
Life in the mountains

My house had three rooms, the living room was warm and welcoming with two chairs and a fire place. On one side of the kitchen there was a door and on the other was a sink stove counter and a few cupboards. The bedroom had two beds a dresser and a window.

My dad had a hardy laugh and a big smile, my mom was a very kind and loving person. For som reason I never really had any interest in boys I always thought that girls had more personality and were more loving and interesting.

My parents would go to the city for food, drinks and wood for the fire place so otherwise the city didn't matter to me. But one day my parents were followed home from the city by mercenary's. An hour after my parents got back we heard a knock at the door, my parents had told me to go to the secret hiding spot under the floor boards.

There was a moment of silence the I heard the door bust open, there were footsteps then two loud thumps, I came out an hour later to find my parents body's covered in slashes I kept telling myself they weren't dead as I inched closer, when I shook them and they wouldn't wake up I came to a cold realization and my stomach churned like an ocean of sadness. I couldn't accept that they were dead so I tried every healing spell I knew and when nothing happened I was devastated I couldn't help but scream.