
My Life as a Cultivator in a Game

Sixteen years after transmigrating into the world of cultivation, Lu Yi's long-lost cheat finally awakened. The cheat was a simple task panel where one could earn various rewards by accepting and completing tasks. Lu Yi was surprised to find that he could publish tasks for himself and complete them for rewards. So Lu Yi embarked on the path of self-publishing tasks for himself. He published a task for himself to "practice the Divine Sword technique ten times," and upon completion, his level in the Divine Sword technique increased by one. He published a task for himself to "defeat an outer disciple," and upon completion, he obtained a precious Perfect Qi Condensation Pill. He published a task for himself to "break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm," and upon completion, he obtained a top-grade magical weapon. Without realizing it, Lu Yi found that even becoming a saint or ancestor seemed easy with this system.

Blue Sky Washing Rain · Eastern
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40 Chs

The Gentle and Considerate Lu Yi

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qi Feiyu looked at the platform and asked, "Grand Elder Dugu, do you think Lu Yi can win?"

Dugu Fang smiled slightly, "If Lu Yi displays the Regain Simplicity stage of the White Cloud Stance, he should be able to win. However, Mo Lingxi is not weak either; it probably won't be an easy victory."

Hearing that, the other elders nodded in agreement.

"Mo Lingxi cultivates the Spirit Serpent Sword and Spirit Serpent Stance, both of which have reached the Transformation stage. Coupled with his cultivation at the Level 9 Qi Refiner, his strength is indeed formidable."

"If Lu Yi can defeat Mo Lingxi, he will definitely secure a spot in the top ten and join the inner sect. Looking back at the history of our White Cloud Sect, there have been very few who entered the inner sect at the Level 7 Qi Refiner."

"Excluding the geniuses we brought in from outside the sect, it's been hundreds of years since we've seen such talent."

"The last one was Wu Yong from the Inner Sect Enforcement Hall, right? He's already at the Nascent Soul stage."

The elders' satisfaction with Lu Yi grew as they discussed his potential.

Meanwhile, not far away, Lu Gaoyang, Wang Siqi, and several attendants were also watching Lu Yi's platform closely.

Both Lu Gaoyang and Wang Siqi were a bit nervous at the moment. If Lu Yi could win, he would secure a place in the top ten, enabling him to join the inner sect. As parents, it was natural for them to feel anxious about their child's future.

The attendants nearby were filled with curiosity and anticipation.

"Gaoyang, this is the most crucial match. Do you think he can win?"

Lu Gaoyang shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but of course, I hope he can win."

"Mo Lingxi is quite strong... Lu Yi's cultivation is a bit lower. If he had reached the Level 8 Qi Refiner stage, he would have a better chance of winning."

"Yes, even if he can't win this time, it's not a big deal. Give it another year, and if Lu Yi's cultivation reaches the Level 8 Qi Refiner, he will definitely secure a spot in the top ten of the inner sect. It's just an extra year of effort."


As they spoke, the competition on the platform had already begun.

Mo Lingxi's expression turned cold as he unleashed his spiritual energy at the Level 9 Qi Refiner cultivation and attacked at full force.

Both the Spirit Serpent Sword and Spirit Serpent Stance drew inspiration from the agility and elusiveness of serpents. Mo Lingxi's steps were tricky and his speed astonishing. In almost an instant, he appeared by Lu Yi's side. His sword, like a serpent's tongue, thrust toward Lu Yi's chest.

With spiritual energy coiling around his sword, Mo Lingxi shattered the air and emitted a piercing whistling sound.

Lu Yi's expression remained unchanged. With a slight movement of his foot, his figure drifted like a white cloud, evading the incoming strike in a carefree manner.

Seeing Lu Yi's evasion, Mo Lingxi pressed on, his body closing in rapidly. His sword, filled with a mysterious aura, launched a continuous assault on Lu Yi. The sword winds created by his strikes were sharp and fierce, leaving the disciples watching below unable to help but feel their hearts race. They couldn't imagine being able to withstand such a relentless attack.

However, Lu Yi seemed to effortlessly avoid each attack amidst the storm of sword strikes.

As Lu Yi dodged the attacks, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, 'Lingxi is indeed worthy of being the gatekeeper of the top ten. His strength surpasses even Wulian and Mingxi.'

