp per second


After finishing reading that I rested my gaze on Ignis who was silent. "Is something wrong Ignis?" I asked while running my hand over Ignis' blade while using [Fire Infusion].

"I'm sorry I didn't help you much" Hearing her despondent voice, a fond smile appeared on my face.

"You're wrong Ignis, if it wasn't for your skill [One with Fire:(A)] which increases the effectiveness of my fire skills by 100% I wouldn't have been able to defeat Nemesis so easily. You help me a lot in this fight, so don't be discouraged, you will always be of help to me."

Watching the heat of the blade increase to its maximum, which is 2500 degrees celsius. I could feel Ignis' spirits lifted by my words.

"You're right. With my skill you were able to defeat the enemy easily, this is the first enemy we defeated together, so I hope to continue to be by your side Frank" Starting with an animated voice, which turned into embarrassment towards the end. I couldn't help but smile lovingly while looking at Ignis.

"You will always be by my side Ignis, never doubt it" To which receiving an "Nn~!" in response, I got up from the ground and put away the iron chest in my inventory. Which after doing that, I continued on my adventure for another 6 hours to kill enemies.


[Note of Author]

next week I will not upload chapter, I will take it as a break.