
My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

His legendary class is The Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! While other players went through common quests to get their classes, Alex started by getting a legendary class: Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! He got three beautiful wives from the start and the legendary castle! What would his girlfriend and friends say about this once he reveals his class to them? And what about Deathwill Sisters? What is their plight, and why would they suddenly get a husband?

Sixth · Games
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470 Chs

Ladies don't like that skill!

Chapter 78: Ladies don't like that skill!

"W-Wolf!" Celia shouted.

She stuttered because of her excitement! Her friend, Ubo, also woofed in a shock, both of them looking at the black wolf with big eyes.

In those eyes, their amazement toward Alex twinkled.

He was someone who could create spirits! How awesome was that?

Alex chuckled, "I have one spirit limit, though."

"What's his name?!" Celia once again took the lead, asking the question.

Alex tilted his head. He hadn't thought about the name at all. And how that the spirit had appeared, his new consciousness, dwelling within that peculiar form, listened to Alex's words with intense focus.

He felt his eyes and feelings.

Alex awkwardly laughed, "How about you name him, Celia? You have a good naming sense… You are my important friend!"

Celia didn't notice how quickly Alex added the last sentence to overshadow his wrong choice of words.

She was happy that she could give a name to a new friend, "Bo!"