
My Last Chance (The last miracle)

After her sudden death, Raeliana wakes up in the body of an unnamed seven-year-old slave who is found face to face with her tormentor. The new world is unknown, previous memories of her body will appear to her every night, with only something in common, suffering and pain. Her life will become a living hell when she discovers that people look at her with fear and disgust because her characteristics are the same as those of "beast" people who are tempted by blood. And she too, little by little begins to be tempted by it. The hatred of someone else becomes hers and continues and grows even more after every pain she suffers. Who is Raeliana? Just a nameless slave or a monster locked in a cage? Can she solve the mystery of this new world and find peace, or will it be her last chance in the pursuit of happiness?

Eternia_15 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Did I gain an ally?

"Roan you have to wait for a few minutes before coming out."

"Alright, sir."

"And clean the table after you're done dressing."


What will I do with this boy, he is so cute! Ahem, I have to keep it to myself we have work to do and if I am too late I will look suspicious in the others people's eyes.

Huh ?! The door has been open all the time ?! I don't think that anyone has seen us, otherwise, something would have happened at that moment.

"Huff… huff"

Who is running through the corridors at this hour? Everyone should be in their position.

Hmm a maid, it looks like she came out of the rooms nearby. The young lady must be taking lessons at this hour, so the only room that she must have come out should belong to that creature. Sigh!

"Why are you running?"

"Uwaa !! S..sir!"

She looks terrible, did I scare her that much?

"No..nothing I just want to do my job and get back quickly to Miss Rapha."

"I see."

Miss ha, what a joke?! She is shaking a lot, I don't believe that this was caused by me, whatever is better to let her go before she sees Roan inside the room.

"You can go."

"Yes sir!"

Now that I think she was holding some clothes in her hands, is 'she' taking a bath, hmm? Eh ?! Wait a minute, why are those clothes so dirty and red ?!

"Hey, hey wait there!"

"Huh?! Sir wh..what is it?"

Impossible, I thought what they told me that day was true.

"What are you holding in your hands?"

"Am, dirty clothes sir."

They are not just dirty clothes, I can easily see because the dress is in a light color that besides mud, they also have blood in them. Surely this maid has seen something but is too scared to talk, I should find it out myself if what I think is true.

"I see, you are free to go now."


Tsk, I knew it was a bad idea to take a Rapha and let her move freely around the mansion, we don't know what she is planning to do next. And I as the butler of this house, I have a direct responsibility to give her a good lesson before the Lord and the lady do something on their own.

"My lady, was the water in your liking?"

I have been thinking about it all this time but Amira's behavior is raising a lot of doubts. When I saw both of them before I can say that their reaction was appropriate, but she was the first to calm down and take the word. Even if you say that in the work she has done before she has seen even scarier things, being in contact with a monster requires courage.

"Amira enough with this behavior tell me what you really think about what happened."

"..!? What do you mean my lady I didn't see anything, how can I give my opinion without knowing what it is about?"

Hmm so let's say she saw nothing, but this is just a way of telling me that she doesn't know the reason why I did something and without that reason, she can not give me an accurate opinion.

But when Rapha told Eternia that she didn't kill because she wanted to, she didn't hear what was the reason that had made her kill, but directly attacked her and threw her away like a rag.

When a creature so powerful as to kill a Rapha didn't listen to her side of the story before judging, how can an ordinary person who I can kill with one hand with the greatest ease, ask me a reason?!

"Then you will behave as if everything here is normal?"

"Why not?"


Amira walked carefully and went and sat on one of the sofas where she was sitting before and motioned for me to go and sit with her.

What is she trying to do now?

"Lady, turn around, I will dry your hair."

"…, are you trying to kill me when I turn my back?"

"Pff, why should I do this lady you can rest assured, if I do something, I will certainly be the one to die first and not you."

It was the first time I saw Amira laugh, even when she read her favorite stories she showed no emotion. I must believe in what she says, and of course, she is right if she attacks me, it is certain that she will die first, but I don't want to go through that pain.

I did as she said and she started drying my hair with a towel. The way she was doing it was really good and soothing that it was putting me to sleep.

"Is he still alive?"

"Amm I don't know… !!!!"

Oops, I lost it for a second because I was feeling good and I went and blurted that out.

"Miss Rapha, I don't know what you have gone through, but I don't believe that you can kill anyone for no reason. Did he do something to you?"


"I see! Then you don't have to worry, you have the right to do that."

I was right even though I killed a man ?!

"Amira… did you... kill someone?"

She suddenly stopped drying my hair, her hands were shaking so she walked away. At first, I thought the answer would be in her facial expression so I turned to see her, but she was the same. This means that she doesn't want to remember and with all her strength she is trying not to make it appear on her face.


"You don't have to tell me if you can't, who I am to judge you anyway."

"Miss!! Excuse me for my current behavior."

"No problem!"

The thought that Amira has gone through the same pain and fear as me, when you look at your hands covered in someone else's blood even if he is the most hated person in the world you still feel guilty about what you did and always remember that moment with fear as if someone would point their finger at you, made me more relaxed in her company and maybe I might have an unconditional ally here.

But I was impressed that she told me that this is something normal, I know for sure that she also killed someone, but how many, that this seems to her like something normal.


I hope she gives me an answer to erase my doubt and don't beat around the bush.

"Yes, lady?!"

"You said before that this is normal, why?"


She stood speechless as she picked up the folded clothes on the bed and came closer to hand them to me.

"Of course, because the lady is a Rapha!"