
chapter 11

Chapitre 11

Sleep good

So pretty

He takes a place at the table and to his right sits a very beautiful blonde woman with beautiful breasts, but not as generous as mine, she wears very good makeup, a little too much for my taste, she must be Jenifer. To her left is another very beautiful one with very black hair cut into squares, she doesn't have a big chest, but not too small either.

- Aïcha, please give up your place to Sibelle.

- No problem sir.

- Thanks treasure.

I see her blush with pleasure, she is on the chair next to her. He tells me to take a seat.

- From today it would be your place, he said to me.

- OK sir.

I sit next to him.

the governess in her arms laden with food, accompanied by two other women carrying food too, there is everything from fruit salads in abundance, bacon, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, glasses filled with juice.

- Are there other people coming to eat? I ask.

- No, it's for us only.

- It's a lot.

- You will get used to it. Hurry up, we have to go get you some clothes.

- I can go with you ? asks Jenifer.

- No, he replies.

- But,

He stares at her and she responds

- Well sir.

I eat quickly, and ask

- Can I go with my friend?

- No, we're both going, then you'll have time to talk to him. if you're finished we'll go to the office to make the call.

- I finished

- Follow me

I accompany him to his office, he sits down and asks me to sit on his foot, which I did, he dials my mother's number and tells me

- Don't forget at the slightest mistake, they are dead.

I have chills down my spine, my mother picks up on the second ring

- Hello Mom

- hooo Sibelle, my darling, how are you? you were supposed to call yesterday and you didn't, I got worried.

- I'm fine mom, I found a job in addition to the classes I'm taking, that's why I forgot to call you. Don't worry, I'm doing very well, thanks to this work I will be able to send you 2500 dollars every week. I told my boss about your illness, he said he has a doctor friend who owes him a favor, so he will contact you to schedule the operation.

- hooo, darling, your boss is so nice, but I hope you're not doing anything illegal?

- of course not mom. Okay mom, I have work waiting for me. I'll call you next week. kisses, I love you mom, kiss dad and Fedora for me, I give them lots of kisses.

- Kisses my darling, I love you very much too.

He hangs up, and looks me in the eyes

- You spoke very well my darling. here is your new smartphone with all your contacts, your new bank account with which you can send money to your mother, don't try to betray me, your phone is cloned as soon as you make a wrong move I will know immediately , and you know the consequences, don't you?

- I know, sir, thank you for the money.

- Don't thank me, let's go.

He takes my hand and we go down, into the garage to find five black SUVs with guards, we get into the middle one, the driver starts, we have two vehicles in the front and two in the back.

- Take us to my mall.

- Well sir.

We arrive at the shopping center 30 minutes later. the guards come down and make a line to allow us to exit and enter the center. I feel intimidated by all this, we are escorted like the presidential couple.

- asks the managers of clothing, shoe and lingerie stores to come with the best they have to my office.

- Understood, sir.

We walk towards the elevator, people turn to look at us, others whisper, I shy away, I make myself look small, kissing my head.

- Raise your head, walk straight, never lower your head even in front of me

- well sir.

We enter a private elevator, which goes up to the 220⁰ floor. In five minutes we were there. He leaves, we go to his secretary who welcomes us by saying:

- hello sir, miss.

- Follow me

We both follow him, entering his office together, it is a large room, very sober, sophisticated with minimalist decoration. this office is six

bigger than our room on campus. the room is divided into three parts: the main office, the secondary office with a lighter, brighter decor, the third part is more relaxing, with the sofas.

He sits on his desk

- come sit on me,

I do what he asks, the secretary has her mouth open, she looks at us amazed.

- I present to you my understanding and my personal assistant, you most often, with me, I want you to show him the same respect as to me. Did I make myself understood correctly?

- Yes sir

- Very good, let the managers pass with the goods, but no one enters my office, receive all the packages and send them here.

- Well sir.

She withdraws leaving us alone.

- Are you doing well ?

- Yes sir

- If at any time there is something that bothers you, you tell me, if someone looks at you badly or talks to you badly you tell me, you don't hide anything from me, okay?

- Well sir.

The secretary arrives with her arms full of packages, she puts them all down and leaves. Carlos straightens me and gets up, he sits on the couch and says to me:

-Get undressed, you will try on the different evening dresses, then it will be everyday clothes, then it will be lingerie and shoes.

After more than three hours of trying Carlos called his guards to collect the packages, which filled the trunks of the five cars, we returned home. In the car he tells me

- Tomorrow we are going to go and give you a tattoo to tell everyone who sees you that you belong to me.

- do the others have them too?

- Yes, but their tattoo can be erased later, but yours will be permanent.

- Why sir ?

- Because only death will tear you away from me.