
My Life as a Cultivator in a Game

Sixteen years after transmigrating into the world of cultivation, Lu Yi's long-lost cheat finally awakened. The cheat was a simple task panel where one could earn various rewards by accepting and completing tasks. Lu Yi was surprised to find that he could publish tasks for himself and complete them for rewards. So Lu Yi embarked on the path of self-publishing tasks for himself. He published a task for himself to "practice the Divine Sword technique ten times," and upon completion, his level in the Divine Sword technique increased by one. He published a task for himself to "defeat an outer disciple," and upon completion, he obtained a precious Perfect Qi Condensation Pill. He published a task for himself to "break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm," and upon completion, he obtained a top-grade magical weapon. Without realizing it, Lu Yi found that even becoming a saint or ancestor seemed easy with this system.

Blue Sky Washing Rain · Eastern
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40 Chs

Centennial Spirit Dew

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Yi picked up the stone tablet floating in front of him and glanced at it: 9-5.

Wang Wulian looked a bit nervous as he turned to Lu Yi and said, "Lu Yi, which platform are you on?"

Lu Yi smiled and replied, "Platform 9."

Wang Wulian grinned and then burst into laughter. He said, "I'm on Platform 10. If I'm lucky enough, maybe I can make it to the top ten?"

Lu Yi was speechless and thought Wang Wulian was quite optimistic.

Lu Yi did not dampen Wang Wulian's spirits and nodded with a smile, He said, "I believe in your strength, Wulian. You'll do just fine."

Wang Wulian chuckled.

Platforms 9 and 10 were right next to each other. The two of them walked over to the edge of their respective platforms.

At that moment, Lu Yi felt a sharp gaze upon him. He turned his head and saw Mo Lingxi looking at him with cold eyes.

Lu Yi was taken aback. He had not expected Mo Lingxi to be on this platform too. That guy's gaze could almost cut through him.

Others also noticed Mo Lingxi's attitude and watched the scene unfold with an amused expression.

These outer sect disciples who had made it to this stage of the competition were undoubtedly strong. They knew a thing or two about Mo Lingxi, who was one of the top ten gatekeepers.

Now that an up-and-coming figure like Lu Yi had appeared, Mo Lingxi would clash with him like a pair of roosters.

The rest were sitting back and enjoying the show.

Just then, a gentle voice sounded, "Lu Yi, didn't expect to see you here."

Lu Yi turned his head and saw a young man with an ordinary appearance and determined eyes walking towards him with a friendly smile, a cultivator at the Level 10 Qi Refiner stage.

"Is that Jiang Fan?"

"Who would have thought Jiang Fan would also be on this platform? This is bad. There's no chance for me to be in the top ten now."

"Brother... Don't just drink, have a bit of food too, okay?"

"But if you had even one peanut, you wouldn't be so drunk."

"Between Lu Yi and Jiang Fan, who do you think is stronger?"

"I'm more optimistic about Jiang Fan. He's also a genius; he might be the champion."

"I'm also leaning towards Jiang Fan. If Lu Yi's cultivation was at the same level as Jiang Fan's, I would think Lu Yi is stronger, but he's at a disadvantage in terms of cultivation."

Many nodded in agreement.

Lu Yi smiled, nodded, and greeted Jiang Fan, "Greetings, Jiang Fan."

Jiang Fan returned the smile and asked, "Are you on Platform 9 or 10?"

Lu Yi replied, "Platform 9."

Jiang Fan smiled and said, "That's a pity. I'm on Platform 10. I was hoping to have a match with you sooner. I heard you broke through to the Level 7 Qi Refiner stage."

Lu Yi was taken aback for a moment and then smiled, "When the top ten ranking matches come, I hope you could enlighten me, Jiang Fan."

Jiang Fan was momentarily surprised but then looked deeply at Lu Yi and said, "You are quite confident. I will look forward to it."

With that, Jiang Fan smiled at Lu Yi and turned to leave.

Watching Jiang Fan's departing figure, Lu Yi felt a bit strange. His perception ability was quite strong now. Jiang Fan's strength was quite formidable, even giving Lu Yi a faint sense of danger.

Keep in mind, Lu Yi now had mastery over Level 8 arts. His strength was much higher compared to regular cultivators at the Level 10 Qi Refiner stage. In this case, Jiang Fan was significantly stronger than the typical cultivator at his level.

Indeed, a name like that was not to be underestimated.

