
My Last Apocalypse

I can't explain why or how this cycle repeats for me. Yet, what I do understand is each time I die, I return to the starting point, a zombie apocalypse, and continue my journey anew. In my first apocalypse, I overlooked the creeping signs of doom until overrun by zombies in my flat, where I perished in sheer terror. The second attempt to alert others of the impending chaos fell on deaf ears; labelled a lunatic, I fled the city, only to succumb to starvation and exposure alone in the wild. By the third go, I sought safety in wealth, collecting vast supplies, yet fell victim to a brutal gang. Now, understanding the key—precise foresight, survival skills, strict secrecy, and solitude—I see the purpose in reliving this collapse. This time, failure is not an option. This time, I will survive and outlive the apocalypse.

TK_Selwyn · Fantasy
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152 Chs

City Hall shelter defence (4)

"Seok-Jin," I begin, my tone firm yet open, "if we're going to proceed with this meeting, I need assurances on two fronts. First, I need your team to stay here until we've fully neutralised the threat from Bugu town. We can't have them pulling out and leaving us exposed. This situation is far too volatile to take any chances."

Seok-Jin leans forward, clasping his hands on the table as he nods thoughtfully. "I understand your concern," he says, his eyes never leaving mine. "You're right, the stability of this region is paramount. My team will stay until the Bugu town situation is completely resolved. You have my word on that." He pauses, tilting his head slightly. "Now, what's the second condition?"