
My Last Chance (The last miracle)

After her sudden death, Raeliana wakes up in the body of an unnamed seven-year-old slave who is found face to face with her tormentor. The new world is unknown, previous memories of her body will appear to her every night, with only something in common, suffering and pain. Her life will become a living hell when she discovers that people look at her with fear and disgust because her characteristics are the same as those of "beast" people who are tempted by blood. And she too, little by little begins to be tempted by it. The hatred of someone else becomes hers and continues and grows even more after every pain she suffers. Who is Raeliana? Just a nameless slave or a monster locked in a cage? Can she solve the mystery of this new world and find peace, or will it be her last chance in the pursuit of happiness?

Eternia_15 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

A pleasant walk

"I-I'm honored, but these flowers would be a waste on me!"

Those were the most awkward words thing that I have ever said, and to make it worst I thought that he is a sociopath. Sometimes I am glad that no one can read my mind and see what is in there, just for this sole reason. It was true that he was acting different from what I imagined, and for a person that is always creating a plan to bring people down, this innocence makes him more unpredictable. Prince Alastair was way too patient and his face didn't show discomfort or displeasure. Even though I purposely choose my words to politely refuse his "gift", that took the wrong turn.

"How can you say that? If they are a waste on you, then the palace doesn't need them either!" even if his voice sounded calm, when he said that, he was clearly being serious. I was sure that his words with that kind of personality meant: "If a person like you says they are a waste, then I better get rid of the whole garden!". I opened my eyes wild and gasped at his face which didn't have a grim of light left, it was like I really offended him. Well, he can't really do that, or can he?

There were two options, me trying to change the subject or me waiting for him to change it. Either way, it didn't look like he was past the flower thing and that made me more frustrated because I couldn't think of anything else to ask him. The more I thought, the more suffocating and awkward the silence that surrounded us was getting, and the topics that I could talk about with him were all in the future, I didn't know what he liked and what he disliked. More or less he was a total mystery.

'Wah... this is scary, why is he being so silent all of a sudden? No way, is he planning something against me, because I refused his gift or because "I offended his garden"? No…no, relax he is the prince who in the near future is going to become the new emperor, he can't be that childish, can he?'

Then I recalled my own words, 'Even though I liked his highness character from the novel, because it was mysterious and protective, he sure doesn't have the slightest idea of how to use his words properly' and sighted because I was got worried for nothing by his lack of communication skills.

And to my surprise, my thoughts were far from accurate, and his expression was showing otherwise. The scary thought of him planning something for my response earlier vanished immediately when I saw the sadness in his eyes that from my point of view, made him look more real and adorable. I couldn't stand there thinking that everyone was planning something against me just because of their role or the way they show up. I knew that the best way to avoid careless mistakes was to first avoid people of this word and try to do things separately from everyone. But maybe I took the wrong first step and made a mistake by putting a living thing into a non-existing category. I blamed myself for creating a heavy atmosphere with everyone and assuming something drastic about my favorite character.

"Pardon me, your highness! I guess I really like flowers so much that I changed my mind. I would appreciate it if you let me take some!"

"If that's the case, would you like to take one particular flower? No one is going to notice and you can keep it always with you!"

That was a peculiar offer but if I could cheer him up with that, I nodded and he smiled brightly just like a happy child after receiving what he wanted. He then took my hand leading me to the other side of the garden, saying that the flower was there. He seemed happy and I didn't want to ruin the moment by shaking his hand off. That would lead to another misunderstanding and unbearable silence from both of us, but my body was stiff after a long boring meeting, and running to get to the other side was making me tired.

It didn't take long for him to notice me panting after him and trying to catch up with him, "I'm sorry, I got too excited!" he said and slowed down letting me catch my breath real quick. 'This is embarrassing for someone who trains with a sword for hours, but my body is aching for no reason. For god's sake, how does he do that, Alastair was on his feet the whole time while talking with Beatrice, so explain his physical strength? Right, he was explained to be the perfect character that set an example for his younger brother who wanted to be like him and deal with the others gossiping about his lackings. Now that I think about it, this must have been the whole reason who he betrayed Alastair in the end.'