Rolling his eyes in his mind, Lu Yi muttered to himself, "I will defeat Jiang Fan."

Task: Defeat Jiang Fan (Progress: 0/1)

Reward: 1 drop of Centennial Spirit Dew

Accept: Yes / No

Lu Yi's expression froze as he looked at the reward. He thought, 'Goodness, a drop of Centennial Spirit Dew?! There's such a reward?'

The Centennial Spirit Dew was a treasure more precious than elixirs or spirit stones for cultivation. Spirit dew had an extremely low absorption difficulty, no side effects whatsoever, and could nourish the physical body. It could even enhance affinity with spiritual energy to a certain extent, essentially boosting innate talent.

Even though Lu Yi's cultivation speed was quite fast, it was mainly due to his high-level cultivation technique and the daily consumption of Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs. In reality, his innate talent for cultivation was just slightly above average. With Centennial Spirit Dew, his cultivation talent would definitely experience a significant improvement. In that case, his cultivation speed would become even faster.

Though Centennial Spirit Dew might not be as effective as Millennium or Myriad Spirit Dew, it was still spirit dew. More importantly, this was a sparring reward, something that could be repeated.

'Hmm... it looked like I should treat Jiang Fan a little better. In the future, I could spar with him more often. Not too much, just three to five times a day. If I could get three to five drops of Centennial Spirit Dew every day, I would be able to improve my cultivation talent rapidly. Lu Yi thought.

Lu Yi suddenly found Jiang Fan's ordinary face quite handsome.

While Lu Yi was gleefully in his thoughts, he felt another icy gaze from Mo Lingxi. He snapped back to his senses and silently muttered to himself, "I will defeat Mo Lingxi."

Task: Defeat Mo Lingxi (Progress: 0/1)

Reward: Supreme-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs x 20 / Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs * 2

Accept: Yes / No

Lu Yi clicked his tongue and felt disappointed. He realized that Mo Lingxi was pretty weak.

"What's wrong, Lu Yi?" Wang Wulian asked. He was dumbfounded by Lu Yi's reactions upon hearing about Jiang Fan being on his platform. He only came to his senses when he heard Lu Yi's sound of frustration. He looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi smiled at Wang Wulian and said, "Nothing. It seems you are also going to meet your end at the hands of Jiang Fan."

Wang Wulian's expression froze and said, "Lu Yi, please don't say that. I want to be alone for a moment."


As Lu Yi and Wang Wulian were conversing, Dugu Fang spoke up, "Let the competition begin."

Once Dugu Fang's words were spoken, the attendants on the platforms began announcing the matches.

"Platform 1, on stage!"


The disciples who made it to the ranking matches were much stronger compared to the preliminary rounds the previous day. Even the lowest cultivation level was at the Level 8 Qi Refiner stage, and those with lower cultivation levels wouldn't stand a chance, even if luck was on their side. There couldn't be any cultivators at the Level 8 Qi Refiner stage on a single platform, after all.

So, even with good luck, a certain level of strength was needed as a foundation.

The matches on the platforms were intense and engaging. Most participants had mastered at least one art to the Major Mastery level.

Lu Yi was thoroughly engrossed, unlike the day before when he was almost falling asleep from boredom.

The matches proceeded one by one, and it quickly came to Lu Yi's turn as the fifth match. He gracefully floated up and landed lightly on the platform. Across from him stood a girl with delicate features and flowing black hair, a cultivator at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage.

When the girl saw Lu Yi, her lips curled up slightly, forming a shy smile. She said, "Hello, Lu Yi. I'm Gu Mingxi."

Lu Yi smiled back and said, "Hello, Mingxi."

"Your sword talent is truly remarkable. I admire you greatly," Gu Mingxi said with a smile, initiating conversation before the fight.

Lu Yi was a bit puzzled and thought, 'Aren't we here to compete? Why were we chatting?'

Lu Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Mingxi, you're too kind."

At the same time, Lu Yi silently thought to himself, 'Defeat Gu Mingxi.'

Task: Defeat Gu Mingxi (Progress: 0/1)

Reward: Supreme-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs x 10 / Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs x 1

'Well... Mingxi seemed a bit weak.' Lu Yi thought. He was not picky about it. A reward was still a reward.

Before Gu Mingxi could make a move, her fair face reddened, and she said, "Lu Yi... If you have time, could you spar with me more often?"

Lu Yi was puzzled. He thought, 'Mingxi was... Something seems off.'