
Chapter 4: 200 Thousand Dollars

Layla's grandmother, Yannie, sat on the hospital bed while listening to the doctor's words. She sighed silently and got up. "Help me pack up my things. We're leaving."

"No! Grandma, your illness hasn't been cured. You can't leave the hospital," Layla protested.

The doctor said impatiently, "You are penniless. What's the point of staying here? Even if her disease is cured, she wouldn't last long. I advise you to head back now and prepare for the funeral!" 

Layla was so angry that she grabbed his collar with one hand and growled, "Is that what a doctor should say to his patient? It's your duty to save people's lives. How can you drive away patients who are in critical danger? I said I will find ways to pay for the surgery, and I will keep to my word!"

The doctor was stunned by her sheer strength. She was only an 18-year-old girl, yet the viciousness in her eyes was frightening.

"What... What are you doing? I've long heard that you are a hooligan, but I'm not afraid of you. You will face unimaginable consequences for causing a ruckus in the hospital. I don't believe that a little girl like you can beat a grown man!"

The moment he finished speaking, a group of gangsters suddenly barged into the ward. Their hair was dyed blonde as well, just like Layla's. They seemed to be on her side.

The group's leader was a 19-year-old boy with a toothpick between his teeth. He swaggered haughtily over to them.

As he walked behind Layla, Martin White said ingratiatingly, "Layla, is this the guy who bullied you and Grandma? Do you want us to beat him up?"

While the doctor was able to keep a straight face in front of Layla, he grew a little worried when he saw so many gangsters breaking in. "What are you doing? I doubt that you would dare to hit me. We live in a law-abiding society. You naive teenagers better think twice! If you dare to hit me, I will call the police!"

"Go ahead. We might as well beat you up before the police arrive!"

"Yes, let's beat him up! How could you refuse to treat the patient?"

As the group began shouting, Yannie stretched out her trembling hand and pulled the hem of Layla's clothes. She said, "Forget it, Layla. We can't afford the surgery. I understand why he doesn't want to treat me. Let's pack up and go home. I'm old and my days are limited. However, you are still so young. Don't get into trouble just because of me. Otherwise, I will not be able to rest in peace."

Hearing Yannie's words, Layla's heart ached in distress. She yanked the doctor's collar and dragged him out of the ward. "Come with me!"

"Sister Layla, do you need our help?" one of the gangsters asked.

"No. You guys stay there."

Layla then dragged the doctor to the corridor before letting him go. "How much does the heart surgery cost?"

The doctor adjusted his collar and glared at Layla with contempt, but he was afraid of the gangsters. He replied, "200 thousand dollars! You can't find that amount of money in such a short time. Why don't you just take the old lady back to enjoy her remaining days and let her pass peacefully? That way, she would suffer less!"

"Take your words back! Grandma has struggled all these years to raise me, but she hadn't had the chance to enjoy her life. I won't let her die just like that! Layla argued agitatedly.

She had never felt this helpless before. When faced with life and death, everything else became insignificant to her.

At this moment, she blamed herself for being useless. She hated that she was unable to get the money for Yannie's surgery.

Suddenly, the man she met earlier that day flashed across her mind.

Layla quickly rummaged through her pocket and found his business card. Deep down, she was glad that she hadn't thrown it away.