
Holiday Panic (A)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

After that, I learned the general difference between Hell and the Netherworld from Lu Xi.

The Netherworld was the underworld. It was also known as hell by people like me in normal society. Ming Si was the Netherworld king. As we all know, the netherworld has eighteen layers and while Ming Si was the king, there were eighteen netherworld judges that took charge over the eighteen layers in the Netherworld.

As for hell, it was just a word used in China's yin and yang theory where the Chinese divided everything in the world into two poles.

The Hell King was in charge of the entire hell. The concept of hell was greater than the netherworld, which meant that Hell King had a higher title than Ming Si. The two had always been incompatible with each other, seemingly having many conflicts that had happened between them in the past.

In my opinion, Ming Si seemed a bit indifferent. To put it bluntly, he would let things drift if he wouldn't be affected in the end. However, after Silly Er's incident, I had begun to think of him as a little more passionate. It was only due to the limitation of his own authority that put many things out of his control, so that was why he didn't get involved.

Knowing this, I couldn't help but ask Lu Xi, "Big brother normally doesn't bother about other people's business. What's the deal with the ghost possessing my stupid friend? Why did you help me?"

Lu Xi thought for a while as if he had only just remembered the incident three years ago, and said, "That guy was sentenced to be punished in the netherworld, but he escaped. My mission was to get him back."

I was shocked, "Sentenced? What did he commit during his lifetime?"


I shuddered sharply, but I didn't expect that the ghost that possessed Silly Er was actually a murderer.

"He was obsessed with online games during his lifetime, indulging in fighting in the virtual world. In the end, he was unable to distinguish between reality and virtual, and committed a heinous crime."

When Lu Xi said this, I suddenly remembered that my aunty once said that there was a brutal tragedy in the village the year I was born. It was a family surnamed Lou. The eldest son of that family madly killed the whole family. Later, he just spent the whole day playing games in Internet cafes, until he starved to death.

But I couldn't figure out why that ghost would kill those dogs?

I told this doubt. Lu Xi gave me a cold gaze, and replied, "Dogs are very spiritual. They can see things that ordinary humans can't see, such as ghosts. That guy did such a cruel thing to the dogs, thinking that they were too noisy."

I began to understand, "You mean that those dogs could see the ghost and barked at him, and he killed them?"


Every single hair stood up as chills invaded me.

Now that I thought about it, the dog in the village had barked fiercely right after Silly Er had been possessed by the ghost, but it was a pity that the dog had been killed by that ghost.

"What else does Student Ji want to ask me?" said Lu Xi indifferently.

I smiled, "Nothing else."

"Then, goodbye."

I was about to reply with a goodbye when Lu Xi disappeared in the blink of an eye. He really disappeared without a trace. It was the exact same as Ming Si!

In the next few days, Ming Si still did not show up, and so I was still plagued by my nightmares.

Finally, it was Friday. This was the day where I only had to attend classes in the morning, and then I could go home during the afternoon.

It was National Day where there was a seven-day holiday. However, due to the school's arrangement however, the National Day holiday was a little bit delayed.

At the end of the morning class, I went back to my bedroom to pack my things, thinking that I could finally leave this spooky school, feeling slightly more relaxed

Cheng Fengfeng and Bai Xiaomeng were almost prepared. Bai Xiaomeng left with her bag on her back while Cheng Fengfeng just sat down on my bed and stared at me intently. I felt a little fuzzy in my heart.

"What are you always staring at me?"

She curled her lips, pointed at her eyes angrily, and said, "Look at my eyes."

There was nothing wrong with her eyes.

"What happened to your eyes?"

"Dark circles under my eyes!" She was a little angry, "You talked a lot in your sleep. Every time you talk in sleep, you call Xu Zixi's name. You scared me so badly that I don't even dare to sleep anymore."

I was startled by her words, "Really?"

I didnt just dream of Xu Zixi but I also called her name in my sleep? It was scary just thinking about it.

"Of course it's true. I even recorded it with my mobile phone," As Cheng Fengfeng said that, she played the recording for me, but I stopped it quickly.

"Don't. Please don't play it. I don't want to listen."

I was about to head home and put an end to Xu Zixi's matter. I didn't want anything about this matter to go home with me. I just wanted to have a quiet holiday.

I quickly stuffed my things into my backpack, put my bag on my back, and walked out.

Cheng Fengfeng followed. Her tone questioning as she said, "I heard that your aunty is a witch?"

I didn't speak and she continued, "Does your aunty make safety talismans or do exorcisms? I want to request your aunty to make a talisman for me. Something that blesses my safety."

"She can't."

"Isn't your aunty a witch?"

I thought she was a little annoying and said to her impatiently, "Does a witch have to be able to make a talisman?"

"Then, what can your aunty do?"

"Anyway, she won't be able to make a talisman. Go to a temple and request for it."

I sped up my pace. I really didn't want to go through any more of Cheng Fengfeng's nudging, but she kept pestering me.

"Then do you know which temple is more reliable? There are a lot of cheaters nowadays."

I stopped, turned my head to look at her, and said with a cold face, "Stop asking for a talisman since you know there are a lot of cheaters. If you don't do bad deeds, ghosts will not come knocking on your door. You only need to be afraid if you have done a lot of bad things."

She went pale, and suddenly held my hand and murmured, "What should I do?"

I was taken aback, "Have you really done something wrong?"

"I... I around fooled with my brother when I was a kid. I kicked him down the stairs. His head was badly injured and now there's a scar. I often stole his snacks. He also liked to chase behind me. But wherever I go, I will purposely leave without taking him along. He cried loudly every time..." She said worriedly.

I sighed, facing the sky. I had to do something even though I was reluctant, "Then, you can go to Thunder God Temple and find a man named Shang Yi and request for a talisman. He is pretty reliable."

Since I solicited business for Shang Yi liked this, he should be very happy.

As far as I knew, Shang Yi was a greedy man. He would be happy when someone came to give him money! When he prepared the necrogamy, he asked for a lot but at that time, I was still young without much knowledge. But now that I thought about it, I felt really cheated.

Cheng Fengfeng's eyes lit up. She clutched my hand tightly and said, "Thank you, Sixi. We will get along well in the future. I feel that you are not as scary as the rumors."

I withdrew my hand awkwardly. She touched the back of her head and smiled at me.

We both left the school on the same path. There was a special car to pick her up at the school gate, while I had to walk another two hundred meters to take the public bus.

The bus went straight from the town to a village nearby mine. I got off at the entrance of the village and walked back to my village.

After I entered the village and about to get home, I saw my aunty in the yard from a distance. She seemed to notice me too.

I waved my arm at her and yelled, "Aunty, I'm back."

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