
My Last Chance (The last miracle)

After her sudden death, Raeliana wakes up in the body of an unnamed seven-year-old slave who is found face to face with her tormentor. The new world is unknown, previous memories of her body will appear to her every night, with only something in common, suffering and pain. Her life will become a living hell when she discovers that people look at her with fear and disgust because her characteristics are the same as those of "beast" people who are tempted by blood. And she too, little by little begins to be tempted by it. The hatred of someone else becomes hers and continues and grows even more after every pain she suffers. Who is Raeliana? Just a nameless slave or a monster locked in a cage? Can she solve the mystery of this new world and find peace, or will it be her last chance in the pursuit of happiness?

Eternia_15 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Can I be happy 3

What a strange dream. I don't know why I didn't remember, but in the kiss I gave him, my heart was pounding and the feelings towards him gave me a melancholy memory. I wish I had a chance, no matter how small, to talk to him once again.

My beloved from another life, I hope you are well even though I am not there. I hope you have continued your life and found the happiness that you deserve. And I'm so sorry I could not remember you after all this time. I will not be able to repay your love for what I have done. I forgot you, so please find in your heart a reason to forgive me and also to let me go for good.

When I woke up, it seemed like had passed an eternity. It was night outside and I was at home lying on the bed, with Mikon in the corner and his head resting on the bed. He must be asleep.

That means I'm not dead. I'm still alive. I was a little disappointed, but I believe I exaggerated a bit when I said I could die in a pond.

What happened at the time I was unconscious?

Miko had removed my clothes and placed them to dry in the corner of the window. The mud in my hair has gone and Miko must have discovered now, what I am. Haa so that was for my disguise now I can't stay with him even if he wants to stay with me.

I will have to run away again. This time in a remote place the fewer people the better. I do not want to have a relationship with any other person. Even Miko who had told me several times that he would protect me and would always stay close to me betrayed me, for reasons that I don't need to know, which will not make me feel better.

I tried to make as little noise as I could while getting out of bed, I didn't want Miko to hear me and I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

I carefully took the clothes that were open in the window and left the house without turning my head back. This time I had no reason to apologize to anyone. I was not to blame, no one was, but the feeling of disappointment was consuming me inside.

Why am I running away again? Miko didn't do anything to me during the time I was unconscious even though he realizes that I am just like the person who ruined his life.

Out of fear or out of disappointment? Maybe they are both.

I'm afraid of what he will say to me after he wakes up. Maybe he would curse me a hundred times for things that I didn't do. He will call me a monster like everyone else. I don't want his face that has always smiled at me, to look at me with disgust and utter hateful words. And disappointment on the other hand is something I can't answer myself, why I am so disappointed by his action.

Thinking about the reason for my escape, I was also trying not to stand out from the others crossing the street. Darkness in a way helps me, but there are other people who are like me and wonder at night to escape or be kidnapped.

No matter how hard I try, I can't see anything. And I also do not feel well. I'm out of breath. Maybe because I run, it will pass either way, I should continue walking.


Umm is it night again? Two days have passed and Rai is still aslee…p


Nothing? No! No! No! why she is not in the bed

"Rai?! Where are you?"

Her clothes are not here, she would have taken them and left? Why?

"Why RAI?"

Do not panic, I hope she didn't go far otherwise I lost her forever. She also had a fever, how could she leave in that condition?

"Rai I hope to find you soon before anyone else does it first."


Well, apparently it has been decided that I will spend my life behind a cage. Every time I try to run away from someone, someone else will catch me and hold me hostage.

As I was walking through the alleys, I felt dizzy and I bumped into someone. Although it was dark and I tried to look as natural as possible by apologizing and walking away carefully. He still wanted revenge for that little bump and catch me, somehow he managed to spot that I had a collar on my neck.

Now I am locked up here in a dark room in an unknown place. In the four corners of the room, there are cages and most of them are empty. In others, there are some children and adults. It is really calm for a place with people locked in cages, someone has to try to be free, but it seems like no one wanted to make noise. Maybe they are afraid of what is going to happen to them if they try to do something.

It seems as if I am the only one with a collar here, the others are not slaves, but ordinary people and victims of a kidnapping.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and a man entered with a wooden leg and an eye bandaged with gray cloth. He stopped in the middle of the room and was looking around with a satisfied look. At one point our eyes met and there he gave a big smile.

Disgusting! Why are you looking at me like that? That reminds me, my hair has been loose all this time. This is why you are giving me such a disgusting smile because you know what I am? Well don't forget the legends of beasts that are thirsty for blood, I am one of them and I will not allow you to do the same to me like everyone else.

The man with the wooden leg after signaling to one of his subordinates started walking towards my cage.

"What we have here, apparently one of our men has caught a really interesting prey tonight. Remind me to give him something after we get the reward for selling this creature on the black market."

"Yes, boss."

So this is their plan, to sell me on the black market. Hmm, this can be expected, I have read that all valuable objects or magical creatures that are stolen by thieves or bandits are sold on the black market and then bought by aristocrats through auctions. So this will happen to me too, how bad that I will not be able to get that money for myself, I would have become rich and with that, I would have lived without problems, but I can't do a self-sold.


This idiot, do you want to die?

"What beautiful hair we have here. I would love to get it all, but the merchandise must not be damaged, otherwise, we will lose money. Haha, I will make an exception for a thread or two."

"What do you think you are doing, take your dirty hands off!"

"Shut up monster, who gave you permission to talk."

The man with the wooden leg didn't want to let go of her pile of hair, pulling it like that was painful, but he didn't care even if 'his merchandise' was damaged, who would, even if a monster would be in a bad condition, it was enough for them that I was a Rapha, that was the only thing that mattered.

"What a wonderful creature, even though a Rapha you are really beautiful. Hahaha if you were not a monster I would have sold you in a brothel and I would have been the first person to enjoy a nice night with you. "

"In your dreams, you filthy pervert"

"Hmph! It really makes me angry, that I can't enjoy this beauty."

This person has really gone mad. This is the only time that I am happy to be a Rapha.

"It is indeed a sin, but I will not let this opportunity go to waste, otherwise I wouldn't be who I am now if I was afraid. Go and bring me 'that thing'."

'That thing', what is that?

"It can tame even the wildest animal, I know it will have the same effect on a human with beastly powers, so be prepared, it will be a really long night."