
My Last Chance (The last miracle)

After her sudden death, Raeliana wakes up in the body of an unnamed seven-year-old slave who is found face to face with her tormentor. The new world is unknown, previous memories of her body will appear to her every night, with only something in common, suffering and pain. Her life will become a living hell when she discovers that people look at her with fear and disgust because her characteristics are the same as those of "beast" people who are tempted by blood. And she too, little by little begins to be tempted by it. The hatred of someone else becomes hers and continues and grows even more after every pain she suffers. Who is Raeliana? Just a nameless slave or a monster locked in a cage? Can she solve the mystery of this new world and find peace, or will it be her last chance in the pursuit of happiness?

Eternia_15 · Fantasy
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112 Chs


The days went by, and the big day came with no turning back. As his grace said, I took things easily after the conversation we had in the greenhouse. It was hard for me not to keep my mind on how I would present myself and how the people would react when they see a rapha in front of them. It was fine when I thought some might have forgotten and uneasy when I remembered that everyone I had met knew what I was. Still, unlike other times I tried this time to think only positive things and clear my mind through my training and lectures.

I didn't have much to do either way. Everything was planned two weeks ago, the hall that was in the decoration process a few days ago was over now, leaving only the preparation of food and us.

Irene and Pira woke me up early in the morning to get ready, starting with the bath, which I did myself without their help, arranging my hair, choosing and putting on a dress, and then makeup.

'Sigh! I feel tired just thinking about all these preparations I have to go through. Maybe I should just stay in bed and sleep for the rest of the day and let Mireya handle the party on her own. Yeah, that's a good idea!'

But even if I said that, Pierre's hysterical voice while telling me not to move my hands and stay upright didn't let me enjoy myself and think peaceful thoughts. After putting on the petticoat skirt and corset, which really seemed like they wanted to torture me, Irene showed me a dress that made me think all that torture was for nothing and would seriously after seeing that, I should have called it a day and tell them to get out.

Because it was strange that each of what they showed to me was either white or black. And one in particular, which Irene was holding in her hands made me laugh. That was an off-shoulder dress with a long bouffant skirt, totally black and with a white ribbon around the waist. Glitter all over the chest and also on the front of the skirt.

'I get that they are busy and things have been hectic lately. And maybe they feel the same as I do, nervous and anxious if things would go well, but is this dress a little… out of context?'

"Irene, is someone going to die?"

"What?! Don't say something like that on your birthday my lady, it's considered bad luck! "

'Yeah of course, like I had better luck before! But anyway what are these dresses? I don't remember his grace sending these. '

Still, neither of them understood the irony I said a while ago about the color of the dress they had chosen, and they kept opening it and getting it ready for me to wear. I didn't understand their behavior, either they didn't know what they were doing or maybe they were doing it on purpose and didn't care. And also Pierre's behavior was irritating me, she wandered everywhere with a grin on her face, which made me believe that even when I am under the effect of my rage, I am saner than her at these moments.

When they decided that they would go with that dress, Piera took the other dresses and was putting them in the wardrobe. I was not as happy as they were and also didn't have the energy to talk to them in a meaningless conversation, since most of them were either white or black, while the others were off-season. But somehow something caught my eye, a different dress.

"Piera, can you bring me that dress over there, the one you pushed aside!"

"This?!"- she said, pushing the dress I told her, further and touching something else.

'So they are really doing it on purpose. '

I got up and went and got it myself, as long as none of them wanted or even had in mind to work properly. If they behaved this way now, imagine what they would do when it came to makeup, I don't want to imagine what is going to happen to my face. But this dress… is quite pretty, how did they manage to hide it up until now, and even give me a black one like I am going to attend a funeral.

The dress I took out of the wardrobe was red and was different from the first one. An off-shoulder dress with a long taffeta bowknot skirt with two layers. But even though it was off-shoulder she had black fur on it and long light black sleeves with fur at the end. A small red ribbon from behind the waist and the second layer of the skirt which was shown from behind. The front of the chest was decorated with gold thread and went down to the waist. This was beautiful, at least better than the others that Irene and Piera had selected, so I went with that.

They didn't make much noise and didn't ask questions or stop me from wearing that dress. So after they helped me put it on and fix it to make it fit me better, they started doing my makeup and hair. Which I was more concerned about, because even if they made a mistake or played with colors, I still couldn't apply anything on my face since I didn't have cosmetic knowledge about this place.

I left it in their hands and the ending turned out quite nice. When I opened my eyes I couldn't believe that the person I was looking at in the mirror was me. My face was a little different with blush and lipstick on, but the most obvious part was my hair. They curled it a little which for me was quite distinct since I always had straight hair, even my bangs were more regular and stood in one place, unlike any other day where I just had to lift them with one hand as if I was a boy.

'I can't resist the urge to put my hand in my hair and just lift the bangs up and to go where they want. I guess for today I will try to hold on and leave a better impression even though this makes the ends that are red even more visible! '

I was uncomfortable when I saw that all the dresses were off-shoulder and when I looked at my neck which didn't have even a single bruise since they removed the collar, that feeling faded away. I was happy that it didn't leave any marks behind, even though I felt empty at first and now that part was quite sensitive.

But when Piera came towards me with a silver pendant in her hands, I remembered that necklace being the same as the collar I had forgotten. I open my eyes wild at that necklace when she said: "My lady, you have to put this and we are done."

'Are we sure done though? Why do I have to put something on my neck again? It is not necessary, isn't it? '

I didn't realize I was shaking when she was approaching me with that in her hands, as if it was a wild beast. I didn't want them to notice that I was afraid, but I also didn't want Piera to touch my neck and put that thing on it. It would be the same, the same feeling as when I was put on the collar. Are they letting me know that I would be a slave again? But it is no way, me and his grace made a pact, he certainly can't change the conditions now, right?

"My lady, put your hair a little aside for a moment."

"N-no problem, I-I can do it myself, you can go!"

They were a little confused and remained silent for a while, but they did as I told them and placed the necklace next to the mirror and left. When no one was in the room, I felt so relieved and also my right hand was trembling. It was foolish of me to compare those two things with each other but something make me feel uneasy.

'Am I being paranoid again? Maybe it's the anxiety of the party and the negativity in this room, after putting on this necklace I should go to Mireya and get my daily dose of peace, and maybe I can help her calm down too. Sight… get it together Rai, this thing is normal! '

But of course, Mireya showed me I was wrong. She was not only ready but also laughing and talking to her maids in the room. She looked perfect, I couldn't expect anything less from the protagonist of the original story. Her black hair looked very beautiful with that pink ribbon caught from behind. With a one-shouldered light pink dress the same as her eye color and a big white ribbon attached to her left side and a gold neckless with crystals on it.

'I don't get it. It is somehow a trend for girls our age to wear off-shoulder dresses? Or is it a thing to lure a man? But thank goodness for not being cold inside, despite the winter. '

When she saw me, Mireya got up from her seat and addressed me with a smile as always. Her maids also got up and greeted me. But when Mireya approached my face, she stopped and started to look at me from head to toe, seeing how I looked.

"It's something wrong, doesn't it look nice?"

She smiled and titled her head to one side like a child.

"You are beautiful Raelian!

I was used to her affection and praises for being pretty, but even though I didn't believe her I was fed up with those words. Sill I appreciated that she wanted to make me feel good, even though I thought that she was more beautiful right now.

"Let's go, Mireya! We should meet his grace now and wait till the moment when he called us in the hall."

This is the first step we should take to enter this society, and I really wanted to be near Mireyas all the time, in the place where I can be most protected, by myself and others.