Nevertheless, to an average cultivator at the Level 9 Qi Refiner, Mo Lingxi's strength was undeniably formidable. For Lu Yi, however, it was still manageable.

After all, when facing Wang Wulian and the others earlier, Lu Yi had deliberately held back, not fully unleashing the Regain Simplicity stage of the White Cloud Sword.

Now, Lu Yi felt that he could exert a bit more power. Cloud-like qi emanated from his long sword, thicker and denser than before, enveloping an area of over a meter around him.

Halting his evasive maneuvers, Lu Yi swung his sword. In the next moment, the ethereal sword clouds soared toward Mo Lingxi with astonishing speed.

Mo Lingxi's pupils constricted as he felt the immense threat. He exclaimed, "What?!"

Mo Lingxi quickly abandoned his aggressive attack, activating the Spirit Serpent Stance to retreat repeatedly, evading the sword clouds.

The sword clouds swept past Mo Lingxi's side and landed on the platform. The stone slabs on the platform bore the imprints of intricate cloud patterns.

The attendants nearby couldn't help but shiver, surprised by the power of Lu Yi's White Cloud Sword. The platform was made of green oak stone, specially treated to resist damage. Yet, Lu Yi's strike had left visible marks on it.

'Lu Yi was amazing.' the disciples all thought as they gasped.

"The power of this sword… I don't think I can block it!"

"I'm afraid that only the senior disciples at the Level 10 Qi Refiner stage can block it."

"Lu Yi's White Cloud Sword has actually reached such a level?! When he was competing with the other disciples, he actually didn't use his full strength?!"

Wang Wulian did not participate in the competition. He was stunned as he looked at Lu Yi on the stage. He exclaimed, "Is this the true power of the sword technique in the Regain Simplicity stage?!"

Among the disciples who had sparred with Lu Yi earlier, Gu Mingxi and the other two Level 9 Qi Refiner cultivators stared wide-eyed, disbelief written across their faces.

One of the senior disciples sighed with a wry smile, shaking his head, and said, "I originally thought the gap between me and Lu Yi wasn't that significant, but now... it's like heaven and earth."

Another senior disciple beside him wore a bitter expression. Gu Mingxi looked at Lu Yi with even brighter eyes.

Mo Lingxi, who was facing Lu Yi, could feel the pressure from Lu Yi's sword even more. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he stared at Lu Yi with his eyes wide open and said, "You actually hid your strength before?"

Lu Yi smiled embarrassedly and said, "It isn't easy for the senior disciples to cultivate. If I was too harsh on them, it wouldn't be good if I damaged their hearts. If you are not so powerful, I would not have used such power, Lingxi."

Lu Yi couldn't say that he was pretending to be a noob so that someone could spar with him in the future. If they were all insta-killed, no one would spar with him. If no one came to spar with him, he would not be able to complete the tasks and obtain the Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir.

Upon hearing that, Wang Wulian and the others were shocked. They widened their eyes and looked at Lu Yi in disbelief.

Wang Wulian was moved. He said, "Lu Yi... you've put so much thought into this for us. You are such a nice person!"

Gu Mingxi was anxious and said, "Lu Yi is too kind and considerate."

Even the other disciples were full of admiration for Lu Yi.

"Lu Yi is so kind-hearted!"

"Lu Yi is truly an example for us. Fellow disciples should take care of each other."

Even Jiang Fan, who was standing nearby, nodded slightly. As he looked at Lu Yi, a trace of approval appeared in his eyes. He smiled and said, "Lu Yi is indeed kind-hearted and worthy of befriending."

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Mo Lingxi fell into a moment of silence.

Then, Mo Lingxi took a deep breath and looked at Lu Yi, his expression solemn, and said, "Lu Yi, you are truly righteous. In ordinary circumstances, I would share a drink and chat with you. However, this Grand Competition concerns the allocation of inner-sect spots. I can only say sorry."

Lu Yi smiled and replied, "Lingxi, there's no need to feel pressured. The path to immortality is boundless. We're all striving for progress. It's about our future. Just do your best. Don't leave any regrets."

Lu Yi's long sword resonated with a clear ring, and the swirling clouds surrounding it complemented his gentle smile.