
My Lich Dad is my Magic Teacher?!

Raymond Nastabrok is a lich who always dreamed to go into a prestige mage academy. There's only one problem, All mage academy do not accept liches as they are usually consider evil! Now Going by the name Raymond Linth, he has to deal with not only school shenanigans. But he also have to study to make it in the human world! However, the worst thing about this is that, The Mastero of Liches, also known as Raymond's father is disguised as Raymond's teacher! How could things get any worse?!

DevinENX · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 0.1: My Dad is My Teacher?!

"Raymond. Hey, It's time to wake up."

When I came too, no one was there. I was in my room. Either my sister or my mon sent me a message from somewhere... Why couldn't they just just come into my room and knock on the door.

"Raymond? Did you die agai-"

"No!" I picked up a pillow and threw it at the wall... I know it wasn't going to hit. But I had to unleash my frustration somewhere.

I get up from my bed and walked toward the closet. Today was my first day in the prestigious school of magic and I'm not going to ruin this!

I put on my cloak and begin running out of my room. When I reach the kitchen I saw my sister eating a spherical ball.

"Morning Nala." I said as I put my shoes on. She just waved nonchalantly.

"Make sure to cut down on the souls. Save some for mom, knowing her, she's probably be hungry when she gets home."

Nala scoffs at me as she looks away. Well, I tried to warn her. What she does is on her now. I begin putting on my shoes, put a mask on my face and open the door.

[This is Raymond Nastabrok. If you haven't figured out already, he is a part of a family of liches. You may be wondering many things. But I assure you, we will answer it all in due time...]

As Raymond was walking to his destination, he began pondering to himself. "I think I need to come up with a more human name." He thought to himself. "I think Raymond is fine for a first name... but I need to think about a fake last name. Something that doesn't give away that I'm a lich."

The more that I think about it... I actually have no idea what a human last name sounds like! I'm already very close to the portal and still figured out nothing! What if I just say I'm... "Raymond Nat."

Immediately, I begin to feel sick... or at the very least, extremely nervous. If I don't figure it out... I'm as good as dead!

[Allow me to explain.]

"That voice again.." Wait a minute. "Who are you?!"

[You see Raymond here, Is attending a school that teaches humans, elves, gnomes, the likes. Raymond here, is not one of those. He's a lich.]

"No seriously. Who are you?!"

[You'll find out in due time, my friend.]

"I don't even know you."

[To put it in simple terms, Raymond is attending a school where his own kind isn't welcomed. So to cover up, he wears a mask and disguise magic to make him look more human. What Raymond is doing is extremely dangerous for him! But why does he still do it? We still don't know.]

"I CAN HEAR YOU!!!" I yelled out. This is giving me a headache. I got this strange voice following me around and I got a terrible feeling in my gut. It can't get any wors-

"Ray?" An undead woman said in a tired tone. "Are you supposed to be at that human academy you got accepted? You don't want leave a bad first impression by being..."

LATE! I'm late!!! I began booking it as fast as possible to the portal! I have no time to think! I need to make it on time!!!

"... Late." The woman didn't even get to finish what she was saying.

[Raymond was force to sprint for a whole 10 mintues to make it in the school in time]

Legs... in pain, Heavy breathing... How do humans do this without losing their breath?! It was hard to even walk... if only there was som-

"H-hey!" Someone called out. I turned around and saw what I could only describe as a business man with a mask. "Y-you're late too?" He said taking similarly deep breaths.

"I'm not late! At least, I'm pretty sure."

The man let out a somewhat heavy breathing laugh. "Trust me, you are... not in the... building... normally you'll be considered... late. So mind... telling me... your name?"

Tell him my name?! Well I guess I can humor him a bit. "My name is Raymond..." I DIDN'T COME UP WITH A LAST NAME!!!!

The however pull up what I can assume is a clipboard... never seen one myself and looked at it for a bit. He then looked at me. "I guess today is your lucky day."


"It seems your name is in my attendance sheet. Meaning, we'll be seeing each other more often. Raymond." He begins to stand up. Did he just... recovered? Just like that? What is he?

"Oh right! I almost forgot! We need to hurry before we are really late!" The man said looking at his watch. "I'll show you the way to my class, alright?"

This man... who is he? From the way he dress and that I'm in his sheet, He's my teacher... but I feel like there's a lot more about him that not even I could fathom...

"That.. would be nice. Thank you." He then pat my shoulder as I said that.

Looking around the place, it's huge! Very huge. This place could hold a whole cities worth of people and that's rounding it down. Whatever it is. It's massive.

"I made that same face when I first got tranfer here to teach." The man hold his hands up as if he was stretching.

We stand in front of a large door. He was holding the handle. "Anywho. Here we are. The class you will be in for the remainder of the school year. I got to introduce you to the class." The man said as he entered through the door.

I couldn't help but peek inside the room. My focus mainly was on the man...I however couldn't help but notice... while the class room is massive... there's only about 12 students. Most of them seen to talking to one another. The few others seemed to be studying at least.

"Good morning, class." He said in a calm tone to the class. When he say that, The others looked at him, with anticipation.

"Morning Sir." The class replied. One rose their hand. It seemed to be a human guy, skin in the darker side.

"I heard we have a new student today." They said. "Are they here?"

"I glad you ask Dalin." The man said as he motions me in. I assumed he did so I entered. There was so many glances at me. I felt sweat flowing down my face. I was nervous. Very nervous in fact.

"So, why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Oh.. Of course. My name is Raymond...." I froze.... as I have forgot something... MY FAKE LAST NAME!!! All these events, me sprinting here, running to school, looking at the building, made me forget about thinking about my fake last name! What do I do?! Do I just go for Nastabrok?! No then they would figure out right away that I'm a lich! What to do? What to do!?!

I then glance to the side... and there was a peice of paper the teacher was hold down... with the words "Linth."

Linth? Why Linth? It doesn't sound too human. My mind is running blanks... I can't think straight, this pressure is too much. That's it, I'll just go for Linth for now. I'll think about it later!

"My name... is Raymond Linth. It's nice to be able to meet all of you." I said as I bowed down. Did I do it?

There was a pause... a long pause. I couldn't breath. I felt like my lungs were crushing me. Then suddenly as if it was a sucker punch to the ear... the whole class suddenly shout. "LINTH?!"

"Y-yes?" I instinctively replied, terrified. Is this the end.

"That's right." The teacher said as he puts his hand on my head. "Raymond here, is my pride and joy I been talking about!" He then proceed to hug me!

Wait. This hug... feels familiar... almost too familar. This unnaturally strong grip, this warmth, this somewhat uncomfortable rubbing in the head. The only person who would do that to me is.

"DAD?!" I shouted. I was shocked, then happy, but then confused. Wait, my mother and father parted ways when I was a just a toddler.. and that was well over 15 years ago. How would he remember my face? Or was it my name? Although the biggest question of them all... is why is my father a teacher in this academy?!