
My Lascivious Life

This Novel follows Zhao Bao as he travels to different worlds with his Lascivious Life System. WARNING!!! [This is a pure smut novel, so expect smut, there won't be much plot, mostly smut. If this is not your type of Novel I highly advise you to leave!! The Main Character is also an Intersex, meaning he has both the Female and Male genitalia.]

ProudFujo · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter 5|Arc 1.4 - [M] A Beast Man's Semen (Edward Leos) Part II

Iris was flipped over into a doggy position as Edward continued his piston movements.

Almost two hours had already passed and Edward still haven't released yet. Iris lost all strength in his body and was laying limply on the bed, only Edward's grip on his waist was keeping his butt up.

"Ah... haa... n-no more, ngh... s-slow, please, ah... ah... hmm..." Iris was moaning weakly as he pleaded for mercy, at this moment Edward was finally about to reach his peak.


Edward was pounding so fast and hard that the lewd liquid from where the two connected turned into foam.

"Ah... t-too fast, ngh... ah... Ah... AH!" Iris's eyes rolled back and he stuck out his tongue as he screamed out loudly, gladly receiving the never-ending load of semen shooting into his womb.

'I-It's finally over' is what Iris thought.

Edward chuckled, "We're not done yet little fin, that was only a warm-up" he gave Iris a soft pat on his cheek before continuing another round of never-ending pounding.

One hour turned into two hours and two hours turned into a whole night. They started around four in the evening and ended at five in the morning.

Throughout the whole night, they experimented with various positions that most people probably don't even know existed.

When Iris woke up Edward still had his cock inserted into his flower cave blocking any semen from leaking out.

"Is my little fin finally awake?" Edward asked as he lifted Iris up while still being connected and brought him into the shower.

"En," Iris hummed as he was being carried.

Edward filled the tub with water from a magic stone. Edward pulled out his cock out of Iris's cunt and sat in the tub of water with Iris.

The semen that was being blocked started to slowly trickle out of the now gaping flower cave.

Edward's fingers slid to Iris's fucked swollen flower cave, stroking it as gently as possible, "your cute little flower hole is wide open for me to enter~" he said with a chuckle.

Iris let out a soft mewl while closing his eyes, his tender lips were slightly open, and his neck arched back showing the pleasure he was feeling from Edward's caresses.

"Little fin, don't show such a seductive expression if you don't want me to fck you again on spot" Edward whispered with a horse voice into Iris's ear causing it to turn red.

Iris glanced at Edward's face for a while before saying, "What if I want you to fck me on spot, right now?" with a seductive smile.

Edward took a deep breath trying to control himself, he took some of the nice-smelling soap and gently applied it unto Iris's body, massaging him with it all the way down to his buttocks.

Edward took the two soft flesh into both of his hands and gave it a good squeeze, his rock-hard cock rubbed back and forth the swollen flower cave.

Iris's cute little nipples stiffened as they rubbed against Edward's strong chest. Iris smirked as he circled his arms around the man's neck and gnawed at his lower lips.

"Fck!" Edward couldn't help but curse, 'what a little seductress' he thought.

Iris quickly teleported out of the tub and casted a cleaning and healing spell on himself, he got dressed at a visibly fast speed and left the room.

Edward sat lost in the tub, he glanced at his hard erection before letting out a soft chuckle, "I won't let you run away next time little fin" A dangerous light flashed across his eyes before he stood up and got ready for his classes.

Iris arrived late to his class and got a scolding from the teacher, when he was finished speaking his words Iris went to his seat all the way in the back.

While in deep thought Iris didn't notice the lewd stares he was getting from the men around him, 'system, how many Sp did I collect last night?' he asked.

[A mere 100/20,000 my dear host, please work hard!] the system said as it cheered for its host.

'I guess I really do need to work hard' Iris thought.

"You guys will be getting a month of holiday before the finals! Please use your time wisely!" The teacher said with a loud voice "Class Dismissed!"

Iris's ears perked up when he heard that, 'a month worth of holiday! FINALLY! I can go home!' Iris was excited, he left the classroom and went to his dorm room to quickly pack some of his things so he could depart as early as tomorrow!

Edward and Maximilian entered the room, "are you really that excited to leave?" they both asked.

Iris looked at them and replied, "I haven't seen my family in a while now so what do you expect?" he rolled and eyes and prepared to walk out of the room so he can get a carriage ready.

Maximilian grabbed Iris's wrist and pulled him into his embrace, he leaned his head down and took those captivating plump red lips into his, he kissed Iris passionately (French Kiss style).

Maximilian was a holy knight in training, so for him to do this greatly shocked Iris. Maximilian's ignored Edward's presence and roamed his hands all over Iris's body, one of his hands made its way into Iris's pants and the other into his shirt. Maximilian gave Iris's butt a tight squeeze, and his nipple a good pinch.

Having both his butt and nipples played with turned Iris on instantly, his flower cave that has been abused all night started to leak water and his legs started to turn into jelly.

Edward didn't like the fact that Maximilian was touching his Iris, Iris was his! Only he could fck Iris's lewd cunt! Only He Could Touch Him! Nobody Else!

Edward pulled Iris away from Maximilian, "Don't Touch Him!" he said with a very angry tone, he bared his teeth at him (Maximilian), his silver eyes started to turn black and his claws grew longer, he wanted to kill whoever dared to covet his Iris!

Maximilian smirked, "Oh? Do you really want to fight Edward~? We both know you can't beat me, at most we'll end up with a tie~" he glanced at Iris, "Don't think I don't know what happened between both of you last night, you guys weren't exactly quiet about it" Maximilian took hold of Iris's wrist and pulled him back into his embrace.

Edward became even angrier, at this moment Iris came in between the two, he walked up to Edward, and on tippy toes, he wrapped his arms around Edward's neck and kissed him.

"I like you, Eddy," he said, causing Edward to smirk, "but I also like Max, I'm sorry"

Edward's fingers clenched into a fist, he lifted the small and portable Iris and threw him on the bed.

"Today I'll fck you to death!"


Name: Zhao Bao

Gender: Intersex


Hight: 4'11

Level: 0

Exp: 0/50

SP (semen points): 678,989

AP (attribute points): 0

Beauty: 89/100 (world-class)

Charm: 80/100 (what a fox)

Flexibility: 79/100 (can do some complicated poses)

Strength: 15/100 (even my grandma is stronger than you, and she's Dead)


Magic, Mana Manipulation


Fire (Advance)[Meteor, Fire Ball, Burn, Fire Missile, Fire Dragon]

Water (Master) [cleaning magic, water arrows, water ball, Water Dragon]

Light (Advance) [High Heal, Resurrection, Holy Judgment, Sword of Light, Blessings]

Space (Advance)[Space Storage, Teleportation]

Nature (Master)

Ice(Master) [Ice Dagger, Ice Wall, Freeze, Snow Storm, Ice Rage]

||Body Upgrades||

Pink Nipples: 45% (10sp for 5%)

Breast Size: A cup (10sp per cup)

Pink Flower: 50% (10sp for 5%)

Perfect Skin: 79% (10sp for 5%)

Cute Toes: 79% (10sp for 5%)

Height: 15% (5sp for 2%)

Main Mission: Collect 20,000sp worth of quality semen (100/20,000)

Side Mission: Reunite with both mother and father

My dear readers..... More Smut Is Coming Up In The Next Chapter!!! So be prepared!

Our little Iris will be taking on two meat sticks!

In this novel, there will be the main Semes and the side Gongs (just letting you know).

I'll be updating again next week!

Also, Daddy Duke will be showing up again in Chapter 7!!

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