Our rush into the garden turned into a slow walk with a panoramic view. I enjoyed every moment of it while passing throw the statues that show the end of each flower section, the nature behind the palace, a greenhouse filled with exotic plants and one with a banquet hall for the royal ambassadors which was disconnected from the main palace, a passage through the trees and even more. We took the passage while leaving the garden behind, it wasn't long and didn't look like we were in the woods, but the sunlight couldn't reach there.

I didn't notice before because I was captivated by other things at the time, but outside the palace gates, there are no other buildings or mansions. The territory that the imperial palace has is tremendous and takes too much space compared to the city of the capital where the others live. And not to mention this exaggerated extravagance which makes me prove my point that royal life is so easy and filled with unnecessary luxury, and ironically they are the first ones that suffer from it.

"We are here!"

Prince Alastair drew my attention to the end of the passage where I could see light again. I didn't know what was there, other than another garden, maybe smaller since it was surrounded by trees. But I gasped at the sight and my head felt heavy, ready to faint by the beauty and even more by the ridiculous amount of money they spent to keep this place together. Flowers that blossom in winter, keeping the exotics ones alive, cleaning, building all of the extras, not to mention the staff payment and knight supplies, and so on.

'Wasn't the front view and a lot of stuff around the palace enough for them to even make a big fountain for the lack? Ack my head, these people are over the top with their luxury! They don't have the slightest idea that people are starving because of poverty outside these gates or maybe they don't care at all.'

I glared at the lack, not even looking at the surrounding, then turned my head to the prince totally disappointed by their stupid actions as a whole for wasting precious money. He was clueless and even if I said a word about it, he would probably call it normal for them to do so, because he didn't know another way, so I left it like that and we walked near the fountain. Then he told me to sit there and wait while he pluck the flower, and I agreed. I tried to calm myself and think of positive things, but every time I turned my head to the fountain, I couldn't control my facial expression creating a repeated conflict between smiling and disgust.

'Compare to this "thing" that I'm sitting the others seem strangely nice and comfortable to watch! It is small but a good place for a picnic or tie time while reading a book in summer, with no one around to distract you and under the tree with only the sounds of the water and the branches swaying in the wind relaxing and even put you to sleep. Probably they don't use it now in winter because of the snow and rainy season, but is still pretty. This is the only place that seems modest within the palace and they ruined it with this damn fountain!

Sigh… I miss the duke's mansion, I miss Mireya! I am tiering my head with things that I can't even control, but still it bothers me when I think about my life at the slave market and those who end up there because of poverty, hoping for a better life! Still you can't expect happiness by bowing and giving up your freedom to someone else, so even that is a dead-end.'

I got up looking for the prince, it has been a long time since we walked and got here the meeting must have probably ended by now. He was sitting on the other side of the fountain with a red flower in his hands. It surprised me that he didn't call me or come where he left me to give it, but instead stayed there silent. From the first time that I noticed him behind me until now, I felt that he was always staring and smiling gently every time I turned my head in his direction, but this time he kept looking at the flower while playing with it with his fingers.

I was curious to know what was he thinking and also I wanted to tell him that it was probably time to go, so I went to the other side and set in front of him on the ground while looking at his face. He was so focused on the flower watching it like a precious thing, but he still was playing with it. I ended up staring at it as well, trying to find out what type it was or why he kept it like that. Was it really that precious to him? This flower? Then I felt it again, the same feeling when he looked at me before. I released my head and I was right, he was looking.

I cough out of embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I wanted to call you but your highness seemed in deep thoughts so I didn't want to distract you!" I got up and he pulled my left hand, causing my wound to burn like crazy. My hand was shaking and he noticed it, I tried to not cause a scene so I swallowed with difficulty and thought of a proper way to make him remove his hand.

"Your highness, that hand…" before I finished he placed the flower on my palm, "This is yours now!" and released my hand. I was relieved but still shaking from the pain. 'From all the places, why did he touch the wound? That's way up the wrist. Still I should thank him since he gave me something, probably special to him!'

"T-thank you, I will treasure it!"

"By the way who is Spencer, a friend of yours?"

'Oh goodness, what with the serious look all of the sudden?! Now you ruined it!'