
My Landlady

DaoistocI8q1 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 10

She stood up, went into my room and after waiting for few minutes, i went in to check on her, she was playing with my laptop, i joined her on the bed and she said, i need you in me, and i know you want me too, as i was about to say a word she planted a kiss on my lips. i responded but with fear. i reached for a condom and she was too fast for me, she undressed me in 5 seconds, she was desperate, then i stopped her and asked her when was the last time she did it.

she said over a year ago. she answered me undressing herself. before i could say Jark. she was mouth f*ucking my d1ck already. chai…. She sucked it like her life depended on it. I grabbed her Buttocks, smacked it, have always wanted to try it.

After watching her spit at the d1ck, lick the pee

hole, seconds in and out. She would jack off my

d1ck from the middle t o the top in fast jerks; put

her mouth at the tip of the d1ck, and try to draw

something out of it. it was like she has a candy in her mouth. trying my best to shove it down her throat.

i pulled her up, she climb on me and she picked cowgirl position, as she slowly and gently sit on my rock hard d1ck, she put her pusshy over my d1ck, the warm embrace from her pusshy wall was warm and grip was intense, quite a tight pusshy than I thought.

She wasted no time in bouncing up and down on

the d1ck, what a rider she is. she was going faster and slower. I enjoyed the view of her Bosom bouncing up nd down, as she rode with strength and unwavering vigor. I smacked the Buttocks again and again. all she said yess oh yesss….. I was on cloud 9, I lifted my back up and supported my body by placing my arms behind me as she continued to ride, she did all the work. her soft Buttocks began to collide with my thighs and the lower part of my abdomen. Then she started with a loud sound yes..yes.. oh yes… baby yes.. yeeeesss. I began to shift back slowly, as I was moving backward, I dragged her waist beside me to the back, i grab her b00bs as she continued riding my d1ck like it was a matter of life and death. Her b00bs were small but no complaint will come from me, after few few minutes.

I tapped her, we changed positions and I made her lie on her back, stuffed pillows underneath her, around her belly. She opened her legs and I balanced behind her and inserted my d1ck, deeper this time.

My d1ck was covered in her pusshy juice. I

began to thrust into her from the back, grabbing a

handful of her Buttocks as my waist hit against her soft

backside. It felt good, our body language was fine,

she understood how I wanted it and she gave it to

me like that, as i was going deeper and deeper, soon she began to scream… Aaahhhh…yyeeessss, oohhhh yeeaaaa. ouch….yea yea yessssss baby yesssss.

I made her lie on the bed on her belly, then I began to

thrust as fast and hard as I could. Then and there

is that absolute feeling of pleasure mixed with the

sweet in my body.

she was becoming too loud.. and yess.. oh god yes oh yes baaaby yes… am coming.. yes baby ohhhh..

i tried to cover her mouth with my hand to muffle down her sound. i f*ucked her, she kept saying yes… ohh yes.. faster.. yess.. faster.. yes baby.. faster, and i did go faster, we both climaxed. i was unable to pull out, but no regrets.

we were still on the bed when she told me how she undressed me the other day she helped me and fell in love with my big d1ck… i had no response. i closed my eyes and slept.

i woke up alone, the room still looking messed up, i checked the time, its already late in the evening. i had my bath and went for a stroll around the area… i saw lots of ladies yet to be tested. but the thoughts of my experience in my compound in last few months. made sense to me.

i came back but not without testing my wooing skills. i did got 1 or 2 numbers. i was about sleeping when i heard a loud noise. i looked up to check the time its exactly 11:45pm. i listened again and it was coming fro my neighbors room. two ladies in a hit of an argument. i was shocked when i heard a door on my door, i opened and it was my landlady, she asked me what is happening and why are they fighting. i bluntly told her i have no idea, then she said she heard them shouting in the evening too and they did mentioned my name.

i told her i am not aware. went inside and locked the door, the noise continued as i slept off. my the sound from the door woke me up, i tried to ignore it but it was a continuous knock. i checked it was Janet, in tears. i asked her what happened and just pushed me out of the way and helped herself into the room. i locked the door, sat beside her and asked again. it took her about 2 minutes before she could explain.

in summary. her sister suspected her having an affair with me, and was angry (to me it was jealousy). i avoided the discussion by drawing her closer and kiss her. its ok. every thing will be fine.

she was quiet for few seconds. then she asked the least question i expected.

Janet: Mouth

me: its ok dear.

Janet: Baby

me: yes

janet: do you love me as much as i do?

my heart raced 1000 kilometers away.