
Cahopter 82  The focus of everyone's attention

Therefore, on this day, Layla was looking forward to the roast duck!

After school, she was busy packing her things. Taylor was already waiting for her at the school gate!

However, when the little girl passed by the management department building, she suddenly saw two familiar figures! Sally was wearing a mask, holding Fred's hand and coming out of the teaching building!

"Isn't Sally supposed to be in the hospital now?"

Ha... she said that she was so seriously injured. Why did she come to school today? Since it was a burn, how dared she wear a mask in such a hot day?

At this time, Sally also raised her eyes and saw Layla!

She had heard from Carlotta that Taylor had asked someone to clean up the Herbert Family's house last night and had moved out with Layla!

As long as Layla was not in the Herbert Family and did not show off in front of her Fred, she should be relieved!