
My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

His legendary class is The Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! While other players went through common quests to get their classes, Alex started by getting a legendary class: Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! He got three beautiful wives from the start and the legendary castle! What would his girlfriend and friends say about this once he reveals his class to them? And what about Deathwill Sisters? What is their plight, and why would they suddenly get a husband?

Sixth · Games
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470 Chs

A crude thrust to decide a victor

Chapter 366: A crude thrust to decide a victor

"Ah, Harvey. He always had that charisma, charming strong girls. Girls like confidence too much, don't they?" Yasir spoke as his form appeared next to Alex.

It wasn't the real antagonist, however. He appeared here using one of his lesser demon's skills, creating an illusion of himself.

Harvey and Lavinia had long since seen through him and that ability, knowing that Alex's life was not jeopardized.

They continued their mass killing, looking confident and strong. Their teamwork was splendid, as if [Life Demon] connected their hearts.

Alex felt impressed, his eyes glued to their swordsmanship and cooperation. He didn't blink until Yasir visited him.

"Not answering me?" Yasir chuckled, taking an invisible seat. He gazed at the battlefield and his real self ordering his lesser demons. There was some self-complacency in Yasir's eyes as he scrutinized the battle.